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Writer's pictureGhee Zuzkreist

The Case For Miracles

1. Introduction:

• Jon Butler of Yale University speaking about an increase of historians opting to study religion says “this renewed interest builds, of course, on long and remarkably well sustained traditions in intellectual history that have almost always treated religion seriously” meaning that its only in this arrogant and morally corrupt time that people think mockery and ignorant scoffing are good forms of persuasion and argumentation.

  • There is a chronological snobbery from many people today. They actually think they're smarter than their ancestors just because they have more access to knowledge. That's not how intelligence works. People are too ready to criticize the giants whose shoulders they are standing on. People in bible times weren’t just gullible idiots who believed all they heard. You're mistaking them for the atheists who parrot every slogan they hear from atheist comedians without thinking them through. People should by no means feel superior to their ancestors because genes only deteriorate over time they don't improve. They are insulting themselves.

  • In the bible, miracle claims are often met with skepticism, they did not believe everything at face value, (maybe if more people read what they were objecting to, they wouldn’t actually have such ignorant objections). Joseph was going to divorce Mary when he heard her story. He knew where babies came from. It took another miracle to convince him. An angel appeared to him and confirmed her story. It should be noted that the bible mentions angels and demons but never goes into detail. That’s interesting because fiction would explain everything, but God’s main interest is clear-the saving knowledge of salvation and getting it to people. People can learn about all the extras in the next life.

  • Thomas also demanded evidence from the Lord and guess what, he provided it, and he was the one who is famous for doubt, but the other disciples doubted first too, Thomas just wasn’t around when their evidence was provided. Jesus never says “just pray about it” or “just have faith” he did a bunch of miracles for John’s disciples when he began doubting. Jesus was an evidentialist, he cares about providing good reason to trust him. People who choose not to believe really do have no excuse, especially in this day and age where we can pick up our phones and discover all the archeological, philosophical, scientific reasons for belief.

2. Are Miracles even possible?

  • Modern science doesn’t prohibit miracles. Thanks to the advent of quantum mechanics, we know the universe is probabilistic not deterministic. In other words, the laws of nature are only approximations of what will most likely occur, but irregularities are allowed at the far end of the bell curve. Deviations from the ordinary workings of nature are permitted. Despite this, some sceptics will just continue to define miracles out of existence and then boldly declare they cannot happen. If we are going to be fair and employ methodological neutrality, there is nothing logically or physically impossible about a miracle happening.

Atheist Philosopher David Hume defined miracles as “a violation of the laws of nature” and that “unalterable experience has established these laws.” He thinks that because miracles are outside the realm of human experience, they therefore are not real. But the glaring problem here is that subjective human experiences can’t actually establish immutable laws. You'll never guess but, people’s experiences vary! The other huge problem is that hundreds of millions (probably billions) of humans throughout history have claimed supernatural experiences. So this logic backfires. In his time, Hume presupposed that everyone of those reports were lying or mistaken. Incredibly circular I know! As C.S Lewis stated, “we can only know all reports to be false only if we know already miracles have never occurred.” His work was heavily criticized even by other atheists. John Earman wrote a short book called Hume’s Abject Failure which tears apart Hume’s argument by pointing out the same thing.

It's also an attempt to define miracles out of existence but theists defined miracles much earlier. And there was never universal agreement that they were 'a violation of natural laws.'

Hume also says “no testimony is sufficient to establish a miracle unless the testimony be of such a kind, that its falsehood would be more miraculous than the fact which it endeavors to establish.” Which isn’t exactly profound, everyone already agreed with that. Many experts of different fields have become Christians from the evidence of the resurrection and the simple fact that Jesus rising is the best inference to the evidence.

Thomas Aquinas would call them “events beyond the powers of the natural order,” that’s “beyond” not “in violation of.” But just before Hume, Samuel Clark “an effect produced contrary to the usual course or order of nature, by the unusual interposition of some intelligent being superior to men.” These are more accurate as miracles occur when an agent outside of the natural world inserts or changes something in the system the natural world could not bring about through its own regularity. The laws of nature only describe the effects of how natural things operate if left untouched. This means the laws don’t exclude the possibility of an outside agent changing or feeding something into the system.

