P1: It is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being. P2: Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human being. P3: Therefore, abortion is wrong
Pro-life position focuses on the fact that a murder is being committed and casually justified, usually by taking advantage of extremely rare cases and vulnerable victims of rape and medical abnormalities. A human right is being violated. Pro-choice wants to change that subject and move it toward freedom of choice and women’s rights. This is so deceptive and misleading, trying to frame pro-lifers as oppressive to women and tells men to shut up because it’s none of their concern. This social issue is a great way to see through the left’s childish argumentation, deceptive use of language, and flippant disregard for science, truth and morality. Just look at some of the pathetic excuses made for murder. You can apply their logic and arbitrary characteristics to justify killing a LOT of different people.
Is it murder or not? It certainly doesn’t feel like it when words like “terminate” and “clump of cells” are thrown around. What does that even mean? You’re a clump of cells! It also has to be branded as pro-choice and sloganized because no one would want to call it for what it is pro-killing. When someone loses their baby or has a miscarriage you don’t say “oh I’m so sorry you lost your embryo, or clump of cells.”
Abortion advocates know what’s happening, they’re just too embarrassed to admit it. But if it is denied that they are killing babies and that there’s anything wrong with abortion, then why are they to be kept “safe, legal and rare”, why keep it rare if nothing is wrong with it? “It’s not valuable it was just an embryo it wasn’t a proper human yet” Analogy: a rare picture taken of a black jaguar, on a polaroid camera, would be worth a lot of money when it develops, but someone tears it up before it develops and says what’s wrong it was only a brown smudge! The jaguar was there it just needed time.
Biological consensus life begins at conception: “Fertilization is a critical landmark because a new genetically distinct human organism is formed.” O’Rahilly and Muller, Human Embryology and Teratology, 3rd ed
“Human development begins at fertilization…marks the beginning of us as a unique individual.” Moore and Persaud, The developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 10th ed
“Zygote. This cell is the beginning of a new human being (ie, an embryo).” Moore and Persaud, Before We Are Born: Essentials of Embryology and Birth Defects. 6th ed
“the meeting of a male and female sex cell are preliminary to their union into a zygote, which definitely marks the beginning of a new individual.” Dr B Patten, Human Embryology, 3rd ed
A paper published by Steven Andrew Jacobs at university of Chicago called “biologists’ consensus on ‘when life begins”. The biology would seem pretty clear if 95% agree on life at conception. This is across even prochoice biologists so it’s not a debate about murder, just a sickening conversation where people attempt to justify it.
Justifications for Murder: They throw around cases of rape and the mothers endangered life to try and justify abortion but these make up so few actual cases it’s pathetic that this argument is made. It is intellectually dishonest and disingenuous to exploit rape victims and hard cases when you really don’t care about them.
Even if we granted abortion only in those cases it still wouldn’t make abortion advocates happy because they don’t actually care about these. The large majority of abortions are to do with socio-economic circumstances. Of the super rare minority of rape cases, it doesn’t make the life any less valuable so it’s irrelevant.
Imagine a married woman being raped. 2 years later it comes out that the child belonged to the rapist and not the husband, could this child rightly be killed? 98% of abortions occur with people who were just plain irresponsible so this argument is a dishonest joke.
Why make the claim “we can’t know when it starts to be life”? You’re choosing to ignore a strong consensus from the experts but that’s irrelevant, if someone offered you a million dollars to smash a black bag that may or may not contain a 4 year old kid, would you do it and play the odds? Probably not. When a building is getting demolished, it has to be made certain that the place is empty, there can’t be any chance of even 1 life in there.
It can’t be denied that it is living from conception, it’s just a matter of when we want to assign human rights to it. What is the difference between an 8-year-old and 34-year-old? One is fully developed and grown yet we recognize neither should be killed out of convenience. If you don’t think human life is sacred, there is something wrong with you, especially if justification for murder comes so naturally.
Throughout history, it’s always ended badly when someone decides what characteristics constitute what makes a human person. It is elitism. What grounding do they have exactly for deciding what makes a human? Opinion? Yes. Hitler had some interesting opinions too. They also sound a tad like slave advocates trying to think why they should get to enslave blacks. What characteristic do they provide that can’t be applied elsewhere? Isn’t this why sexism and racism are wrong? Picking out a superficial trait and ignoring the human nature? What did all the deadliest regimes have in common? They devalued human life.
What if a couple came in and decide to abort a female baby because they are Muslim and don’t want it? What if they want an abortion because the baby would get in the way of the mother getting on a cruise? Is this bad? Why? “It’s the mothers choice!” “If you’re a man, be quiet!” The only choice about it seems to be if the mother decides to choose whether its human or not. It is continually ignored that it’s not just all about the mother, there is another human involved. Generally speaking, there is 3 people involved not just one person and her choice alone. Doesn’t matter how much freedom you have; your choice and freedom instantly are restricted when other people are involved.
