1. Quran Reliability
· Abrogation is key to interpreting the Quran. It’s where the Quran contradicts itself somehow, you are supposed to follow the later verses and dismiss the earlier ones. This seems strange since the chapters are ordered by size rather than chronology or content. Many have pointed out that the peaceful verses are tied to the time period where Muhammed's following was small but when he gained more influence and power, then there were more violent verses about killing unbelievers. Muslims
· Muhammed claims to be the next installment of the Old and New Testament but strangely, he completely departs from God’s method of revealing truth. God used multiple people writing multiple books across time and locations in the Bible so why would he suddenly stop and use just one person like he did for the Quran? This is what cult leaders like Joseph Smith and Charles Taze Russell, L Ron Hubbard (and plenty more) did.
· Muhammed confessed to fabricating things against Allah and imputed to him words he never said (that polytheistic gods were high and received prayer). The take away here is that Muhammed cannot tell the difference between a message from Allah and Satan. And also, that he will adapt his message to anything for anyone. It is too easy to claim an angel just spoke to YOU alone. According to Law of Moses, he should have been stoned. This is reported by Tabari, Wakidi, Ibn Sa’d and Ibn Ishaq. The 4 earliest biographical writers of Muhammed. They all agree that Muhammed didn’t want to further offend the Meccans, and that he desired a bridge building revelation, and that when he began reciting Surah 53 Satan interjected with thoughts that coupled with Muhammed’s desires. And that Gabriel later rebuked Muhammed for this. The Hadith and Quran also contain direct references.
Ø The History of al-Tabari Vol 6 page 98-112
Ø Surah 53. Surah 22:52 (al-Hajj) is also believed to be about this. And Surah 17:73-75 (Al Isra).
Ø Ibn Sa’d wrote in Al-Tabaqat Vol 1 Page 2367-239 “Satan made him repeat these two phrases: These idols are high and their intercession is expected.”
Ø Bukhari speaks of the pagans prostrating but never explains why Vol 2 177 and Vol 6 386.
· Muhammed himself thought his revelations were demonic in nature.
Ø For good reason. The ‘angel’ choked Muhammed 3 times for not being able to read and ignored him when he said he couldn’t. His heart was pounding and he was scared out of his mind. Waraqa tells Muhammed it’s Gabriel because he appeared like that to Moses (which never happened). Bukhari 3 and Bukhari Vol 9 111. Gabriel appeared 4 times in the bible and none come close to resembling what happened to Muhammed.
Ø Waraqa also said it could be a demon imitating Gabriel to mislead and corrupt and that it can result in man becoming confused and crazy (Ibn Kathir, The Life of the Prophet Muhammed Vol 1 Page 296-297
Ø And Tabari Vol 9 Page 167 note 1151 says that pre-Islamic Arabs believed in a demon of poetry. Which explains Muhammed’s comment about poet or possessed and why the Quran reads like Arabic poetry in many places.
Ø Muhammed in multiple places feared demon possession (Haykal, The Life of Muhammed, pg 73-74, Ibid Page 75)
Ø The Bible does however warn people about angels appearing and preaching false gospels (Gal 1:8). And that Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14). If Waraq had have accurately cited the bible, Islam never would have started. And as for how scared he was see 2 Tim 1:7.
Ø A test was done to see whether it was an angel or demon. His wife Khadija got a little bit nude and the ‘angel’ would disappear. This is merely a cultural thing. In the Chinese culture, it was demons that were afraid of female nudity which in this case, would make the appearing spirit a demon!
Ø From then on, he thought he was a prophet even though the experience made him suicidal (Ibn Ishaq The Life of Muhammed page 106-107 and Tabari Vol 6 Page 76). And again, this lines up much better with what we know of demons in the bible. What happened to Judas who was influenced by Satan and then left alone? Committed suicide. Just as Muhammed tried to do. And the herd of pigs that Jesus cast demons into? Flung themselves off a mountain like Muhammed tried to do multiple times.
Ø Also consider the fact that his childhood carers sent him away and were worried he might be demon possessed after a strange incident occurred to him involving two men (Ibn Ishaq page 72). But more interestingly, his mother is the first to suggest it and the Bedouins simply agree.
Ø He was delusional and thought he was doing things like having sex with his wives when he wasn’t. (A. Guillaume notes that according to Sunni tradition, the spell lasted for a year (Ibn Ishaq Life of Muhammed Page 240, Bukhari Vol 4 400, Vol 7 660). Surah 2:102 confirms its demonic meaning Allah lied in Surah 15:42 and 5:105, and 16:98-100, 72:27-28 and 5:67. And even after asking Allah to cure him repeatedly and he didn’t for some time Bukhari Vol 8 400). Muhammed must have been under the spell during the revelation of at least some Surahs. Haykal places it right after the victory at the Battle of Khaybar 7 A.H. But he doesn’t believe it’s true because of its implications for Muhammed’s credibility. But it’s in the hadiths Muslims must accept…
Ø People often accused him of being inspired by the devil and affected by magic or crazy (25:8, 26:153, 44:14,
· The Quran makes serious mistakes.