C.S Lewis puts it like this: If I put 1000 in my drawer one week, 2000 the next and a thousand the following, the laws of arithmetic allow me to predict the next time I come to my drawer I’ll have 4000 in there. “Suppose I go to it and find only 1000, should I conclude the laws of arithmetic have been broken? I might more reasonably conclude someone has broken the laws of the state…furthermore it would be ludicrous to claim the laws of arithmetic made it impossible to believe in the existence of such a thief or the possibility of his intervention. On the contrary, it is the normal workings of those laws that have exposed the existence and activity of the thief.”

3. Stories:

  • Don’t just dismiss these because they don’t fit comfortably in your worldview. That would be circular. Assess ALL the facts and determine what’s MOST PROBABLE, to do anything else is intellectually dishonest.  

  • Some skeptics are willing to posit ridiculous explanations just to avoid miracles. Anything is possible but not everything is probable. We live our lives based on the more probable but not when it comes to God.

  • While spontaneous remissions occur, charlatans exist, tests can be in error, diagnoses can be wrong, coincidences happen, people are biased or motivated to lie, people misperceive and make mistakes, it doesn’t explain all miracle accounts. It would be neat and convenient, but they don’t, and to instantly invoke these things without sufficient reason would be circular reasoning and presupposing your own position and insulting the intelligence and/or integrity of the people making the claims. All these things should be tested not automatically assumed to be true in favor of our worldview.

  • Ben Carson had a final exam for chemistry which was crucial for becoming a physician like he wanted. He prayed asking what God wants him to do, rather than study and prep like he planned all night, he fell asleep. “when I went to take the test, it was like the twilight zone, I recognized the first problem as one of the ones I had dreamed about. And the next, and the next, and the next, I aced the exam.” By age 33 he was the youngest director of pediatric neurosurgery in the country, performing pioneering operations, separating conjoined twins, performing first neurosurgery on a fetus, developed new methods of treating brain stem and spinal cord tumors, awarded nation’s highest civilian honor-Presidential Medal of Freedom.

  • Dire situation in Africa with a newborn infant and mother died in childbirth, a 10-year-old girl prayed for a hot water bottle to provide warmth for baby and also a dolly “so it would know You really love her”. They had the last hot water bottle in the village but it burst. The missionary did not think the prayer would get answered yet 2 hours later a package came, the missionary found the bottle and the child said “If God has sent the bottle then he must have sent the dolly too!” she dug through and found it at the bottom. That parcel had been packed 5 months earlier by the missionary’s former Sunday school class. The leader feeling prompted by God, included the hot water bottle, a girl contributed the doll. And this package, the only one to ever arrive, was delivered the same day they prayed for it with the faith of a child.

  • And in the audio clip featured in this link Duane Miller is a Pastor whose greatest enjoyment is preaching and singing songs of praises. Through a flu, his voice became like sandpaper. It became painful to speak, the flu soon left but not the throat condition. His voice remained a raspy whisper, resigned from pastoring. Got a government job which he lost because of his useless voice, insurance stopped covering treatments. Faced thousands in medical bills, "for the first time in my life I felt utterly useless, my income my future, my health, my sense of wellbeing were all beyond my control, it was a terrifying and humbling experience." Over 3 years, examined by 63 physicians, the case scrutinized by a Swiss symposium of the world’s leading throat specialists. The diagnosis was that the flu virus destroyed the nerves of vocal cords. Doctors told him 0% chance of recovery. His former church congregation in Houston asked him to speak one day, giving him a specialized mic. And while preaching that God’s healing isn't a show as some make it and that it will only be done in his sovereign will, his voice is evidentially healed. One doctor even said “even if I could explain how you got your voice back by coincidence-which I can’t-I could never explain what happened to the scar tissue.” The church started clapping, cheering and crying as did he.

  • Jennifer Groesbeck, 25 year old single mother crashed into an icy river partially submerged, 14 hours later fisherman spotted, just the sight of the crash argued strongly there were no survivors yet the 4 officers heard a soft voice of a woman “help me, we’re in here” an officer shouted back “hang in there we’re coming!” when they got there, they were shocked to see the woman had been killed instantly on impact and in the back was an unconscious 18 month old who had hung by her car seat upside down all through the night, the top of her blonde hair inches from the water. An officer said he wouldn’t have believed it if the others hadn’t heard it too. “I’m not a typically religious guy. It’s hard to explain-it was definitely something.”

