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Writer's pictureGhee Zuzkreist

The LGBT Conversation

1. Introduction

  • Again, for the nonreligious who don't realize they can't outrun the religious gene, Gender (like Race) is a sacred doctrine to be unquestioningly accepted. So tread lightly. If someone wants to feel attacked by this, let it be the activists who are constantly speaking on behalf of groups they are not a part of. At least pay attention to the fact that this article tries to focus on IDEAS not PEOPLE.

  • A lot of Christians fall on either the extreme of hating the person because they hate the sin or loving the person to the point of affirming of the sin.

  • It’s a very difficult and controversial discussion to navigate because the ideologues have cleverly made sexual orientation equal to identity. Now you cannot say anything about the behavior without directly attacking the person’s identity. You don’t equate your capacity to watch tv with your identity.

  • Many Christians aren’t even trying to stop the behavior itself they are trying to stop the promotion and evangelizing of it by the culture into every facet of life-especially education and it being forced on children. Consider the belief that people can be born in the wrong body. It hasn’t been scientifically verified but they’re teaching it in schools…you know when religion was taken out of schools, they didn’t replace it with science but their own faith-based ideologies. Many books have come out promoting or at least normalizing this lifestyle since the unprecedented 1989 'Heather has 2 mommies' and since then the 'Heather' the book was based on has come out and said it was damaging to her development. • The person who tells you “Not to judge or impose your morality on me” is doing exactly that to you. The left (as usual) has redefined words to deceptively manipulate the conversation. By the original definition of ‘tolerance’, you would not simply agree with everything but accept despite disagreeing. Love doesn’t mean approving of everything someone does. For these extreme ideologues, tolerance goes one way. They will not accept differing opinions. • Polls show a huge shift of society's attitude toward the Gay community. This is partly the normalizing in pop culture. But for a while there was a barrage of parroted slogans such as "What two consenting adults do is up to them!" and "Love is love!" and “You’re an homophobe, pedophobe and bigot!” and “It doesn’t affect you so shut up!” You might notice that the logic in these can be applied to incest and/or pedophilia. If you point this out you will be attacked for making that comparison but all you're really doing is exposing bad logic. • The left doesn't seem to realize they are not revolutionary or fighting for new things. Homosexuality, abortion/infanticide, banned guns, atheism, are all historic issues we have seen play out. They were abandoned for a reason. Ironically, progressives are actually regressive. Ecclesiastes 1:9 ‘what has been is what will be, and what had been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Can someone say “look this is new”? No, it has been done already in ages past.’ 2. Not Actually Born That Way • A lot of time and money has been spent on finding out if homosexuality is a genetic fact. As it turns out, it’s not. Although, for a long time, news articles about a gay gene were popular. What never hits the news is the storm of scientific criticism that follows. • Identical twins aren’t always the same. They share almost 100% DNA so if one’s gay then the other should be too. This should be either 100% of the time or very close to. But in a registry of 25,000 twins, Michael Bailey showed it’s only the case 1 in 9 times. Scientific evidence is only ever mounting in the other direction yet the born that way myth still persists. It seems to be the case that when science can’t support a left-wing position, they just send in their actors and singers and star-studded cast to produce propaganda to make the public believe it anyway. Like with the multiverse for example. • Being born that way was a bad angle to take because even if they were it doesn't equal good. People can be born predisposed to all kinds of things. This one is for pro-gay Christians: Jesus says die to yourself, it doesn’t matter what you think you want or need. The bible doesn’t condemn temptations it expects you to continue having them and promises one day you’ll be free of them, so there is no defense here. (If you don't even believe the bible, start on a different article). • There was also the angle of pointing to the animal kingdom, which again, seems funny seeing the things animals are known to do to each other. But even still, gay neuroscientist Simon LeVay says “a gay orientation, in animals, seems to be a rarity.” • While some will deny it's a choice because it doesn't help their case, some are happy to embrace this notion. In 2012 Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon told the New York Times her lesbianism is a ’choice’ and “you don’t get to define my gayness for me.” Of course, the very tolerant and loving activists heavily criticized, condemned and attacked her.

  • Julie Bindel wrote for the Newstatesmen an article titled ‘There’s no gay gene-and I love the idea I chose to be a lesbian.’