Ø According to 18:83-86, the sun sets in a muddy pool
Ø According to trusted Muslim source Sahih al-Bukhari 5075 semen is produced between the backbone and rib.
Ø And 37:6-10 and 67:5 says stars are missiles that Allah uses to shoot demons trying to enter Paradise.
Ø And Jews have never called Ezra the Son of God 9:30.
Ø Allah doesn’t understand the Christian Trinity 5:116.
Ø 4:157 goes against all good scholarship and denies one of “the most basic facts of history” (Jesus’ crucifixion)
Ø Muhammed took fables he heard and took them to be real history. Surah 18 and the sleepers of the cave. Surah 19 contains accounts from gnostic gospels circulating during Muhammed’s time. With plenty more examples. Some Islamic scholars grant this but say they are the equivalent of anyone citing fiction to extract a lesson out of it, but the problem is Muhammed thought they were real and his contemporaries would mock him because they knew they weren’t (Surah 6:25, 8:31, 25:4-5, 68:15, 83:15).
Ø 30:20 says humans were created from dust, then 24:45 says every living creature was created from water and 19:67 says man was created from nothing, and 3:47 says Allah need only speak things and they are.
Ø The command on inheritance is mathematically flawed in Surah 4. If you insert $24,000 as the inheritance and the man has 3 daughters, 1 wife and two parents, he would need $27,000 to obey the Surah. The daughters would get 16,000 (2/3), and $4000 for each parent gets rid of the entire amount. Leaving $3000 (1/8) for the wife that must come from thin air apparently. Verse 12 ends with “This is a command and Allah is all-knowing”.
2. The Founder of Islam
· The historian Al-Tabari calculates that he married a total of 15 women. Even though he restricted his followers to 4 wives (33:50), again similar to Joseph Smith.
· Interestingly, Muhammed was white (Bukhari 63, 122, 342, 367, 612, 744, 767, Sahih Muslim 1014, 1208, 3325, 4437, 4442, 5777, 6071 and 6081, Abu Dawud 898, 996 and 3200 and 3206). This makes his comment about Satan looking like a black man seem a little bit off putting (Ibn Ishaq Pg 243). As well as his comment about the death penalty for anyone who says he is black (Ash-Shifa of Qadi Iyad page 375 and 387). As well as the fact that he owned black slaves (Bukhari 6161, 7263 and Sunan an-Nasa’i 4621)
· Surah 58:22 people told not to love unbelievers
· And rape female captives 4:24, 70:22-30. When some men were reluctant to rape some women in front of their husbands Mohammed just happened to receive permission from Allah. Abu Dawud 2150. Sura 4:24. Muslims don’t believe the end will come till all jews have been destroyed.
· Muhammed had exclusive rights that his followers didn’t with regard to sexual partners as standard practice for any cult leader. These are sex slaves being referred to, his captives from war. Nasa’I 3959 two of Muhammed’s wives made him promise to stop having sex with his slave. Then luckily, he had the revelation in Surah 66:1-2 where Allah says its okay to break it.
· When Muhammed launched a military expedition to Awtas, his companions were reluctant to rape the captives, but luckily Muhammed had a revelation “all married women are forbidden except those whom your right hand possess” Abu Dawud 2155. Muhammed took the best women captives Bukhari 4200 and ibn Ishaq 466.
· If we take Muhammed as a real historical figure which we have no reason not to, then just like any other human that grows up in similar circumstances, we would expect to see signs of childhood trauma affect his adult psyche. Every formative relationship he had up until he was 8 ended in death or abandonment. It shows up all throughout the religion he created. Jesus was not a subject of his culture. He was and still is the moral ideal for humanity.
Ø Hostility towards father figures. Muhammed takes out a key aspect of the biblical faith (Heavenly Father) he claims to be a part of. In Islam, you can only have a slave-master relationship with Allah.
Ø Fear of abandonment. Anyone who leaves Islam must die.
Ø Seeking maternal figure. Married first wife who was the same age as his mum. And married Aishah when she was 6, the age he was when his mum died.
Ø Desire to control and abuse women. Commands on head coverings, the inferiority of women (Bukhari 2658, Sahih Muslim 241) and permitting followers to beat wives (Surah 4:34). And Bukhari 5825. Sahih Muslim 2127.
Ø Given he moved around a lot as a child with little security, the probability of child abuse goes up and that is something that tends to get carried through generations. Which would explain why Muhammed was a legitimate pedophile (Bukhari 5133, Surah 65:4). Some Muslims deny this-which is preferrable to the ones who don’t care and just point to other people doing the same thing (Daniel Haqiqatiou, Tristan Tate). It’s common for Muslims to justify their prophet by pointing to princess Isabella marrying Richard II. Which is funny because he never consummates the marriage because she is a child! He would also put his tongue in little boy’s mouths (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 1183 and Musnad Ahmad 16245). They may also cite verses that mention puberty in the English translation but no puberty mentioned in the original Arabic.
