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Writer's pictureGhee Zuzkreist

Are UFO's Indirect Evidence for God?

1. Introduction:

Millions of witnesses (keep this in mind because if your worldview requires you to discount millions of people's lived experiences based on nothing other than bias and presupposition, than it probably isn't a worldview based in reality. It would be very bold indeed to just assume everyone ELSE must be wrong, mistaken or lying. One might even say it is a tad arrogant to dismiss millions of claims a priori because they don't fit neatly into your worldview.

Thousands documented (many reputable and respected community folk, as well as ‘technically trained’ witnesses like doctors, scientists, engineers, professors), thoroughly investigated and corroborated.

Under reported With studies showing only 1 in 10 witnesses likely to even report possibly due to subconscious/repressed memories, inadequate follow up, threatened by authorities (more likely due to confusion at all levels of bureaucracy rather than malevolence), or embarrassment and fear of ridicule.

2. Skepticism:

· Psychiatrist John Mack doesn’t believe it to be purely a psychiatric phenomenon, saying any explanation should account for:

1. Consistency of reports.

2. The physical signs either bodily (scars, bruises, healings) or environmental (ground indentations, vegetation pulled out, trees/branches appear to have been bent by strong mechanical wind).

3. Witness backed reports/corroboration.

4. Accounts by children too young to suffer from psychiatric syndromes or absorb the cultures perspective and understand the things they are describing

5. Lack of any consistent psychopathology of abductees.

6. The witnesses aren’t caught up in any movement and they risk public ridicule. Unless they try publishing a book which is rare anyway, there’s nothing obvious for them to gain. There’s no evidence suggesting we shouldn’t trust them.

7. There is a long laundry list of other commonalities that also should be taken into account.

Invention, delusion, hoax, and mirages do not fit the facts.

Shared experiences are interesting because there is almost no documentation on shared hallucinations in psychological literature, mainly because tapping your buddy’s shoulder and saying “do you see that too” is a good way to rule out hallucination.

· Today’s foolishness is tomorrow’s wisdom. A number of breakthroughs in mankind have come about by people trying to explain the unexplainable. While sceptics often attack the Catholic Church for persecuting those who thought outside of the mainstream, we are seeing more and more atheists resembling this dogmatic stance as the materialist worldview is coming under attack from multiple fronts today. This is coming from some of ufology’s most experienced experts like computer scientist and astronomer Jacques Vallee. Experts studying have even gone ‘into hiding’ calling themselves ‘The Invisible College’ named after history’s scientists that had to do the same.

· “Unless one assumes the world is forever restricted to the phenomena already known to scientists it is difficult to deny the witnesses have been exposed to something deeply unusual and terrifying.” Vallee. It’s easy to take the accounts and try and shove them into our worldview. It’s easier to dismiss them all together. But to reconsider our worldview is something we really don’t like doing.

· Vallee explains ‘The Triple Coverup’. The phenomenon is shielded from study by:

1. Authorities (police, scientists, politicians) that deny accounts or offer fictitious explanations, prioritizing public peace. Also includes threatening witnesses.

2. The reactions and fears of witnesses. (John Mack points out a 4-fold trauma: 1. The experience. 2. The isolation of knowing no one will believe them. 3. Terror of knowing it could happen again at any time. 4. Shattered sense of reality. When assessed, psychological states of witnesses are similar to rape victims.

3. Self-denying structure. Taking people at random with no visible pattern, contain mixture of truth and absurdities, disappearing randomly, leaving traces randomly.

Because of this and its political overtones, it can be easily manipulated.

· After documenting his own findings, Vallee became aware of a plethora of sightings kept confidential by astronomers worldwide. “My curiosity has never been satisfied about the behavior of scientists who destroy, distort or simply ignore the very facts they should be investigating.”

· Some of those points may be moot however and you already believe the whole phenomenon is real, keep them in mind as the case is made that they are not visitors from another planet, but visitors from another dimension, in other words, spiritual.

· This is the conclusion Jacques Vallee reached after decades of research and compiling stories. “After 30 years of research into this, I believe a UFO is both a physical entity with mass, inertia, volume and physical parameters we can measure but also a window into another reality.” “There is no proof its of extra-terrestrial origin. On the contrary, there are several compelling arguments that converge to deny that theory.”

· Psychiatrist John Mack also speculated the same view.

