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Writer's pictureGhee Zuzkreist


  1. A helpful reminder is that those who are more likely to claim the moral high ground with appeals to equality are more likely to be atheistic and not even have a grounding for morality or true human equality.

  2. Because humans cannot rid the religious gene, something must replace it. Race is one of the sacred doctrines unquestioningly held by the atheistic types. Tread carefully.

Aboriginal Nativity

  • It’s claimed Aboriginals are native to Australia and have been there for over 60,000 years. There have been other theories, but they get ignored due to being ideologically inconvenient.

  • What is the evidence for the 65,000-year figure? Well, in A Genomic History of Aboriginal Australia, DNA was collected from hair samples of just 111 people, only 44 of whom were Aboriginal. There were genetic ties to people from Papua New Guinea and so this study assumes a minimum figure of 50,000 years of nativity because that’s when the landmasses were estimated to have separated. Also, Aboriginal mitogenomes reveal 50,000 years of regionalism in Australia.

  • The study was initiated with funding by people with historical biases and a clear political agenda. It received numerous awards but the findings were speculative at best, as acknowledged by the scientists themselves. Many critics argue the sample size was too small and the interpretations were flawed.

  • It has also been observed that their DNA shows up all over the world. How does that fit into the current theory?

Aboriginals Stole the Land

  • From the 1940’s to 60’s, it was widely known there were pygmies in Australia. Recorded in anthropological textbooks and popular books about Aborigines. Pictures were reproduced in academic and popular literature. There was controversy about their origins but never their existence. Manning Clark’s History of Australia.

  • The Encyclopedia of Aboriginal Australia 1994 does its best to disguise these people, it lists some of their tribes but neglects their stature. Major introductory textbooks to Australian prehistory by Josephine Flood and Johan Kamminga provide brief discussions of the academic debate over their origins.

  • Professor Satish Kumar (Dean of School of Forensic Science at the National Forensic Science University in India), believes prior to the Aboriginals of Australia arriving only a few thousand years ago, there were pygmy people.

  • In the Atlas of Foreign Countries, written between 265AD and 316AD, Chinese sea captains described the mysterious great south land being inhabited by 1-meter-tall pygmies.

  • Frank and Alexander Jardine recorded that they witnessed 1-meter-tall pygmies being hunted down like kangaroos by taller Aboriginals.

  • In the 1400s and 1500s, Dutch and Portuguese sailors sighting the western Australian coastlines, noted tall natives in warfare chasing and killing hoards of little native peoples. There has also been discovered ancient endocar skulls which have a different physiognomy and phenotypical skull shape to Aboriginals.


Aboriginal Culture

  • Dot painting is often used to denote Aboriginal culture. But it was invented by a white Frenchman in 1971, an art teacher near Alice Springs. It was then popularized by aboriginal children. It would soon become attributed to their heritage and would sue non-aboriginal artists for using it.

  • Upon the arrival of the British, Australia was made up of about 500 tribes many warring with each other over resources. And much of the land was uninhabited and not claimed by any particular tribe. So, when they talk about land rights and rights for ‘aboriginal people’, which aboriginal people are they referring to?

  • Bruce Pascoe, an Australian author who claims to be aboriginal. Over 30 books on aboriginal pseudo-history. It’s essential to approach historical citations and their interpretations by examining multiple sources of evidence, scholarly research, and peer reviewed publication, he didn’t do any of that. He went into it with a political agenda and historical bias. Resorting to using fictitious works and gross exaggerations. He was heavily promoted by the ABC and other media outlets. But he was exposed as a fraud.

  • The aboriginal culture has been romanticized a lot. It has been highly exalted (remember, sacred doctrine) and our European heritage has been despised and rejected. A false notion that precolonial times were paradisical and utopian. With some special connection to the land, a deep pantheistic, spiritual understanding of mother nature that we could never comprehend.

  • But anyone who has read into the anthropology and history of Australia, there is a good chance you’ll have come across cannibalism and infanticide. Common and customary practices that continued well into the 1950s. The Tribune newspaper bases its report in W.A in 1957 on research efforts from the WA parliamentary committee who were tasked with assessing the quality of life aboriginals had in remote and rural settlements. Also, article written by Tony Thomas of the quadrant magazine in 2022.

  • According to P Foelsche, in the notes of aborigines of north Australia, the transactions of the royal society of south Australia vol 5 1882, “cannibalism is practiced by all natives on the north coast with whom I have come in contact with the exception of a very small tribe inhabiting the immediate neighborhood of Port Essington.

  • Hudson Fysh, Taming the North, 1933, referring to the period after the gold was discovered in 1873.

  • Memories of the late Archibald Meston, in Cummins and Campbells monthly magazine 1936.

  • R. brough smith, The aborigines of Victoria, volume one 1878.

The Voice Campaign

  • Funding-The referendum cost taxpayers 364.6 million, Bryant Hevesi, Sky News. The yes campaign had an unprecedented 100 million to spend and lots of public/corporate support whereas the no had 13 million.

  • Endorsement-Majority of ASX 20 companies publicly support the yes vote. Hmm let’s all just blindly follow corporations, shall we? Woke celebrities, sports stars and activists tell us that we have to vote yes or we are racist. Very simplistic wouldn’t you say? Many of the banks support the yes vote, and trade unions and a long list of corporations. By so called independent news like The Guardian, but they are funded by the Balnaves Foundation. A key supporter and financial contributor of Yes23. Thomas Mayo, one of biggest aboriginal supporters of yes vote, national indigenous officer within maritime union of Australia and activist.