Ø Abnormal sexuality. Muhammed was very lustful, he would have sex with 11 of his wives in one night (Bukhari Vol 1, book 5, no.268). And would walk around with cum stains on him (Bukhari 232, Sahih Muslim 669, Sunan Ibn Majah 537). Isn’t it strange how Heaven is described as something that is exactly what would come from the mind of Muhammed?
Ø Suicidal.
Ø Allah has to constantly remind Muhammed that he is not crazy. Surah 7:184, 23:70, 34:46, 52:29, 68:2, 81:22.
3. Muhammed Calls Himself a False Prophet
· Muhammed sets up a way to falsify himself as a prophet. Muhammed writes (speaking for Allah) “If Muhammed were to make something up about us, we would have seized him and cut through his aorta.” (Surah 69:44-46). This test in itself is a red flag. It’s the equivalent of saying “If I’m a false prophet let God strike me down with lightning right now…See!? You just say something that’s incredibly unlikely.
· How strange is it then, that when Muhammed is poisoned to death (Bukhari Vol 3, 2617, Vol 4, 393, Sahih Muslim 5705, Tabari Vol 9 Page 174-175) he repeatedly refers to it as his “aorta being cut out” (Bukhari 4428). Some translators insert “as if” but that is not in the original Arabic. And Muslims accuse Jews and Christians of corrupting their scriptures like that.
· Why would Allah allow this unless it was Yahweh exacting poetic justice?
Ø He hated Jews and waged war on them and oppressed women and thought they were dumb. Ironically, he was killed by a Jew who was also a woman who outwitted him. She was seeking revenge for Muhammed slaughtering her whole family (Ibn Sa’ad Vol 2 Page 252)
Ø Muhammed knew who she was before he ate the meal prepared by her. How could a prophet of God be so naïve?
Ø He said Allah would never allow it. He was wrong (Sahih Muslim Book 39, Hadith 5705)
Ø His companion Bishr died specifically because of his faith in Mohammed. He could taste the poison but he saw Mohammed eating it and thought it was fine so he kept going. If Bishr couldn’t trust Mo over a dinner (and his own senses), how can anyone trust him about the afterlife?
Ø And why did he need a revelation when his companion didn’t? He said the food spoke to him and told him it was poison, why didn’t it speak to him 5 mins earlier and save his life? Not to mention his companion’s life.
Ø Another reason why it is so strange for Allah to allow this is because Muhammed’s ultimate wish was to die in battle. And yet he was just simply poisoned at a dinner table. Killed by the Jewish Lamb. Funny because so many revelations in the Quran involve giving Muhammed exactly what he wants.
Ø Some Muslims say the poison didn’t kill him because he lived for 3 more years. That is a bad argument especially when Bukhari 4428 says it was the poison that killed him. And Muhammed says it again when talking to Bishr’s mother.
Ø According to Mohammed, when the Jews try to kill Jesus Allah intervened and stopped it. But not for him? Why would Allah protect Jesus and not Mo?
4. Jesus’ Deity
· Allah cannot be love. Or eternally loving. Because if he is unitarian then he had no one to love until he created. Which even opens up the possibility that he was lonely and needed to create company.
· If God never came down and experienced the same trials and suffering and temptations as us, what right does he have to judge us? The definition of a hypocrite is expecting a standard of behavior you don’t live up to yourself.
· Allah is inconsistent. In Surah 6:101 he asks how God can have a son with no female companion (a strawman of the Trinity), and then Surah 19 is happy to concede that Mary had a baby without a father.
· How can God die? The same way Muslims believe the Quran is the eternal speech of Allah and yet you can still burn a copy of it.
Ø Qadi Iyad citing Malik wrote “He said about someone who said that the Quran is created, “He is an unbeliever, so kill him.” Muhammed Messenger of Allah Page 419
Ø Muslim scholars posit that the Quran has two natures…sound familiar yet? A physical nature and spiritual nature. It will even become conscious on the Day of Resurrection (Sahih Muslim Book 4, 1757). In a hadith by Ibn Buraidah, it is said that the Quran will take the form of a pale faced man on Judgement Day.
Ø If the Quran is past eternal, then everything in it has been predestined and decreed.
Ø There are hadiths about Allah descending to the lowest heaven which means the sky (Sahih Muslim 758b) and even Surah 27:7-9 confirms God appearing to Moses in the bushes. If he can enter into a fire and speak out of a fire, why can’t he enter into a human and speak out of a human?
· Jesus cannot simply be a good prophet, like atheists they are stuck in a trilemma. While Muslims will say “show me where Jesus says I’m God”, they don’t understand that he actually claims to be God in hundreds of different ways but they can’t recognize it because they don’t understand the Old Testament. And if he claimed to be God then he’s either a lunatic, liar or Lord. Jesus didn’t just come out and say it directly because he would have immediately been killed (why do they think Jews wanted to kill him so bad?) but even if he did Muslims would just do what they already do and claim that part was corrupted. Very circular. For example:
Ø According to the Bible and Quran, God raises the dead at the resurrection but in John 5 Jesus says he will.