· They violate physical laws. These laws apply universe wide not just on earth, meaning these things don’t come from our known universe. (When flying through air at unprecedented speeds, no sound or sonic boom, zig zagging at great speeds, vanishing in thin air)

· In a study, a range of eyewitness accounts were processed on a computer using modern techniques of analysis to form an idea of the physiology and behavior of the beings, seeing if it corresponded to the conditions of biological evolution we could expect on other planets. What they saw instead was a picture of a different reality that cut through our own at right angles. Visitors from outer space would not be human, humanoid or even resemble us. Monkeys are the closest look alike to humans and they’re on our planet!

· The closest planet that could support carbon-based life is 230 light years away. Even if you could travel at the speed of light, you would have to slow down because of space debris and radiation, it would take about 23,000 years to make the trip.

· They have been reported all throughout history, appearances of “UFO” could be why every people group ever has believed in more than the physical world.

· As historian Luise White points out, if they are more advanced it would not have taken so long to ‘figure us out’ and they would not still be doing experiments on us. It is psychological.

· They wouldn’t breathe our air for fear of viruses even if they were adapted to the atmosphere’s chemical composition

· They may have problems with the earth’s gravity

· They wouldn’t fit within our culture

· We wouldn’t recognize emotions on their faces, you could come up with crazy theories like they are advanced enough in genetic manipulation or cloned humans to be their pilots or kidnapped humans to breed space children, but they would fail to explain the facts.

3. Work of Deception?

· Could the encounters be designed to control our beliefs? They cause confusion and trauma directly and indirectly in the lives of millions.

· Some claim to come from space, but their words cannot be taken at face value as it would end in contradictions indicating they can’t be trusted. And if they can’t be trusted, and as previously mentioned they act randomly, it doesn’t make sense to speculate about them and their intentions through individual cases, it needs to be examined as a whole. As Vallee has pointed out.

· They seem to have a changing character throughout history and geography. Because of the commonalities with ancient stories, it seems like they adjust their narrative to different eras.

· “They make a mockery of our technology. Evading our radar and air force counter-measures while sometimes allowing astounding documentation of their presence…we are primitive compared to what this is” John Mack in The Believer

· Jacques Vallee “Strong resemblance that anyone who has examined the beliefs of esoteric groups could not fail to note between certain UFO encounters and the initiation rituals of secret societies”

“This opening of the mind to a new set of symbols reported by many witnesses is precisely what the very occult traditions also try to achieve.”

The case of Jose Antonio an enlisted Brazilian soldier meets multiple common elements of an initiation ritual with many of them being typical of any given abduction report. 1. Confronted by members wearing special costume. 2. Blindfolded to and from location. 3. Led through rough terrain. 4. Taken into special chamber with no windows or doors. 5. Brought in the presence of a master. 6. Given test, made to answer questions. 7. Shown variety of symbols to remind them of death. 8. Situation made to look and suggest that they won’t survive. 9. Given ritual food or drink.

4. Commonalities: If any theory wants to be taken seriously, it should account for a great deal of these since they come up so frequently (not all included here) often by people who have never heard other UFO reports and some by people who are convinced by their own explanation such as another country testing their technology. It seems clear their goal is to confuse and deceive, the commonalities are inconsistent or complete opposites (description of beings)


· Checked out and found to be in good physical and mental health.

· Some hooked up to lie detector or put under hypnosis separately to recount story

· Seen by individuals, or groups, or multiple groups, at the same time, or on separate days. Often the case that the reports within short time corroborate each other.

· Feel paralyzed

· Blinded by light

· Abductions (may involve medical examination, experiments or sexual elements).


· Isolated places- farms, hills/mountains or caves (perhaps intentionally playing on geographical division in society). Witnesses more likely to be dismissed and ignored.

· Ground indentations and patterns of all sort, when vegetation is present, can either be flattened, or uprooted (5ft deep). Dissolving the theory of hallucination. Soil and plants can be scattered all around from very strong vertical force. In hundreds of cases, these have been measured and photographed.

· Which leads to tourists coming to see sights, traces, damage.

· Strong magnetic activity has been observed when there was ironstone buried deep at the center of a depression.

· Surrounding animals may act strange

· Rise in reports after 6pm peaking at 10pm and rising again just before dawn.

· Witness’ vehicle shuts down/uncaused interference of electrical circuits

· Detected on military equipment

· Bright luminous white lights, or varying colors. Bursts of light. Described as beautiful, brilliant or glorious.