  • Simon Copland of The Guardian says gays should demand respect regardless of how it came about. New Scientist says “what causes homosexuality doesn’t matter, they exist and always have. Some people are gay, get over it.” Yes, everyone deserves respect but if you won’t go near the possible causes then you can never know if supporting the lifestyle is the loving thing to do. 3. The Unfortunate Cause • A paper from the U.S. National Library of Medicine says “Epidemiological studies find a positive association between childhood maltreatment and same-sex sexuality in adulthood, with lesbians and gay men reporting 1.6 to 4 times greater prevalence of sexual and physical abuse than heterosexuals.” • In the book My Genes Made Me Do It: Homosexuality and the Scientific Evidence, Dr Neil Whitehead writes “ex-gay support groups report 50-60% of gay men coming for help have been sexually abused which is confirmed by various researchers. They also report 85% of lesbians were sexually abused.” • Johns Hopkins University found many factors behind sexual identity, homosexuals are 2-3 times more likely to have been sexually abused. These conclusions come from over 200 peer reviewed studies and is published in the New Atlantis. • In an informal randomized trial by The Fuel Project, 10 gay celebrities were randomly chosen and then researched. The video lists contributing factors to homosexuality like divorced parents/broken home, poor relationship with a parent, sexual abuse/unnatural early sexual experience, bullying. Ellen DeGeneres-after parents’ divorce was molested as a teen according to Katie Morton. Milo Yiannopoulos-sexually abused between 13 and 16 by two men. He even makes comments clearly indicating he knows it was the trauma that caused it “In my case it was mostly nurture.” Elton John- described relationship with father as “pure hate”, father remarried with another family and Elton was rejected. Rosie O’Donnell-mom died when she was 10 and father abused her. Ricky Martin-boy band manager sexually abused in him as a child star. Graham Norton-bullied, rejected, isolated as child. Tom Daley-was super close with his dad until he died when he was 17. Then soon after he announced he was gay. Getting into a relationship with a man the exact age his father was at death. Ruby Rose-grew up without father, sexually abused, suicidal at 12. Neil Patrick Harris- comment in his autobiography about Burt Reynolds kissing him on the mouth as a child. “The crew thinks this is funny, but it makes you uncomfortable. Uncomfortable and, it will ultimately turn out, gay. Burt Reynolds kiss makes you gay.” George Takei-at 13 an older teen molested him at a summer camp. • Some suggest the association is explained by sexual predators targeting already gay, gender nonconforming kids. But why would the association be so strong when the percentage of homosexuals and sexual predators in society are so low? This reasoning also suggests that you really can pick out a gay person from the crowd because they aren’t “normal.” • Gay people themselves are claiming or in some cases suggesting that it really was the trauma that caused their orientation. Why would they do this if their orientation came first? They wouldn’t! • All the clear features of a homosexual lifestyle are also the common features of a victim of childhood sexual trauma. One article from the childhood trauma recovery website is title “Childhood Trauma Linked to Homosexuality. So What?”