Ø God is meant to be the final judge and Jesus says he will be (Mt 25).
Ø God is the one who forgives sins yet there goes Jesus again (Mk 2, Mt 11)
Ø Jesus is identified as the Son of God by everyone. Himself, the Father, the Holy Spirit, John the Baptist (who Muslims also call a prophet), Jesus’ disciples, the demons, the angel Gabriel, the Roman centurion, even the Jews who rejected him knew that’s what he was claiming.
5. Bible Corruption
· Allah gave different revelations to different people. Such as the Torah and Gospel (Surah 3:3).
· As Muhammed was illiterate, he could only ever go off what he heard (Surah 9:61). And he proclaimed that the Torah and Gospel testified about him without ever checking (2:101, Surah 3:3, 7:157)
· The problem is they don’t testify about him. In fact, they stand in complete opposition to everything Muhammed says. But he didn’t know that. Now Muslims have to say they were corrupted to save Muhammed from embarrassment. But this doesn’t solve the problem because they have to go against all of the Quran verses that prove it wasn’t corrupted.
Ø The only criticism Allah has is people of scripture not following his revelation, not that they changed it (Surah 5:65-68). Allah says that no one can change his words (6:115, 15:9, 18:27).
Ø People of the scripture stand on nothing unless they observe The Torah and Gospel (Surah 5:68). And 4:47 tells Christians to judge according to the Gospel and we are disobedient if we don’t! So according to this, as of the 7th century, they still had access to reliable scriptures to stand on and judge by. Keep in mind, we know what they said before and after this time, this leaves no room for accusations of corruption.
Ø And 5:46 says Jesus was sent to affirm the Torah, and we have copies of the Torah from before Jesus so we know exactly what he affirmed. Again, no room for corruption.
Ø Surah 3:4 says they were a guidance for mankind, but if the gospel was corrupted like they say, it would have guided a few hundred people for a couple of years. And then for centuries MISguided millions of people.
Ø This raises the question, why did Allah wait 600 years to fix up so much error?
· Muslims may use Surah 2:79 but it can’t be talking about the Jews because Surah 5 was revealed years later and it still affirmed the Torah. And if you read all of Surah 2 (40-41), you see Allah telling them to believe what he revealed, how can they do that if it was corrupted? They also might point to Jer 8:8 to prove bible corruption, but Jeremiah constantly quotes the Pentateuch so he obviously thinks he has a reliable copy. And they clearly still don’t realize that if the Bible was corrupted then Allah is wrong for saying it couldn’t be and also for affirming all throughout the Quran that it was still accessible.
· Muslims directly disobey Allah by A) disbelieving the words of Allah (Surah 3:3-4) B) Allah condemns Jews for only believing part of their scripture when that’s exactly what Muslims do with Jewish scripture! (2:85) and C) playing fast and loose with the Quranic scriptures that falsify Muhammed (2:75). Which they shouldn’t need to because the Quran is so simple to understand! (54:17)
· Allah told Jesus his followers would prevail over the disbelievers until the Day of Resurrection (3:55). But immediately his followers started worshiping him as the risen God. If Jesus isn’t God, then Allah is mistaken or lying. If Jesus is God, Islam if false.
6. Their Best Arguments
· Surah 2:23-If you doubt, try and produce something as good as any Surah of the Quran. 10:94. If you doubt, ask those who came before you.
· In Muslims apologist Ali Dawah’s words, the argument from scientific knowledge is “absolute nonsense.” Tabari Vol 1 Pages 218-220 say toward the bottom of the universe is a giant fish or whale and when it gets agitated, earthquakes occur. According to Surah 65:12, there are 7 earths. These earths according to Tabari Vol 1 Page 207-208 are all on the giant fish’s back and there is a 500-year journey between each one according to Tirmidhi 3298.
· Islam is the fastest growing religion. Even if true, this says nothing about whether Islam is true. This rate of growth isn’t conversions but more so the fact that women aren’t to be educated and just keep spitting out babies.
· They say Jesus was a Muslim because he fell on his face in prayer but if they would keep reading it completely contradicts Islam. Jesus said not be seen praying in public and repeating meaningless repetitions like the heathens. Just what Muslims do. plus, Jesus prayed in multiple different positions.
· Muslims try to find Muhammed in the bible. They have to at least try because Muhammed is constantly saying he is in there. (2:101, Surah 3:3, 7:157).