  • What is it? Basically a 5th column within the government where every decision must be approved by this advisory board of aboriginals. Albanese says it would just be an advisory group not above parliament, advice that doesn’t have to be taken. But if it’s just an advisory board, why does it need to be put in the constitution? Because it can’t be voted out again and can only be made stronger over time. Laying the groundwork for more control in the future. Aboriginals are already protected under the Australian constitution as citizens like everyone else. All the activists have just been calling people who vote no racists and evil. So lazy and pathetic. And rude. And narcissistic. This call to “pay the rent” from mayo and make reparations is going to somehow NOT divide people?

  • Who created it? Depends on where you’re starting from. The architects behind the voice campaign aren’t aboriginal. Article by Michael Smith on the history of Thomas Mayo, he was the protégé of Brian Manning, an MUA activist and out and out communist. An asio document in 1962 reported in great detail the penetration of Aboriginal organizations by Communists. Articles from mua and search foundation where mayo has described himself as militant communist who seeks to overthrow the government and has continuously worked with extremists. Marcia Langdon anthropologist geographer. Fully pledged trained communist. According to the unshackled, she was a high-ranking member of the national committee of the communist league, a Trotsky eye group that campaigned for the violent overthrow of Australia and implementation of a totalitarian regime. Article called ‘is marcia Langton still a Marxist?’ She says “people who are opposing (the voice referendum) are saying we are destroying the fabric of their sacred constitution. Yes, that’s right, that’s exactly what we’re doing.”

  • Why was it created? There is a well-documented 100 yearlong communist plan (Redflag, Indigenous liberation and communism during the great depression, Jordan Humphreys, Bert Moxon published Communist Party’s Fight for Aborigines: Draft Program of Struggle Against Slavery) of giving sovereignty to aboriginal people, giving them land and making them a separate entity to Australia. By doing this they would be a law and nation unto themselves. Which would allow them to bring anyone into the country. Yuri Besminov a defector from KGB talks about the indoctrination process and how it's used by communists to infiltrate and overthrow nations. The voice is nothing new, it originated in the 1920s by the cpa, and other radical revolutionaries who saw indigenous advocacy an immigration and workers' rights as pillars that could eventually overthrow nations. Most aboriginal committees are created by communists. Bruce c Ruxton was a highly decorated WW2 vet and former president of Victorian rsl, long since forgotten, he expressed concerns about the direction of the country, in the preface of Geoff McDonald’s book red over black it says “I subsequently heard Mr. McDonald at a Melbourne meeting develop his central theme that Australia’s future as a free western nation was seriously threatened by two movements: one to use the Aboriginal ‘land rights’ issue to eventually establish a separate Aboriginal nation under communist domination; and the second to fragment a homogenous and stable Australia by a breaking down of the traditional immigration policy, and by the deliberate fostering of a multiculturalism which could only end with the balkanization of Australia.” He was not a conspiracy theorist; he was a military insider who loved his country. Merited with many honors, he claimed there was a growing communist influence in Australia. A former Australian communist turned whistleblower Geoff MacDonald, spent a lifetime learning their tactics in the labor and trade union movement. He wrote a series of books and gave lectures warning the public. “We were taught about the theory of the national and colonial question. It had been developed by Stalin under the instructions of Lenin. Put simply that theory was that the best way to achieve power in any country that had indigenous peoples such as Australia, was to start what you would call an anti-colonial movement for the indigenous peoples to regain their land. linked with that were issues of promoting so called multiculturalism which would break the homogeneity of the nation which then allowed the communist to take power. Now with regard to the aborigines, I never took this very seriously, and it wasn’t until years after I was expelled from the party in 1960, that I started to see in the newspapers the developing land rights movement, claims being made by aborigines, sympathetic newspaper editorials and so on, and I started to think to myself good heavens this is the theory we were taught about in the communist party. And another nudge that woke me up to what was happening, was that some of the people you’d see speaking on behalf of the aborigines on the tv, would be people you'd grown up with in the communist party,” he also details how fake abo organizations financed with money thru foreign embassies and agents were set up by communist for the purpose of using like land rights to gain legal authority over territory and institutions which would ultimately allow commies in thru the back door. article by Julian Drape called Australia backs un on indigenous rights written in 2009. On UNDRIP. Undrip is bad and becomes legally binding by legislating the voice in our constitution and enacting the full Uluru statement. The final draft of that came from Megan Davis, she's on referendum council,

  • The Uluru Statement. Radical manifesto drafted by the referendum council which seeks to separate people who identify as Aboriginal from the Australian nation. Calls for constitutionally back sovereignty which coexists with the crown. The mainstream media will incorrectly tell you it was written by Aboriginals. But again, it was drafted by the referendum council. Who is the council made up of? Taxation lawyers, former ceos of health departments, national chairman of the Australian Israel and Jewish affairs council, an expert member of the U.N, former ceo of the AFL, a former company secretary of the bhp Billiton, former chief executive partner of Allens, and general manager of the afl. The statement has been heavily endorsed by communist activists, teela reid (“the voice is the first step in redistributing power” and “the voice is a journey to begin to demolish the systems that continue to oppress us.” “What we need is to get back to these radical roots of the communist party”) and Thomas mayo, wignatories to the document. Linda burney There was lies by Albanese that the statement was only 1 page long and anyone who said it was longer was a conspiracy theorist. But Jacinta price had oral confirmation from the national indigenous Australians agency that it was 26 pages. Later on, the guardian and some abo organisations claimed it is one page and that the rest is just background and excerpts from regional dialogues. The only problem with this is that this is not the notion voiced by the actual architects of the statement, tanya hosch “…and its actually like 18 pages the uluru statement people only read the first…” after the freedom of information act was enabled, and the full referendum was obtained, it was revealed to be much more than previously said.

5. Sources

  • Honorable Arthur a Calwell

  • Keith Wintershuttle

  • Geoff MacDonald

  • article ‘The History of the Communist Party’s support for Aboriginal Struggles.

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