Gender is irrelevant to truth. Roe v wade was overturned by 9 male justices should that be changed? You realize there are women who are pro-life advocates? To not listen because of gender is literal sexism. You’ve just justified it to yourself.
“Are you going to take the unwanted baby in?” Over 1 million families waiting to adopt in America. Can I beat my wife if you choose not to take her? Can we kill homeless people, they are unwanted? 80% of women who abort feel like they don’t have a choice. This could just be to justify themselves but if true, then it should be the responsibility of pro-choice advocates to show them multiple options aside from murder. And Christians ARE the ones who are more than twice as likely to adopt than the rest of the population!
“Don’t like abortions? Don’t get one!” “It doesn’t affect you!” You know your argument is bad when it can be used to support slavery! Don’t like slaves? Don’t get one! It doesn’t affect you!
“Don’t impose your morals on others!” Hopefully it’s obvious how self-defeating this is.
They compare the baby to a parasite living off its host. Think of the moral compass of these people.
The process?
1st trimester (up to 10th week) mother swallows’ pills, this disrupts progesterone which stabilizes uterus. This is reversable and the baby can be saved. 46 hours later she takes misoprostol which causes cramps, contractions and heavy bleeding to force the baby out. This process can be intense and painful. The woman will spend time on the toilet in pain trying to expel the baby. She may be able to see the baby within the pregnancy sack and if she looks closely may be able to count all the fingers and toes. This is the chemical abortion, the surgical one just crushes up the baby and then uses a machine to suck it out.
2nd trimester (13-24 weeks) they dismember the body, one by one the limbs are removed. The head needs to be crushed and removed piece by piece when it’s too big to come out. Once all the pieces are reassembled and accounted for the procedure is finished. Risks and effects: hemorrhage, lacerations, uterine perforations, maternal death, future pregnancy complications.
3rd trimester (25 weeks to birth): could survive outside womb. 3 days to complete, baby is stabbed with lethal dose of a heart med digoxin. The baby feels pain at this stage. The woman will have the dead baby in her for 2-3 days. On the second day if the baby is alive still, it cops another dose. If she doesn’t get to the clinic in time, she will give birth alone and deliver her baby into a bath or toilet. If the baby doesn’t come out whole, the abortionist uses clamps and forceps to dismantle the dead baby corpse. Risks and effects: hemorrhage, lacerations, uterine perforations, maternal death, future pregnancy complications.
Post-abortive guilt is very common and plagues people depression and suicidal thoughts. Ends up not being so much more convenient in the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ka-Zg4tlLE Suicide rate for women having abortions 6 times higher than those who give birth.
When asked in a forum what made people change from pro-choice to pro-life-1 woman said “my 8 week ultrasound. I didn’t see a clump of cells. I saw my child. I wasn’t choosing if she should ever live. She was already alive…” 1 said “knowing that the scientific community overwhelmingly agrees that human life begins at conception.” 1 said “when I read a description of a partial birth abortion” 1 said “when you realize there’s actually a market for dead fetuses”. 1 said “I realized basically all the pro-choice arguments apply to a baby when its 1 year old as well as inside the womb.”
Planned Parenthood: They say abortions make up “3% of their services”. It is a self-reported statistic. Washington post fact checker marked this as very misleading. According to their own annual report, they commit over 320,000 murders I mean abortions per year. This averages to 887 a day and 1 every 97 secs. So how much of what they do is abortion? Abortions/patients. 320,000/2.5m = 1 in 8 people walking into planned parenthood will have an abortion. Not 1 in 33. You would have to be blind to not see where their priorities are. There are 160 abortions for every 1 adoption referral. They do less than 1% of the nation’s pap tests, less than 2% of breast exams but 30% of the nation’s abortions. To get the rigged figure, they do abortions divided by services. What are these services? “a discreet clinical interaction”. Pregnancy test, STI test, birth control, pap test. All counted the same regardless of time, effort and cost to render the service. Doing this they use the figure 9.4m for services. It’s like the NFL saying because they sold 5m hotdogs in a season and there were only 256 games, football is only 0.005% of what they do.
Videos of planned parenthood officials finally telling the truth about what’s going on behind closed doors after they were put under oath. In 2015 someone secretly recorded conversations from their representatives that showed they were illegally selling fetal parts and organs. They denied this and sued the guy sending him to prison. Accused him of recording heavily edited videos. Forensic examiners proved they weren’t really altered. Only in June 2020, officials have admitted what they were doing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR7e2GDiEMM 2 stories:
abortion no.org abrotion73.com Live action.org