Ø They may go to Songs of Solomon 5:16 despite the fact that is neither in the Gospel or Torah. The word for desirable ‘mchmdim’ sounds like Muhammed so therefore they use it (phonic fallacy). It doesn’t mean someone’s name and they couldn’t use the logic consistently. Otherwise in 2 Chr 36:19, God destroys Muhammed and Eze 24:21, God desecrates Muhammed. This is also in a chapter that mentions drinking wine which Islam forbids. And if it were Muhammed then Solomon’s wife would be lusting after another man, and it says her beloved desires her mutually, which would mean Muhammed is lusting after her (a centuries old corpse).
Ø They try to find Muhammed with typology in this as well. Like “beautiful words” and “head of gold” “commander of 10,000.” But again, using the logic consistently you could make Muhammed Ballam’s talking ass in Num 22 (revelation from angel, speaking prophetically, being a persecuted pagan).
Ø The New Testament often times references the typology from the Old Testament. Muhammed has left all his followers in the dark to figure out for themselves for some reason. He’s got them sifting through books they all have said are corrupted! But the part where they think they can find Muhammed won’t be corrupted!
Ø And Isa 29 according to Zakir Naik is about Muhammed receiving revelation. He may not understand the context though, if it were true, then Muhammed would be the spiritually blind and rebellious person the chapter is talking about. There at least two prophets being mentioned if he is right. One who can read and one who can’t. He is unintentionally and super ironically saying Islam is all about spiritual blindness and rebellion.
· The Quran has not been perfectly preserved.
Ø Muslims for a long time have said every single manuscript matched dot for dot, perfectly. This is what Sheik Yasir Qadhi tells the public but you can find footage side by side showing his dishonesty when talking to students of knowledge “if you compare two different Qurans, you are going to see differences between them…”
Ø When Muslim apologist Mohammed Hijab asked Qadhi to explain what he believes about this he said “it’s very clear to you and every single very advanced student and specialist that the standard narrative has holes in it and I don’t think it is wise to bring it up in public because it should not be said in public. I don’t even want to be explicit it should never be brought up in public. This is not something you discuss amongst the masses it’s not wise leave it at that.”
Ø Sheik Shabir Ali also concedes this “…average Muslims have just simply without bothering to learn they have simply parroted a common way of speaking about the Quran saying ‘its 100% the way its always been’ and they cannot imagine any variation.”
Ø Mohammed’s companion Ibn Umar said “Let none of you say ‘I have learned the whole of the Quran, for how does he know what the whole of it is, when much of it has disappeared? Let him rather say “I have learned what remains thereof.” (Abu Ubaid, Kitab Fada’il-al-Quran)
Ø Sahih Muslim 3597 says the Quran mentions the 10 breast feeding sessions as well as the reduced 5 session command. But you can read the Quran until your brain falls out and you won’t find them anywhere. We find out why in Sunan ibn Majah 1944 “It was narrated that Aishah said: “The verse of stoning and of breastfeeding an adult ten times was revealed, and the paper was with me under my pillow. When the messenger of Allah died, we were preoccupied with his death and a tame sheep came in and ate it.”
Ø Ibn Abi Dawud, Kitab al-Masahif “Many (of the passages) of the Quran that were sent down were known by those who died on the day of Yamama…but they were not known (by those who) survived them, nor were they written down, nor had Abu Bakr, Umar or Uthman (by that time) collected the Quran, nor were they found with even one (person) after them.”
Ø In Abu Ubaid’s Kitab Fada’il-al-Quran Aishah declares “Surat al-Ahzab xxxiii (Surah 33) used to be recited in the time of the prophet with two hundred verses but when Uthman wrote out the codices, he was unable to procure more of it than there is in it today.”
Ø Surah 15:9. Allah promises to protect the Quran from corruption.
7. Philosophical Concerns
· Christians and Jews do not worship the same God.
Ø The biblical God is named Yahweh and while Allah in Arabic does simply mean God, Allah is also the Quranic God’s proper name.
Ø According to the Quran, Allah wills everything that happens (2:253, 76:30-use a translation that doesn’t sugar coat for this).
Ø Allah PRAYS (Surah 33:43, 33:56)
Ø Unlike Yahweh, Allah only loves those who love him. He does not love those who “exceed the limits” (2:190), or ungrateful sinners (2:276), unbelievers (3:32), the unjust (3:57), those who are proud (4:36), the extravagant (7:31). This means according to Islam; it is easier for any human to be MORE loving and forgiving than the creator of the universe.
· As Jordan Peterson points out, the God of the Bible is covenantal and relational and the prophets often negotiate with him, but Allah demands complete submission and only accepts a slave-master relationship with humans. Surah 4:65, 19:93, 33:36. And the penalty for leaving is death Bukhari Vol 9 6922. Blasphemy (singing satirical songs as some girls did) was also worthy of death in The Life of Muhammed page 550-551. Muslims are also to fight hard against hypocrites and disbelievers Surah 9:73.
· If you were going to posit a God existing, you would assume from looking around at the evil that humans commit, that this God at least values human freewill. And yet, the Islamic god often creates converts through threats of intimidation and violent subjugation and if one is to leave Islam then the death penalty should be enacted. This does not fit comfortably with God valuing our free will.