  • Author felt the need during prayer one day, to give a 500-dollar cheque to a woman in his church who was struggling, his wife prayed and felt the same urging, they knew it wasn’t something they conjured up in their mind because it was almost all their savings, specifically they felt compelled to mail it so it arrived on Monday. On Monday just before the mail came, the woman rang in a panic asking for prayer because her car broke down, “it will cost almost 500 dollars to fix. I just don’t have the money. I don’t know what to do!”

  • 9-year-old British girl became deaf from virus that damaged nerves in ears. Reported by Dr R.F.R Gardner, medical information before and after healing. Diagnosed with untreatable bilateral sensorineural deafness. Doctor said nothing could be done. She prayed as well as family and friends-mom said she felt the ‘prompting’ to call out for God’s help. “I kept feeling God was telling me to pray specifically for healing…passages kept coming out at me as I read…” The audiologist didn’t believe them when they said it was healed. “I can give no explanation for this…I have never seen anything like it…” In the medical report, the ear nose and throat specialist called it inexplicable. Gardner documents several case studies like this in his book and says “a belief in the occurrence of cases of miraculous healing today is intellectually acceptable.”

  • Barbara diagnosed with progressive multiple sclerosis, numerous independent witnesses to the condition and years of medical records. Two doctors were so astounded they wrote books about it-common occurrence. Dr Harold Adolph “she was one of the most hopelessly ill patients I ever saw.” She deteriorated for 16 years. Spent months in hospital due to pneumonia, one lung nonfunctional, one less than 50%, tracheostomy tube in neck, went blind, feeding tube in stomach, abdomen swollen because intestine did not work, muscles and joints contracted and deformed because she couldn’t move them. She hadn’t been able to walk for 7 years. Had life expectancy of less than 6 months. Her story was called in on a radio show of a bible institute, a prayer request was sent out, 450 letters were sent saying they were praying. On Pentecost Sunday, her aunt came to read the letters, during a lull in the conversation Barbara heard a man’s voice behind her though no one else was in the room. “the words were clear and articulate and spoken with great authority, but also with great compassion. The voice said “my child, get up and walk”, seeing Barbara become agitated a friend plugged the hole in her neck so she could speak “I don’t know what you’re going to think about this” “but God just told me to get up and walk. I know he really did! Run and get my family. I want them here with us!” She jumped out of bed, removed her oxygen, standing on legs that hadn’t supported her in years, vision was back, not short of breath, contractions gone, when the mother got into the room she dropped to her knees and felt Barbara’s calves “you have muscles again” her father whisked her off for a waltz, everyone went into the lounge room to offer a tearful thanksgiving prayer. That evening, they went to a worship service where everyone knew of her condition. The pastor asked if there were any announcements so Barbara stood up and started walking toward the front after a cacophony of whispers, people started clapping and broke into singing amazing grace. Doctor said it was medically impossible. Craig keener interviewed this woman.

  • 62-year-old Carl Cocherell, in 2006 on a trip to Missouri, stepped down and felt a sharp crack, he fainted from pain-the worst he had ever endured. Radiology report confirmed the fracture, doctor said it would take months of physical therapy, during the night, he experienced a voice say the ankle wasn’t broken. When he got back to Michigan home town and had another x ray, it showed no damage, the doctor said it hadn’t been broken at all, carl showed him the first x rays and the doctor said “now that’s a broken ankle.”

  • Jeff Markin, 53yo, walked into ER, had heart attack, tried to revive him for 40 mins wasn’t working. Supervising Senior cardiologist Chauncey Crandall well respected, yale educated specializes in complex heart cases, came in told them to stop trying to revive because he was clearly dead, in to examine body. Toes and fingers black from lack of oxygen. Fixed and dilated pupils. Declared dead. Crandall filled out final report and turned to leave, suddenly felt an extraordinary compulsion “I sensed God was telling me to turn around and pray for the patient” just like so many stories in the bible, he thought it sounded foolish and tried to dismiss it, he felt a second and even stronger divine prompting. A nurse was already disconnecting cords and stuff to take him to the morgue. He prayed “father God, I cry out for the soul of this man. If he does not know you as his Lord and Savior, please raise him from the dead right now in Jesus’ name.” Crandall told the ER doctor to use the paddle one more time. The doctor protested “I've shocked him again and again. He’s dead.” But then complied. Instantly the monitor jumped from flatline to normal heart rate of 75 bpm. “in my more than 20 years as a cardiologist, I've never seen a heartbeat restored so completely and suddenly.” The blackness receded from his body. This case got a lot of attention in the media. “The unanimous verdict of those actually present was that Markin was deceased” in light of the circumstances, skeptical explanations seem hollow and forced.

