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Writer's pictureGhee Zuzkreist

Jehovah's Witnesses and Fruits

1.       Fluctuating Doctrine

·         Being inspired by the Holy Spirit is usually synonymous with infallibility, but the Watchtower will admit they are fallible, they will just demand blind, unquestioning obedience as if they were infallible.

·         No one in the bible that they compare themselves to has made false prophecies, and changed theology and had such a whopping lack of miracles.

·         They pride themselves on unity but necessarily because of them they have ALL been united in false theology multiple times.

·         Modern day JW’s would be completely unrecognizable to the first 2 Presidents. And their writings have been left behind by current leaders presumably because of the huge contrast. Russell for example didn’t teach that only his followers were saved, or that Jesus was only a mediator for spiritual Israel, and disfellowshipping was not formalized, smoking and blood transfusions were up to the individual, and there was no strong forbiddance on associating with worldly people, or that 99% of humans at Armageddon were gunna be smoked by the big G (Proclaimers p163).

·         “[Bible Students] understood that then living-mankind in general-had the opportunity to survive right into the time of restitution and that they would then be educated in Jehovah’s requirements for life. If obedient, they would gradually attain to human perfection. If rebellious, they would, in time, be destroyed forever.” (Proclaimers p163). Russell also pointed out that if “Christ’s coming was to end probation and bring irrevocable ruin upon 99 in a hundred of mankind, then it could scarcely be considered desirable, neither could we pray with a proper spirit, “Come, Lord Jesus, Come quickly!” (SUPPLEMENT TO Zion’s Watch Tower, And “Herald of Christ’s Presence Jul 1 1879). But with the religion that his has morphed into, it would be 99.9 out of 100 people. (Watchtower 1958 Oct 15 p614).

·         And while JW’s will praise the Watchtower for being SO humble, what they actually do is take shots at the RCC for making “changes that disturb people” (Awake 1970 Apr 22) while they themselves are CONSTANTLY changing their tune. And it is THEIR changes that get people killed whether its refusing to get medical treatment or participate in civil service or politics.

·         Also, not very humble to say they have always had a consistent stance on vaccinations (Awake 1993 Aug 8 p25). At first, they said it was barbarous, evil and ineffective, and told followers to use their rights to abolish the practice (what like vote on it?) (Golden Age 1921 Oct 12 p17). Then “the matter of vaccination is one for the individual.” (1952 Dec 15 p764, Watchtower).

·         Up until 1954, Jesus was worshiped as God. then became disfellowshipping offense. Celebrates Christmas until 1926, then outlawed it as pagan.

·         They say they have never flip flopped on a doctrine. “At times explanations given by Jehovah’s visible organization have shown adjustments seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case.” (Watchtower 1981, Dec 1, p27)

·         But they definitely have. So, they are lying or once again making a huge mistake under the power of the holy spirit.

Ø  They have flip flopped on Oral sex between married couples, interpretations on Revelation and plenty more, such as:  

Ø  Superior Authorities (Rom 13). Russell said it was earthly rulers up until 1929 when Rutherford changed it to Heavenly rulers, then in 1962 they returned to earthly rulers in (Babylon the Great Has Fallen! Pg 548). In (Watchtower 1990, Nov 1 pg 11) they acknowledge the change and completely ignore the fact that this was the original position. In fact, it is portrayed as “light getting brighter” but this is a terrible analogy since it got darker first then returned to original light. It doesn’t humbly admit error it says actually the false understanding was a good thing because it helped God’s people to maintain an uncompromisingly neutral stand throughout WW2.

Ø  Also, Russel was fine with civil service in war but Rutherford changed it and then because of Bulgaria it was again flipped back. A change that would be thoroughly frustrating to those who had let themselves be arrested, persecuted and killed. Its interesting to note that Jesus and orthodoxy would say the only thing worth dying for is your conviction that Jesus died for you and martyrdom for Jesus, not secondary doctrines that can be changed at the whim of a group of men.

Ø  In 1961, organ transplants were left up to the individual, then prohibited in 67, and changed back in 1980. Mmm…light gets brighter!


·         Gal 5:1 “Christ has made us free, make sure you stay free and do not get tied up in the yoke of bondage.”

2. Their Incredible Dishonesty and Inability to Display Integrity

Many of these examples come from them saying one thing in the answers of FAQ but another elsewhere. And man also come from them citing a source to make a point in many cases where the source is making the opposite point. You won't believe how real these are, they are so cartoonishly evil.

At FAQ, they say it is a myth that many JW’s die from refusing Blood Transfusions. (Why Don’t JW Accept Blood Transfusions?). And also that "JW’s have been targets of false accusations-barefaced lies and twisted presentations…The accusations that numerous children of JW die each year as a result of BT is totally unfounded." They say its unfounded, but I think I found it. “JW do not argue that BT haven’t kept patients alive who otherwise might have died” (Blood, Medicine and The Law of God p38). And “In former times thousands of youths died for putting God first. They are still doing it, only today the drama is played out in hospitals and courtrooms, with blood transfusions the issue.” (Awake 1994 May 22 p2).