· Ramadan. Not really fasting. No food or water from sunrise to sunset. Just makes Muslims develop a terrible sleep routine so they can eat 2 huge meals. There is a sharp noticeable increase in hospital visits during Ramadan for all kinds of Ramadan related causes (digestive, sleep related accidents, dehydration). Studies have found this causes weight gain rather than loss. It is a mask of piety hiding extreme gluttony.
· Allah is a divine trickster. The Quran says God rescued Jesus from the cross and only made it appear that he died. This means Allah started a false religion based on that hoax crucifixion. It’s especially bad when you consider that he promised to exalt Jesus’ followers over the disbelievers! How can Muslims be sure Allah isn’t tricking them? They can’t be which will be pointed out later when it comes to them not even having assurance of salvation. Surah 3:55, 61:14. He gave Muhammed a false dream in Surah 8. Surah 3:54, 8:30. Bukhari 3030, ibn Ishaq page 367-Mo said his followers could deceive people. And 7:99. Surah 3:9
· Christians and Jews are the sacrifice for Muslims. In hadith Sahih Muslim, 7011—7014, Christians and Jews are Muslim’s ransom for hell. Technically we are the savior for Muslims. So, it’s not how I originally thought, sins do get dealt with in their religion, someone does pay for it…the only problem is how finite beings can pay the penalty of sins against an infinite God, unless they are unintentionally speaking to the quality and worth of their God. This is very funny since they question how Jesus could possibly pay for the sins of other people.
· Assurance of salvation
Ø Islam does not teach this which is very sad considering it is a works-based religion. It should really have Muslims worried since Mohammed said “my Ummah will split into 73 sects” and “all of them are in the fire except one”
Ø Sahih Muslim 2127 Muhammed is commanded to go and pray for the dead in a cemetery. He asks how to pray for them and he is told to say peace be upon them. Praying for the dead is very strange
Ø He does however guarantee salvation to whoever guarantees their genitals and jaws to him Bukhari Vol 8, 6807. How can he say that if he is just a messenger and not a “partner” with God?
Ø He guarantees salvation but then admits he doesn’t know where he or anyone else is going (Surah 46:8-9) Bukhari Vol 5 266 confirms he is talking about salvation. They say its abrogated by 48:2. But it only says Allah MAY forgive him. And a later Surah shows Allah hadn’t removed all his sins (110:1-3). And he asks his followers to also pray for his salvation (which is why they say peace be upon him) Sahih Muslim book 4 747, Surah 33:43, 56, 42:5)
Ø Surah 9:18, 66:8, 7:178-179, 32:13-14
Ø Allah’s character was so troubling that So troubling to the early Muslim community that Abu Bakr (Muhammed’s closest companion whom he promised would be in paradise) said “if I had one foot in paradise, I would still fear Allah’s deception.”
Ø Jens Christensen after many years of Islamic studies wrote “one of the things that often surprised me in my first studies of islam was the note of despondency and insecurity that is found in the deathbed utterances of so many of Islam’s great men.” Going on to point out even Abu Bakhr who was named as free from the fire bu Muhammed said “if gladness it will be lasting if sorrow it will never cease”
Ø When Omar was on his deathbed, he too was filled with terror about where he would go. When Yazid is burying him, he too speaks the two great “ifs”. Denoting the uncertainty of what Allah will decide. (The Torch of Guidance to the Mystery of Redemption.
Ø No assurance of salvation, pair this with the fact that the verses that are most adamant about followers entering paradise are those who fought for the cause and laid down their lives. The result couldn’t be more obvious. Suicide bombings and jihad. Surah 48:17
Ø 7:99. Contrast with Jesus John 1:10-13, Rom 8:1-2, 14-17, Gal 4:4-7, 1 John 3:1-2.
8. Pagan Elements
· The tribe he was born into (Quraysh) were devout moon worshipers. Numerous inscriptions show this moon god to be Al-lah. His family followed the ancient Babylonian practice of incorporating your god’s name into your own. His father’s name was Abd-Allah, uncle was Obied-Allah and his was Mohammed Ibn Abdullah (same as father-Abd-Allah). The Quran never defines Allah. The Encyclopedia of Religion says “Allah is a pre-Islamic name corresponding to the Babylonian bel.”
· The plurality of Allah in the Quran is a symbol of majesty according to Muslims. But the Quran never says that.
· The Kaaba is a very important building in Islam. Muslims turn toward it to pray. They walk around it in a circle like pagans used to do. No legitimate scholar thinks it was built by Abraham as Muslims assert (Surah 22:26). At the time of Muhammed, the Kaaba was a holy site for pagans not Christians or Jews. And there is no evidence they ever “venerated” it at all.
Ø They say Isa 19 is a prophecy about it but how could it be if they think Abraham built it? His time was way before the prophet Isaiha.