  • According to Katie Morton, a common result of child abuse is hypersexuality in adulthood. The things she is describing from a psychological perspective, are admitted by so many homosexuals • Another very apparent cause in more and more people would be social contagion. And much more socially accepted exposure at such early ages. This is precisely what happened with body dysmorphia and anorexia which disproportionately affected young girls. 4. Promiscuity • This is another indication that there is underlying issues. And something mentioned by Katie Morton in symptoms of hypersexuality as a result of child abuse. • Only 9% of homosexuals have been in a relationship longer than 15 years (Gaywire). • And many of those weren’t even monogamous! The push for marriage equality was absolutely pointless because the idea that gay couples even want that lifestyle is an unscientific myth. In fact, McWhirter & Mattison (gay themselves) said the idea that gay people can form a relationship and build a lifelong bond is a myth and in fact is so contrary to the lifestyle that it would be homophobic to even ask them to try monogamy. • The Journal of Sex Research found that while 85% of straight women and 75% of straight men stay faithful, 4.5% of gay men will stay faithful and of the 4.5%-they had been together for less than 5 years. • It also found most homosexuals have between 100-500 sexual partners in their lifetime. Fits nicely with Elton John saying he did everything to try and fill the missing love from his father. 10% had over 500 and 15% had over 1000. • In 2002, a USA census showed 70% of women married to men, made it to their 10th anniversary while a 2004 survey found only 15% of gay couples lasting longer than 12 years. • 3-year study in Boston in 80’s found 77% of gays had more than 10 partners in previous 5 years. 34% had more than 50 in that period. Several other studies have agreed. Worst ones are from San Francisco. Among straight, 17% men and 10% of women had more than one partner in previous year. • Even in long term committed relationships, they are almost never monogamous. 1 recent study of male couples, 40% had open sexual agreements. That’s not even close to marriage it’s just cohabitating while sleeping around. 5. Domestic Violence • More indication of something wrong. • Northwestern University found incidences of domestic violence in gay homes double that of straight homes. With previous studies showing 75% chance gays will experience domestic violence in their lifetime 6. Mental Illness • More indication. Now remember, activists will blame these findings on society because they don’t accept LGBT people, but that completely goes against the research showing a massive shift in societal attitudes. There is far greater acceptance so why hasn’t the mental health improved? • Judas committed suicide; do we blame Jesus? We love to blame people when a suicide happens but the truth is self-absorption usually precedes suicide. It is suicide, not murder. If someone kills themselves because people disagree with their behavior, then surely something more was going on…you know, like Christians are trying to point out? • University of Cambridge found lesbians are twice as likely to report mental illnesses as straight women. And gay men are more than twice as likely to than their straight counterpart. • Jama Psychiatry found that gay males were much more likely to experience major depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia and OCD than straight males. • Lifesitenews-People in gay marriages are 3 times more likely to commit suicide than straight. Young people are 4 times more likely to commit suicide if they’ve participated in gay behaviors. They’re 50% more likely to get depression and engage in substance abuse. 200% more likely to commit suicide. Almost guaranteed to never find a life partner • American association for suicidology “it is concluded that the study finds no evidence that suicide is a common characteristic of gay youth, or that when suicide does occur among gay teenagers that it is a direct consequence of stigmatization or lack of support.” • Similar findings from American Journal of Psychiatry 7. Substance Abuse • Another indication.

  • Gay people use tobacco at double the rate of straight. • Alcohol abuse also increased in lesbian community, 35% history of abuse, compared to 5% of straight. Similar stats come from pro-gay sources. • 45% of lgbt pop, according to pride institute, abuse alcohol. VS 15% of gen pop. • 51% of gay men have history of drug abuse compared to 7% straight. • Gay men are 3.5 times more likely to use pot. 12x more likely to use amphetamines. 9.5x more likely to use heroin. 8. No Harm Done? • “They’re not harming anyone so mind your own business!” This argument backfires immensely. • The Bible has a lot of seriously profound wisdom that would change the world overnight if everyone followed it (speaking the truth, forgiveness, charity, work, rest, fasting, gratitude, worshiping the highest possible ideal) and everyone knows the value of these things, and people like Bret Weinstein and Jordan Peterson are compelled to say this is why the Bible is ‘metaphorically true.’ But yet when it comes to homosexuality, we think we know better, we think thousands of years of wisdom are wrong now. We ignore all the other times cultures were prevalent with homosexuality and subjectivism. • "It's their choice and it's not affecting you so shut up!" Scottish Humanist Philosopher David Hume attempted to describe sin without God, he defined it as something that does harm to oneself or another person. Hmm like gay sex? • There is an abundance of STD’s. Gay people are 44 times more likely to contract HIV than straight people. Also, far more likely to contract anal cancer, anal warts, hepatitis A and B, Chlamydia, Herpes, Gonorrhea, Viral Hepatitis, Syphilis. With even the Centre for Disease Control calculating that homosexuals would die on average 20 years earlier due to inherent diseases in the lifestyle. • 86% of new HIV infections occur within steady homosexual partnerships. • Gays make less than 2% of population but 61% of HIV cases. 75% of syphilis in 2012 were gay men CDC. This 75% represents 2% of the population. This is a huge red flag. • 1/3 of men who receive, have chronic incontinence, failure of the sphincter, diarrhea, cramps, hemorrhoids, prostate damage, ulcers, fissures. • Over their life 75% will have std’s, over a year, 40% will have them. The general population has a lifetime rate of 16.9%. and yearly rate of 1.6 %. • 55,000 new HIV cases each year in U.S says 78% of these are result of homosexuality.