  • In 2015, Missouri teen John Smith fell through the ice, underwater for 15 mins. Found at the bottom of the lake. In the water for over 20 mins. For an hour, he had no heartbeat and was clinically dead. CPR was performed for 43 mins to no avail. Doctors thought that there was little hope that John Smith would survive drowning in the icy lake and were telling the mum to say her goodbyes but she went to the end of his bed and prayed “holy spirit please come and give me back my son!” out loud to God and moments later he regained a pulse. Doctors even calling it a miracle. But despite this, doctors didn’t think he would survive the night. And they thought he would at the very least have severe brain damage from the oxygen levels, they also predicted brain swelling, seizures and lung infections. "Right at an hour with absolutely no life in his body whatsoever," says Dr. Kent Sutterer, the doctor who was working in the ER the day that John was brought into SSM St. Joseph West Hospital. "A complete healing. He doesn't have any seizures. He doesn't have any neurologic deficits, all the things that we expect in these things. Nothing. He's completely the same boy that he was before.“ And made a complete recovery (despite initial multiple organ failure and little to no neurological function) that stunned doctors. see the full story and interviews here. Footage that the movie reenacted here

  • Interview with Michael Shermer-well known atheist. He tells of his wife’s transistor radio, how meaningful it was. She had no family left, he tried fixing for her but nothing worked. It was sentimental because her and her grandfather would listen to it when spending time together. After they had gotten married, she was crying, wishing her grandfather had been there. All of a sudden in the room the radio began playing music, all night. And then after that it never worked again. This shook Shermer’s atheism.

4. Counterfeits

  • Packed auditorium of people, evangelist speaks in tongues, cast out demons, heals people, touches people and they fall back, evangelist calls out diseases that are being healed, people line up and testify to this, there’s a charismatic feel, but this evangelist is an atheist…Derren Brown an ex Christian illusionist/mentalist. Using suggestion, cold reading, hypnosis and trickery.

  • Counterfeit money doesn't disprove the existence of real money. Most Christians look at Benny Hinn types with 'deliverance' ministries and also laugh at them.

5. What Aboutism

  • Sometimes the answer is no. In the same congregation as Duane Miller, was a man diagnosed with a brain tumor and died two weeks after Duane’s healing. Why didn't this person get healed is not an argument. Questions are not arguments. As much as we want to know why some don't get healed, it does absolutely nothing to refute the ones that do occur.

6. Other Stats

  • In 2004, 55% of physicians have seen results in patients they’d consider miraculous.

  • ¾ of 1100 doctors surveyed are convinced miracles occur today. This percentage is higher than the gen pop of the U.S.

  • 6/10 physicians pray for their patients individually.

  • There are other ‘gold standard’ studies before and after the STEP project. Which was a waste of $2.4 million since it doesn’t even target Christian God, just proves that non-Christian prayer doesn’t work. The STEP project went pair shaped and showed neutral if not negative effects of prayer. One idea is due to the fact the only Christians in this study were unitarians, a sect holding foreign ideas to orthodoxy. If you’re going to study the effectiveness of prayer, wouldn’t it be important which God you’re praying to? If God has only ever offered Jesus as a mediator, then of course people who don’t use him won’t have a connection to God. What’s more, the unitarians in the study don’t even believe prayer works! It makes no sense to try and disprove biblical prayer and completely ignore the parameters for prayer that the bible provides. The only thing this study proves is that other religions fail scientifically. Studies that look at distant intercessory prayer not proximal like what one might find in the gospels or a Pentecostal church. ‘laying on of hands’.