Ø They use Psalm 84 to support their pilgrimage even though the chapter is talking about Zion in Jerusalem. Despite the lack of evidence for the word they look at for Mecca ‘baka’, they ignore the fact that the chapter says they only pass through it, it was not the destination.
9. Moral Concerns
· Violence is fundamental to true Islam
Ø It’s easy to condemn violence in the name of Christ because Christ condemns violence. It’s not as easy for Muslims because Mohammed insisted on violence
Ø It’s true that not all Muslims are terrorists. But the vast, vast majority hold extremist views. David Wood explains the Jihadist triangle. In order to actually become a fully fledged Islamic terrorist waging Jihad, a person needs 3 things. Understanding of what the Quran teaches, belief in it, and the personality type to die for what you believe in.
Ø Surveys have already shown that hundreds of millions (680 million out of 942 million) of Muslims hold radical/extreme views (on things like Sharia law, honor killings of women, feelings about Taliban, 911, suicide bombings, terror attacks) with hundreds of millions more left unsurveyed.
Ø When authors like Salman Rushdie or cartoonists are killed by Muslims, the Islamic community often sides with the killers. And the western media focuses on the bigotry of the murdered victim rather than the murderer. Rushdie was literally stabbed in the middle of a speech where he said the U.S was a safe Haven for exiled writers and artists like him.
Ø Now there are peaceful verses, but unfortunately, they’ve been abrogated and are now completely irrelevant. That doesn’t stop Muslim apologist from quoting them and pretending they aren’t. Consider the verse about there being no compulsion in religion. This was abrogated after a man from the tribe of Bani Salim ibn awf called al-husayni’s sons converted to Christianity.
Ø They also use the quote if any man kills it’s as if they have killed all mankind but leave out the fact that this originally came from the Jewish Talmud. And that its in this passage (Surah 53) that tyrants use the phrase ‘corruption of the earth’ when killing people.
Ø Bukhari Vol 4, 2787, Vol 9, 6924, 6925. (abrogation) This principle means goodbye to any peaceful stuff and can only observe all the evil, destructive verses that were revealed later coinciding with when Mohammed gained more influence and power.
Ø abu dahr al bagdadi had a phd in Islamic studies. Its not uneducated muslims going into jihad. Osama bin laden was wealthy and well educated. As well as zawahiri, the leader of alquada. The atrocities in the OT are not marching orders they are stories for a specific time in history.
· Islamic countries are terrible places.
Ø Islam is clearly causal in all the metrics where the Middle East ranks low. The WEF 2020 global gender gap index ranked countries based on magnitude of economic gap, education gap, health gap, political gap between men and women found 9 of the 10 worst countries in the world are Muslim majority just a coinky dink! And the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s 2019 social institutions and gender index ranking countries based on levels of discrimination against women found that 10 of the 12 worst countries were Muslim majority.
Ø As David Wood points out, Christianity has always been firm against letting Islam have any influence in the west but as the west secularizes, we haven't been able to let Islam in any faster! Is it supposed to be a coincidence so many people flee from these countries seeking a better life to nations heavily influenced by Christianity? Religious beliefs are the underpinnings of a society and many people don’t want to live where those beliefs are Islamic. Yet ironically, they want to move away from them and bring those beliefs with them.
Ø In Muslim majority countries, religious minorities are persecuted constantly.
Ø When people are killed for speaking out against Islam or mocking the prophet, this shouldn’t be surprising as Muslims are not used to living in places where free speech reigns supreme. And the government and media, like a condescending parent, tells off the people using their critical thinking and freedom of speech rather than rebuking the immature child who can’t control their tantrum. There are endless stories of deaths caused by Muslims who cannot accept this way in the west.
· One of the Muslim talking points is how they would never disrespect someone’s prophet like people do to them.
Ø But their own prophet had no problem doing that (Tabari Vol 6, page 93, 101 speaks of Muhammed reviling pagan beliefs and insulting their gods).
Ø Tabari Vol 8 page 76 Abu Bakr (the first of the rightly guided caliphs and Mohammed’s closest companion) in the presence of Mohammed said “go suck the clitoris of al-Lat!”
Ø And in Sahih Bukhari Vol 3 2478 Mohammed stabbed the idols of Ka’ba with a stick.
· Hadiths and Sira
Ø Abu Dawud
v 14:2526 refrain from killing those who say there is no god but Allah.
v 14:2527 Striving in Jihad is incumbent on you.
v Sunan Abu Dawood 4361 Mo’s follower stabs a woman in the stomach for being mean to Mo. Mo approved.
Ø Sahih Muslim
v 1:30 I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah.
v 1:33 Muhammed said he had been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah.
v 19:4294 gives polytheists 3 options, if they take one of them then refrain from doing harm.
v 19:4321-4323 Muhammed shrugs over the fact that children were killed in a raid by his men against unbelievers.
v 20:4696 one who dies but expressed no interest in jihad died the death of a hypocrite. Echoed in Sunan an-Nasa’i.
v 7339 “the hour won’t begin until Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims will kill them, until a Jew hides behind a rock or tree, and the rock or tree will say “O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me come and kill him.” Such a clear call to genocide, is saying their paradise won’t come until all jews are killed.
v Sahih Muslim Book 16 Hadith No. 4152 death to apostates again.