  • "Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body.” 1 Cor 6. Do you think it's the LOVING thing to do to just 'shut up' and let people cause great harm to themselves and others? • Actually, they are harming the minds of the next generation. They are harming the society by promoting it to children who are highly susceptible and influential. What if the govt and the education system started promoting smoking, and anyone who came against it was called a bigot and evil and hateful. You cigaretaphobe!

  • You don't think they're promoting it? On the 31/3/22, the Washington Examiner published leaked documents from the California Teachers Association that indicate schools are systematically encouraging homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism. These documents are from a package that sets guidelines for LGBT clubs in schools. High school, middle school, and elementary. Clearly targeted to very young kids. ‘The Gender Unicorn’ Pictograph. Christopher Tremogli broke the story. A teacher from Blackshear Elementary in Austin Texas claimed that 20 out of her 32 4th grade students have come out as gay.

9. They Can’t Change • There are thousands of detailed testimonies available of people giving up their homosexuality. If one responds by saying ‘well they never truly felt that way to begin with’ or ‘they’re probably lying’ they are blatantly choosing to ignore evidence and reject thousands of lived experiences. • What about porn actors who aren’t gay and yet still willing to do gay acts for money. • 1 study followed over 10,000 adolescents. Of the 16-year-olds that were same sex attracted (SSA), 61% of them were attracted to opposite sex the following year-this was the guys, the rate for girls was 81%. Very similar results with the 17- to 22-year-olds. The changes were spontaneous without any attempt to make them happen. Now when you interfere with that process you are disrupting the very natural process of maturing out of it. • Dr Neil Whitehead research scientist who worked for NZ government and UN, notes that though a small percentage developed SSA, the vast majority transitioned in opposite direction. He says SSA is 25 times more likely to disappear than heterosexuality. It is very fluid but naturally towards straight. Indicating a more of a default orientation. • 3% of the straight population claims to have had same sex desires in the past. That’s more than all gays and bis put together, that means there’s more ex-gays than gays. • 2007 study by Jones and Yardhouse showed dissatisfied homosexuals changing to heterosexuals. A key factor is not wanting the desires. So, think about that when you hear someone say “do you think I’d be this way if I had a choice!?” “I couldn’t change even if I wanted to!” There are countless examples of people changing orientation. Freud did it with psycho analysis. Researchers throughout 20th century found the same thing. • The type of conversion therapy that hits the news is usually very weird and unusual, to the point where the media either highlights extreme cases or makes up fake stories. • Nicholas cummings former president of APA and gay advocate “I personally saw more than 2000 patients with same sex attractions and my staff saw thousands more. We worked hard to develop approaches to meet the needs of these patients, with clinical experience my staff and I learned to assess the probability of change in those who wished to become heterosexual. Of the patients I oversaw, who sought to change their orientation, hundreds were successful. Since then, the role of psychotherapy in sexual orientation and change efforts has been politicized. Gay and lesbian rights activists appear to be convincing the public that gay is one identical inherited characteristic to my dismay, some in the organized mental health community seem to agree, including the APA. Though I don’t believe that view is supported by scientific evidence…contending that all SSA is immutable, is a distortion of reality. Attempting to characterize all reorientation therapy as unethical, violates patient choice and gives an outside party a veto over patient’s goals for their own treatment. A political agenda shouldn’t prevent gays and lesbians who desire to change from making their own decisions…accusing professionals from across the country who provide treatment for fully informed persons seeking to change their sexual orientation of perpetrating a fraud, serves only to stigmatize the professional and shame the patient.” • Plus, how common is bisexuality?! The ability to literally choose between either gender. • Christopher Hensley of the University of Tennessee said many inmates who identify as heterosexual, change their sexual habits while in prison, possibly as a victim or perpetrator or due to lack of opposite sex. And in one study he conducted of 142 prisoners, 24 changed their sexual orientation. 10. Do Not Become Parents • Again, the logic of 'not harming anyone' backfires here. • A loving marriage between a man and woman is the most pro child institution we have, decades of social science dictates this is the most important thing we can do in terms of the child’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. • In 1989, the book Heather has 2 Mommies represented a startling first in children’s literature. This confuses children about something that is really simple and will easily make them grow up questioning themselves. But the point here is, in 2015 the book was rereleased and the girl it was based on-Heather Barwick- then 31-year-old mother released an open letter explaining how painful it was to be raised in the home. “Growing up, I advocated gay marriage, its only with time and distance from childhood, I’m able to reflect on my experiences and recognize long-term consequences it had on me. It promotes and normalizes a family structure that necessarily denies us something precious and foundational it denies us something we need and long for, while at the same time tells us that we don’t need what we naturally crave. That we will be okay. But we’re not. We’re hurting.” The book represents an ideological driven myth. • Growing number of kids growing up and telling their story of how they were not satisfied with gay parents. And starting organizations against it. • Mark Regnorous from university of Texas-published on social science research. Kids from gay homes did worse in 77 out of 80 evaluating measures. More likely to be on welfare, lower educational attainment, kids report less safety, more negative impact, depression, arrested more, more promiscuity in the kids, 3x more likely to identify as something other than heterosexual. • Kids raised by lesbians are 10x more likely to have been touched sexually by parent or adult caregiver (23%) compared to 2% by married biological parents. If raised by gay dads 3x more likely (6%). Forced into sex 8% from straight families, 31% lesbian mothers, 25% gay dads. • Catholic fostering services being shut down because they won’t give to gay couples. One lawyer said "in the name of tolerance, we are not being tolerated." 11. Transgenderism