They say “we will never beg nor petition men for support” “we do not solicit money” (Jehovah’s Will Lesson 24 How Is Our Work Financed). Every year there is an article outlining ways to donate and in Nov each year, requests for money are made at meetings and in watchtower publications. They even offer detailed instructions on how to will your assets to Watchtower after death. (To All Congregations in Britain and Northern Ireland 17 Dec 2015) passively manipulative “Throughout the centuries faithful servants of Jehovah have shown a pattern of generosity by using their resources for true worship…two children, 5 and 7 years old sent their pocket money to help build our new bethel instead of going to the circus, writing “This is much better than that!” ...Using the website you may make a donation using most credit and debit cards.” “Looking ahead to the need to replace older vehicles in the coming year, we are again writing to invite you to contribute to this arrangement…” (Elders Letter to all Congregations in Britain and Ireland Feb 25 2015). “All congregations are asked to establish a monthly resolved donation to support Kingdom Hall construction by no later than May…” (Elders letter March 29 2014). And there is a picture targeted to kids in 2015 cartoon Be Generous encouraging them to spend money on Jehovah and the Kingdom Hall rather than ice cream.

·         In the FAQ What Is the Governing Body of JW’s? They say “the members of the GB are not the leaders of our organization…” by any actual working definition, they certainly are the leaders. They have ultimate say and if you openly disagree you are gone. If they are not the leaders, why do we “need to obey to have Jehovah’s approval”? (Watchtower 2011 Jul 15 p24).

·         “Bible copyists of course make mistakes. But none of those mistakes corrupted the bible. So has the bible been corrupted? Emphatically, no!” and “No striking or fundamental variation is shown in either the Old or New Testament. There are no important omissions or additions of passages, and no variations which affect vital facts or doctrines.” (Reasoning from the scriptures p64). And then a complete 180 “When apostate Christians made copies of the Christian Greek scriptures, they evidently took Jehovah’s personal name out of the text and substituted kyrios and theos for ‘Lord’” (watchtower 2010 Jul 1 p6-7). “No ancient Greek manuscript that we possess today of the books of Matthew to Revelation contains God’s name in full.” (The Divine Name that Will Endure Forever p23).

·         They lied about persecution in Liberia in 1963. “While a few did give way and compromise, the majority-maintained integrity.” (Watchtower 1982 Apr 15 p25) and only after having been caught out by readers they said “The statement…is in error. Actually, there were 100 Witnesses that maintained integrity while approximately 200 compromised” (Watchtower 1982 Jul 15 p31). I have a picure of the point being raised by a reader.


Joseph Booth and Elliot Kamwana were missionaries sent to Nyasaland in early 1900’s. (Yearbook 1976 p71) and (Watchtower 1909 Jul 1 p195). Things went sour, the converts they made held on to their pagan practices and held an uprising. In 1948, the watchtower released a booklet called The Watchtower Story and lied on page 6 by saying “It should be noted that the ‘native uprising’ took place in 1915. The Watch Tower and Bible Tract Society had no resident representative in Nyasaland prior to 1925.”

Ø  In (Watchtower 2017 Jul page 28 ‘Winning the Battle for your mind’”), they quote “Therefore, it is likely to be most effective if people…are discouraged from thinking critically.” This comes from a fuller quote that actually says “if people DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO MULTIPLE SOURCES OF INFORMATION”. They insert the ellipsis there because the thesis of their article is trusting ONLY THEM. “you…need A source of information.” “Be determined to stick to Jehovah’s organization and loyally support the leadership he provides.” And in other articles they will deny even being leaders!

Ø  Like the Trinity brochure, their 1985 creation book similarly present false information and misrepresents actual information. When a scientific article states a problem, followed by its solution, the Watchtower ignores the solution and presents the problem as if it’s a death blow to evolution. Jan Haugland sources these. There are 69 misquotes in total. Clear evidence of confirmation bias, with absolutely all the reason in the world to think they have applied this to their doctrines and unique bible translation. Rama Singh points out the intellectual dishonesty of Awake! When they take him out of context.

Ø  They translate rom 10:13 everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved even thought the word is krios and earlier in the chapter Lord is defined as Jesus v9.

Ø  “In summary, the writing department insists on using only material that is accurate and truthful, even regarding seemingly insignificant details. As a result, the FADS can consistently supply spiritual food that brings honor to the God of truth, Jehovah” (2011 Yearbook p13).

Ø  “We are determined to be loyal to Jehovah and to his organization. This organization has never disappointed us and always gives us an abundance of pure waters of truth from God’s word.” (Watchtower 2011 Jul 15 p12).  

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