  • One of the first widely publicized ones was by Dr Randolph Byrd, in 1988 in peer-reviewed southern medical journal. It was a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, controlled study of 400. They were instructed to pray to the biblical God, and were Christians who were active in daily devotionals and a local fellowship. Patients prayed for had less congestive heart failure, fewer cardiac arrests, fewer episodes of pneumonia, less often intubated and ventilated, needed less diuretic and antibiotic therapy. The journal got flak of course because people don’t like being wrong. One doctor wrote in “a disservice to the science of medicine and therefore to mankind in general.” That is not a scientific response to scientific data, it is whining. The editor wrote back that Byrd’s article had been subjected to the usual peer-review process and was judged to be properly designed and executed scientific investigation. A decade later, a replication was done by Dr William S. Harris published in archives of internal medicine.

  • Another gold standard with almost 1000 subjects. Same positive results for prayer-same hostility by people who can’t handle it.

7. Craig Keener's Work

  • Has done a lot of scholarly work investigating miracle claims. 2021 book Mircales Today and others.

  • Keener, grew up atheist. As a teenager he said, if there’s a god or someone, please show yourself. He had a run in with some Baptist evangelists, then in his room felt an overwhelming presence of God that he knew wasn’t coming from himself.

  • He points out that Jesus’ miracles were done in front of hostile witnesses! They didn’t say "hey you’re just tricking these people", (they knew about magicians and tricksters), they didn’t explain them away, they said “don’t do that on the sabbath” and “you’re doing it with the power of demons.” And the part that angered them the most is, he didn’t use any occult tools or spells or God’s name or anything, he did it by his own power and authority. People were trying to touch him because he was the source.

  • A physician picked up Keener’s miracle book “I was ready to ‘see through’ yet another theologian who didn’t know much about psychosomatic illnesses, temporary improvements with no long term follow up, incorrect medical diagnoses, conversion disorders, faked cures, self-deception, and the like”… “I was blindsided”. He said many reports weren’t sufficiently documented to convince him, or he could envision an alternative explanation. But not in all cases. “I found hundreds of case studies to be stunning. They couldn’t just be dismissed with a knowing answer and wave of the hand. With respect to my worldview, I had had the chair pulled out from underneath me.”

  • Keener “tried to maintain intellectual honesty and follow the clues wherever they led” “everywhere I looked I came across miracle claims that better fit supernatural explanation than naturalistic. Pretty soon there was a tidal wave of examples” “cataracts and goiters-instantly and visibly healed, paralytics suddenly able to walk, multiple sclerosis radically cured, broken bone suddenly mended, hearing for the deaf, sight for the blind, voices restored, burns disappearing, massive hemorrhaging stopped, failing kidneys cured, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis-gone. Life given back to the dead, even after several hours. “I have accounts from around the world-China, Mozambique, the Philippines, Nigeria, Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Indonesia, South Korea and others. Multiple and independent eyewitnesses with reputations for integrity, including physicians. Names, dates, medical documentation in many cases.

  • There’s even a peer reviewed scientific study confirming the healing of the deaf. And the timing is usually the most dramatic element-instantaneous results right after prayers to Jesus. Lots of cancer healings too-malignant brain tumors and reticulum-cell sarcoma, I didn’t include most of these as people would write them off as spontaneous remissions. Still, it’s very suspicious the remission happens so quickly and completely after specific prayers.” A whole list of miracles as a result of prayer.

  • “Anti-supernaturalism has reigned as an inflexible western academic premise for far too long. In light of the millions of people around the world who say they’ve experienced the miraculous, it’s time to take these claims seriously. Let’s investigate them and follow the evidence where it leads. If even a small fraction proves to be genuine, we have to consider whether God is still divinely intervening in his creation.”

9. Geographically Limited?

  • 4 things that lead to more miracles in the 3rd world. While scpetics will accuse them of being more ignorant and gullible, that may be racist. Other reasons include:

  • Illiteracy. They can’t read about God, so he has to show them himself and his loving nature through more miracles.

  • There’s no framework in those cultures for the concepts of sin and salvation. Miracles get people’s attention to God.

  • Limited medical care, their only hope is God’s healing.

  • The spirit world is so much more real to them. Brown went to Mozambique, her team using standard tests and equipment to evaluate people’s hearing and sight etc before and after prayer. 24 subjects received prayer. “we saw improvement in almost every single subject we tested. Some of the results were quite dramatic.” This was published in Southern medical journal. They did a replicate study in Brazil.