  • If people’s self-identity isn’t lining up with the body, why is the only “tolerant” option amputating the body? Why can’t the “self-identity” be treated? Especially when you weigh up the risks!? Why would we present these options to anyone when there are high success rates in the area of therapy?

  • A very young boy had a sister with special needs so she took up more of his parent’s attention, the young boy internally thought he needed to be a girl to get his parents love. He externalized this by playing with dolls and saying he’s a girl, they found out why he did this when they went to a therapist, do you see how having a tolerant doctor putting feelings before facts could irreversibly wreck this child?

  • Thoughts and feelings are not hardwired they're developed, they're either factually correct or incorrect keeping in mind the definition of a delusion is a fixed false belief.

  • The left-wing ideology is at odds with itself. Feminists say there are no differences between men and women except for physiology. Any perceived difference is social constructs at play. Not only does this disregard evolutionary theory and the 6500 genetic differences but it is at odds with all the transgenders who consider themselves to be the other gender based on common stereotypes. The only social construct is transgenderism.

  • “DNA coding that determines sex is 'complicated in and of itself' and 'there are countless instances of species that can actually transition from one sex to another within a single lifetime”. This is an interesting argument to compare animals that biologically change into a different sex to humans doing it artificially. • “Little is known about the cause and studies that show psychological affects have been widely discredited.” It’s an easy claim to make when the actual experts that present evidence to the contrary are deplatformed and bullied into silence. If the studies were discredited why is the success rate so high (75-95%) for questioning youths to accept their biological gender before 18? Dr. Michelle gets emails and phone calls from physicians and therapists even on the left thanking her for speaking out because if they did, they would lose their jobs/get death threats. • The history of transgenderism is disastrous. In the 50's, John Money moved the word gender from grammar to sex identity, he and two unqualified doctors paved the way for transgender pseudoscience and during his time at Johns Hopkins he taught a 6-year-old how to masturbate and went behind doctors back to tell parents they should raise their child with a micro-penis as a girl, as a teen he demanded to be changed back but later killed himself. • Also, during his time, a newborn's penis was burnt off. He contributed to the development of sex change surgery even though he had no basis in science for anything and his quotes include "I have an idea" and "let’s do this and see how things work out."

  • When activists note that transgender brains are more like their preferred gender, they are either being dishonest or are ignorant to the fact the brain can and will change due to behavior. If they act like their preferred gender, their brain will resemble it. What's more, a large number of transgender brains that have been tested have shown no difference, in these cases they probably haven't been trans for very long.