The Crafts:

· Shaped like hemisphere, in 1594 described as a ‘hat’. In 11AD described as earthenware vessel. In 1361 described as ‘drum’. In 1468 described as ‘wheel’.

· Children describe it as ‘an upside-down cup’.

· Metallic

· Disk shaped

· Flight patterns are absurd and violate physics. Zig zagging, dodging, darting.

· Spinning

· Lots of lights

· Central pivot

· Humming and buzzing

The Beings:

· Act as though they have crashed or are doing repairs.

· Or inspecting our planet/taking samples.

· Superior

· Often very short (3-4ft) and sometimes exceedingly tall (10ft).

· Dressed in black, white or silver “aluminum”, “uniforms”, “diving suit”, “coveralls”, “overalls”.

· Tight fitting clothes.

· With/without masks.

· With/without helmets.

· With/without hair.

· Either grey, blue, green or black in complexion.

· Can appear reptilian.

5. Parallels in Folklore and ancient beliefs: Once again, interesting because we can’t expect very many witnesses to have studied the literature on UFO’s as well as multiple belief systems of different cultures at different points in history. All traditions of mankind preserve accounts of contact with other forms of life and intelligence. They claim we are surrounded by entities that manifest themselves in ways we don’t understand. When the underlying archetypes are extracted from the rumors, the alien myth is seen to coincide to a remarkable degree with the fairy faith of Celtic countries, the observation of scholars of past ages, and the widespread belief among all peoples concerning entities whose physical and psychological descriptions place them in the same category as present day “aliens.”

· Sex with humans/interbreeding.

· Fairies, Gentry or the ’good people’, live in isolated places.

· Goblins and dwarfs, fit the height and hair description of many alien reports. Or gnomes of medieval theory.

· Spring heeled jack of late 1800’s very similar to Spring man of Prague early 1900’s.

· Long needles inserted into navel in abduction cases reminiscent of 15th century (France) demons inflicting torture piercing victim’s abdomen with needle.

· Aliens carry pen device that freezes people and other affects, similar to stories where creatures have a ‘wand’.

· Timelessness: A common feature where upon exiting experience, far more time has elapsed than what was felt. May see a clock in the experience.

· Other folklores have the creatures “abducting” people too. Dalai lama had heard of Tibet’s being taken by small elves.

· Demons can be summoned. And so can UFO’s according to eldest sibling Lucia of the Fatima appearances and “prophet Yahweh” who did it live for a news reporter

· Walter Evans-Wentz points out that people can come away from the encounters with a blank mind about what just happened, just as we see for UFO encounters.

· Folklore about fairies being inside little circles on the ground and sitting on mushrooms inside. Reminiscent of 1968 when a civilian pilot noticed circles with huge mushrooms in the perimeter, investigated by military.

· When these stories get mythicized, and turned into fairy tales, the adult content gets filtered out through time, originally, it’s believed many of the stories and myths and legends we know of now would have contained more sexual content like the few that remain intact. The stories are safely stored away in the archives of the catholic church. To find them one must learn Latin, and gain entrance into the few libraries where they’re preserved.

· When Indian Cherokees migrated into hills of Tennessee, they came upon strange race of moon-eyed people, who could not see in the daylight, the Cherokee expelled them, Benjamin Barton in 1797 “these people were a strange white race, far advanced, living in houses”.

· Phoenician artefacts like cylinder seals depict a winged disc, often with appendages, figures that are referred to as divine beings are seen emerging from these discs, the idea these discs are just depictions of the sun are lacking. Could we speculate that the winged disc with extended claws and that has beings coming out of the upper part, may be an attempt to preserve the vision/observation of a flying craft capable of landing. Why is the zig zag symbol associated with the winged disc, why should 3 people in elaborate magical garments stand in adoration before it? Also seals of animals being brought to the disc, parallels modern reports of animals being abducted.

6. Stories:

· As Mack saw it, the stories were different enough to be original so they weren’t copied from one person to another yet they have a narrative consistency difficult to fake.

· The many instances of UFO’s landing at schools are highly interesting, as they meet up decades later and adults discuss. A couple of schools in Australia for instance. These usually feature on documentaries such as The Phenomenon 2020.

· How can we explain the detail of these at a time when there were no comics or television, no way for a primitive mind to even conceive of the technology we can? Refer back to other points made by John Mack under ‘Skepticism’.