8. Muslim dreams.

  • Ex-Muslim Nabeel Qureshi prayed for God to reveal himself as he was earnestly seeking. Because dreams are very valuable in Islam, that's how God confirmed Christianity to him. He went to his book on the symbology of dreams and it was telling him that his Christian friend and apologist David Wood was destroying Islam. Nabeel wanted another dream to confirm because this was his eternity he was affecting. He had one about being locked out of a feast and was surprised to learn that it was straight out of the bible.

  • More Muslims have become Christians in the last few decades than in the previous 1400 years. It’s estimated that a quarter to a third experienced a dream or vision of Jesus prior to salvation and without reading the new testament like in the case of Nabeel. “no religion has a more intricate doctrine of angels and visions than Islam, and I think its extraordinary that God uses that sensitivity”. There is usually some type of authentication with these too, such as Jesus telling someone something they couldn’t have known or knowing someone who had an identical dream the same night as them. There is a stunning consistency of these experiences that transcend boundaries. A Muslim would not have a desire to apostatize in their home country.

  • Tom Doyle is an expert in this area. The dreams were basic. A man in a white robe telling people he loves them and died for them. Christians put ads up saying ‘have you seen the man in the white robe? And many responded to this. Kamal underground church planter in Egypt, felt God calling him to go to the busy market on Friday which he didn’t want to do but really felt as though God had a special assignment for him. He went there and a Muslim woman came up to him “you’re the one! You’re the one!” She then told of a dream she had about Jesus and how in the dream Jesus said to find this man Kamal and he was dressed exactly how he was in the dream. It’s not known if she became Christian as she knew what could happen to her in her country. Doyle’s books are full of stories like this. Most have no prior image or exposure to Jesus and his message. And Muslims are taught that Jesus never even died-denying basic historical facts- and they are told no one can take another man’s sins, and that God doesn’t have a son. The Jesus dreams don’t instantly convert them, they usually point to them to a Christian that shares the gospel with them. These aren’t typical dreams. They’re exceptionally vibrant. They can’t shake them. They sense a love that’s been missing from their life and they inevitably want more. 50% of Muslims around the world can’t read, this is how Jesus gets his gospel to them. 86% of Muslims don’t know a Christian. “will not the judge of earth do all that is right?” Leila from Baghdad, husband beating her all the time, she thought she would die. “God I’ve been crying out to you for months and you do nothing. I’ve been saying ‘God where are you’ I’m going to say ‘God who are you’, maybe I’ve been praying to the wrong God” that night Jesus told her he loved her. But these dreams usually do lead to radical life change.

9. Sources:

· Lee Strobel

· Craig Keener

· Tom Doyle

· Todd White

· Healing Miracles: A Doctor Investigates by Reginald Frank Robert Gardner

From InspiringPhilosophy “Can Miracles Occur”

13. Miracle Links

· The Road to Northern Ireland – YouTube 6:40mins. Cool answered prayer.

J.P Moreland discusses content from his new book

· Church Explosion Spares Choir ( Everyone saved by accidentally being late, each person had their own set of reasons for not making it on time.

· 1:09min John Lennox recounts story

· Home invader (Derick Lee) sent out in Jesus' name by Christian Jackie Hagler. News report

· Armed robber sent out in the name of Jesus by shop owner Marian Chadwick. Frisco, Texas. Footage

· A deadly tornado tore through Lee County devoured nearly everything in its path. But one Christian family miraculously survived – huddled inside the grandmother’s prayer closet that was literally the only thing left standing from their house.

· Angel, above car, looks like its holding sword.

· Whaddoyoumeme reviews NDE from converted atheist

· Autistic brothers cured

· Guy felt creeped out and likely haunted building.

· When the military tested psychic abilities apparently they didn’t accumulate enough evidence to continue after the 2 decades of study. But Uri Geller was one exception that they considered to successfully demonstrate abilities. His drawings feature occult symbols so no surprises there. Scientific & Paranormal - Uri Geller

Tammy Peterson predicting her healing of a cancer that has a 100% death rate. Predicts months in advance she would be healed on her wedding anniversary.

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