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Writer's pictureGhee Zuzkreist

The Emergent Universe

Francis Bacon, English philosopher and statesman who served as Attorney Generaland as Lord Chancellor of England. His works are credited with developing the scientific method and remained influential through the scientific revolution “the first sip from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass is God waiting for you.”

Brian Greene, American theoretical physicist, mathematician, and string theorist.Has been a professor at Columbia University since 1996 and chairman of the World Science Festival since co-founding it in 2008. “...underneath the molecules, atoms, and particles there is another layer of reality that is coming to light, a layer based on information.”

Max Planck, was a German theoretical physicist whose discovery of energy quanta won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. Planck made many contributions to theoretical physics, but his fame as a physicist rests primarily on his role as the originator of quantum theory, which revolutionized human understanding of atomic and subatomic processes. “all matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force...we must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind.” A conclusion also reached by cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman, who argues that the best explanation to the evidence, is that space time is emergent from consciousness.

Materialists think the universe is only built by tiny bits of matter and all that exists is different arrangements of these particles. They are wrong according to the physicists and conclusions being drawn in quantum mechanics and quantum gravity. Science is finding that the universe isn’t material after all but emerging from a more fundamental underlying reality. This theory of a quantum state producing the universe has been argued and is accumulating evidence fast. In other words, the universe is like a hologram produced by underlying information processes or the underlying truth of the universe is a mathematical reality from which the classical world we experience, emerges. Because space-time and matter are emergent, we are left with an immaterial, space-less, timeless cause of the universe, that can also process information and cause things to come out of that information.

And if you are indeed ready to be mind-blown, the same underlying mathematical/information processes that are credited with projecting our reality, also has been seen to parallel conscious thought processes.

Quantum superpositions have a vague similarity to how we think. Like how we toss ideas around before deciding on something. The information processes (wave function) is in a superposition of multiple states before final collapse to one definite outcome. In fact, Diederik Aerts went further and showed that cognitive processes can be modeled by the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics. So our inner mental world of thoughts, qualia and emotions can be modeled in terms of quantum processes, the same processes that give rise to space-time and matter. “Made in God’s image.”

Another mind-blower-There are interesting similarities between neural networks and the cosmic web of galaxies. Franco Vazza and Alberto Feletti “is the apparent similarity just the human tendency to perceive meaningful patterns in random data? Remarkably enough, the answer seems to be no: statistical analysis shows these systems do indeed present quantitative similarities.”

You may want to watch the video for yourself, as such there is no way I am doing it justice in such a simplified article.

For the video version: Jones, Michael. “Digital Physics Argument for God's Existence.” YouTube, InspiringPhilosophy, 4 Oct. 2013,

For the Quantum God series that goes into more detail: Jones, Michael. “The Quantum God Playlist.” YouTube, Inspiring Philosophy,

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