· Mack “in no case so far, have I found a way of tying the troubling events of my clients’ histories to their abduction stories. Rather any disturbance seemed caused by their encounter.”

· The case of Dr X, one of the most thoroughly investigated cases. Involves medical doctor who held official position in South France, 1968

· Competent investigators including astrophysicist, psychiatrist and physiologist were able to gain rapid access to the data and monitor the development of subsequent events, without interference from press or government.

· The witness wanted no publicity, neither his patients nor family knew about it,

· Before 4am, awakened by 14-month-old, experiencing leg pain due to chopping wood, and still had hematoma, the baby gesturing toward window with excitement. He first took what he saw to be flashes of lightning, paid little attention, went on to inspect house it was raining hard, though no thunder, flashes continued.

· The house was built on the side of a hill, opening a window, he observed the 2 objects, disc shaped, horizontal, silvery white on top bright red underneath, horizontal and vertical antennae, perfectly cylindrical beam of white light illuminated the mist under the discs, weird flashing light. They moved in unison into the center of his view, they were coming closer, they merged into one and still coming closer, then flipped into vertical position, the light then swept over the house and shone directly into the doctor’s face, and that instance a bang was heard and the disc went away leaving a whitish glow that slowly blew away.

· After these events he wrote a detailed account of sighting with sketches, woke his wife and told her, it was then that she first noticed the swelling in his leg completely disappeared, in the days that followed he also noticed he lost all after effects of a wound he received during Algerian war had also dissipated.

· French science writer Aime Michel a researcher with the French radio and television organization visited on Nov 8, 6 days after sighting and found him tired, he had lost weight since, and was very distressed, he experienced pains and cramps while he was there.

· Red pigmentation appeared around navel forming a triangle, by Nov 17 this preposterous phenomenon was well developed, examinations by dermatologist led to negative results, but specialist was so intrigued by the triangular pigmentation without a cause, he documented it as a report to the French academy of medicine, he didn’t tell the doctor anything about the UFO encounter, but the doctor had a dream that the triangle was connected to a flying disc.

· The triangle appeared on the baby’s stomach a day after the witness’s exam, the psychosomatic explanation offered by Aime had to be discarded.

· When the investigator who kept the witness under close watch, published the results of his 2 year follow up, he noted there had been no recurrence of the war scars or leg wound, the peculiar triangle continued to come and go on both the father and child, and stay visible for 2 or 3 days at a time. Even when the child was away and stayed with grandma, who knew nothing of the sighting and was very alarmed when she saw it, it was recurring and observed every year. Recorded on film in 1986.

· The family still knows almost nothing but the couple had developed an almost mystical acceptance of the events and of life and death. The paranormal phenomena frequently take place around them, coincidences of a telepathic nature were frequently reported, the doctor at one point experience levitation without being able to control it, clocks and electrical circuits had been affected, apparently without cause.

7. Sources:


· Lights In the Sky & Little Green Men by Hugh Ross

· Wonders in The Sky by Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck

· Intruders by Budd Hopkins

· Communion by Whitley Strieber

· The Invisible college by Jacques Vallee

· Messengers of Deception Jacques Vallee

· Dimensions Confrontations Revelations by Jacques Vallee

· TRINITY: The Best-Kept Secret by Jacques Vallee

· Abduction: Human Encounters by John Mack

· Passport to Magonia by Jacques Vallee

· Passport to the Cosmos by John Mack

· Otherworlds: Psychedelics and exceptional human experience by David Luke

· Moundbuilders of ancient America: The archaeology of a myth by Edgar Cayce

· Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction Study-came about as a result of 5 days of secretive conferencing June 1992, at Harvard with dozens of doctors, psychologists, therapists, physicists, folklorists, historians, theologians and other specialists. A handful of trusted journalists and 16 otherwise ordinary folk with extraordinary experiences.

· Terror in the Night by medically trained expert.

· The Terror that Comes in the Night by David Hufford

· Terror in the Night by Stephen Young

· Conscience Transformers by Gilda Moura

· Consciousness and Reality by Arthur Young and Charles Muzes

· Speaking with Vampires by Luise White

Other Experts:

· J. Wesley Boyd

· William James

· Ralph Waldo Emerson.

· Joseph Campbell.

· Dr J Allen Hynek

· Folklorist Thomas Bullard

· Robert Monroe

· Walter Evans-Wentz

· John Fuller

· Carl Jung

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