Ø Bukhari
v 3:125 Not spiritual Jihad!!
v 8:387 Muhammed said I have been ordered to fight people till they say none has the right to be worshiped but Allah.
v 11:626 he told a man to burn people inside their homes if they didn’t come out for prayer.
v 52:44 there is no deed better than Jihad. Also see Sunan Ibn Majah 24:2794 which clarifies that its violence.
v 52:177 The hour won’t come until you fight with the Jews and nature will dibber dob on the Jews hiding.
v 52:256 Muhammed condones killing noncombatants (women and children)
v 52:65 He who fights in Allah’s cause is superior.
v 2795-97 obsession with martyrdom
v 3017 Muhamed says anyone who leaves Islam must die.
Ø Ibn Ishaq
v Hisham 990. This is the origin of terrorists shouting Allah Akbar. It began with Muhammed. A surprise ambush was staged on a settlement, “I leapt upon him and cut off his head and ran in the direction of the camp shouting Allah Akbar’ and my two companions did likewise.”
v Ibn Ishaq 550-551.
v In ibn Ishaq mo order 6-900 jews to be killed in front of their family.
v Ibn Ishaq he beheaded hundreds of jews for trying to defend themselves once they realized he was eliminating them ibn Ishaq 464 and tabari 8:27-41.
v Tortured people for money ibn Ishaq 515.
· The Quran contains at least 109 verses that speak of war with nonbelievers, usually on the basis of their status as non-Muslims.
Ø Surah 2:191 “kill them wherever you find them”
Ø Surah 2:216 Fighting is prescribed for you…” From the hadith we know this was at a time when Muhammed was trying to motivate his people into raiding merchant caravans.
Ø Surah 2:244 Fight in the cause of Allah.
Ø Ibn Kathir’s commentary (tafsir) on surah 3:28 said you can be friends with disbelievers outwardly but never inwardly.
Ø Surah 3:56 as to those who reject the faith, I will punish them with a terrible agony in this world and in the hereafter.
Ø Surah 3:151 We will cast horror into the hears of the disbelievers for associating false gods with Allah.
Ø Surah 4:74 Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.
Ø Surah 4:76 Says disbelievers are fighting for Satan so you must fight them for Allah. Fight ‘qital’ is physical combat.
Ø Surah 4:89 But if they turn away then seize them and kill them wherever you find them.
Ø Surah 4:95 Allah sees those who sit at home not fighting as far less than those who go out and fight. This cannot just be “spiritual jihad” as the apologists love saying.
Ø Surah 5:33 the punishment of those who fight against Allah or make mischief in the land is death or amputation.
Ø Surah 5:51 do not take Christians and Jews as allies.
Ø Surah 8:12 I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore, strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” Just a spiritual struggle eh?
Ø Surah 8:39 And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah.
Ø Surah 8:60 Tells Muslims to prepare military against Allah’s enemies.
Ø Surah 9:5 Kill the polytheists by hiding in ambush, unless they repent and start praying.
Ø Surah 9:29 says fight those who don’t believe. This clearly has nothing to do with self-defense. And they need to fight until the unbelievers willingly pay the Jizya and feel subdued.
Ø Surah 9:33 Allah tells Muslims to make Islam superior over all religions-this being one of the final revelations. And the cause of the military expansion where Muhammed’s companions managed to conquer 2/3 of the Christian world in the following 100 years.
Ø Surah 9:38-39 another condemnation to those Muslims not going out and fighting.
Ø Surah 9:41 implies battles that are not self-defense given the distance of the journey.
Ø Surah 47:3-4 when you meet those who disbelieve, smite at their necks. This is why the guy who stabbed Hatun Tash kept aiming for her neck that she was blocking.
Ø Surah 47:35 do not try to make peace when you are stronger.
Ø Surah 48:29 Muslims are hard and ruthless against the disbelievers but merciful among themselves.
Ø Surah 61:4, 9. Allah loves those who fight in his cause. This cause being to make Islam victorious over all religions even though the infidels may resist.
Ø Surah 98:6 they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture (Christians and Jews) and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell forever and they are the worst of creatures. This is calling all Christians and Jews living today the worst of creatures. Because Islam falsely assumes we don’t have the correct scriptures and are disbelievers.
Ø This is not all the verses and its not even all the hadiths and other Muslim sources!
If they really thought Jesus was just a prophet in the same sense that Muhammed was JUST a prophet, why do they only spaz out and kill people when they draw cartoons of Muhammed? They couldn't care less if Jesus is mocked. They prove their hypocrisy and true beliefs about Muhammed in this.
10. Sources
· The Quran
· Sahih Muslim
· Sahih al-Bukhari
· Ibn Ishaq
· Tabari