  • It doesn’t matter what pseudo-science they offer, because it can never rationally explain people who identify as different ages, or races, or species, or inanimate objects. Speaking of, is it the loving thing to encouraged mutilation if someone identifies as an amputee? And how exactly are you differentiating that from a transgender? • There are very real dangers and consequences for drug therapies regarding gender transition. You would think would you not that if this was completely rational and not ideological, that extreme caution would be taken before giving children irreversible treatments? Instead of instantly affirming very malleable and easily persuaded, ignorant children. • Puberty blockers are essentially chemical castration and cross-sex hormones will cause irreversible sterility. These drugs also increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. Kids as young as 16 are eligible for sex reassignment surgery and without parental consent, they've also been known to cause memory problems in men. • It is destroying kid’s ability for reality testing. If you're being intellectually honest, you know kids can be easily influenced and you need to be careful with what you say, if they hear these unverified lies (claims if I was being naively generous) they will begin to doubt their own mentality. To sum up it is straight up gaslighting, surgical mutilation, pubertal castration which all equals institutionalized child abuse. • If the ‘born that way’ lie were true then it would be in the DNA and twins would ALWAYS be both transgender or both not transgender 100% of the time or just about because they're DNA is basically identical. This tells us that its always post birth affects • Biology is clearly binary, just because there are exceptions to the rule (Klinefelter’s, intersex) doesn’t invalidate the rule. We live in a diseased world with genetic disorders, they don’t justify intentionally imitating them. 12. Pro-Gay Christians Are Deluded • God still loves gays! He loves all sinners. • Gen 2: The original language for suitable partner meant opposite but corresponds to. This is a man and woman just like a plug and a port. Not two of the same gender. Same sex relations don’t have complimentary genetics, don’t fit together physically, the male and female were to be representations of God and the church, loving submission and loving and sacrificial leadership. • Marriage is a gender specific issue from the first time it comes up. There was plenty of opportunity for God to make homosexuality an option in regards to marriage but never did. Only punishment like any other sin. Why would you bother thinking the church has been wrong about this for 2000 years? This leaves a lot of room to continue changing doctrine based on your own opinion. Wait, that's what progressive "Christians" do anyway, by bad fam, as you were. • Sodom and Gomorrah, Gen 18/19- Jude 7 condemns Sodom and Gomorrah for sexual immorality and going after strange flesh. It was the abuse but also the nature of the attraction. Can’t be talking about the fact they were angels because it said Sodom, Gomorrah and cities around them were doing these things so it wasn’t a one-time event. Plus, they said “give us the man” they didn’t know it was an angel. • 2 prohibitions in the OT- Leviticus 18/20. Condemnation and consequences. Paul says all scripture is profitable and it is. We don’t just chuck out the parts about pork and other irrelevant OT laws. We simply know there’s a difference between laws specific to the culture and actual moral laws. The NT specifically explains that all food is clean and fine and dandy, it doesn’t do this with homosexuality only the opposite. To compare sex on woman’s period to this is silly, it’s an attempt to make a rule out of an exception, everything else on that list is forbidden and applicable so why should we look to one example? Cause it’s a deceptive teaching and we shouldn’t. It’s not even up at the top with the ceremonial issue it’s at the bottom with bestiality. • Plus, ceremonial uncleanness wasn’t a moral issue, it was ceremonial. There was no sacrifice to be made just time passing. And that list was said by God to have been the reason he kicked the Canaanites out of their land. So, he admitted he judged gentiles by these standards so it’s not just the Jewish OT law. • 1 Tim 1. • Romans 1. They may reject by saying “so gay people be alone for their whole life?” Not only is this not what its saying, there are multiple NT passages promoting singleness for straight people. They’re going out of their way to offend all single people here and assume their life is drudgery. • All homosexuality condemned with no qualifications, it never singles out bad examples and never leaves room for allowances like “committed” and “loving”. All we needed was a verse saying “unless they’re married” • Because Jesus didn’t talk about it it’s okay? So, we can beat children? Jesus didn’t talk about homosexuality because he was talking to the Jews, that was his audience! They were pretty clear on that issue and the person who did target the gentiles-Paul specifically mentions the issue multiple times. • Romans 1:26 “Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.” 13. Sources • DR Michelle Cretlla • The fraud of transgender science- • Dr Michelle Cretella, M.D-President of American College of Pediatricians- • Dr Peter Saunders - The Transgender Agenda • Feminist icon germaine greer and gay icon peter thatcher called transphobes and barred from speaking in british unviersities for simply saying trans women are not real women • Xiridou, Maria, et al. “The Contribution of Steady and Casual Partnerships to the Incidence of HIV Infection among Homosexual Men in Amsterdam.” Aids, vol. 17, no. 7, 2003, pp. 1029–1038., doi:10.1097/00002030-200305020-00012 • “Why marriage must be between a man and a woman” -Spencer Gear (Couns. Psych)>DocumentStore • “Are Some People Born Gay?” YouTube, The Fuel Project, 16 Apr. 2016, • “Homosexuality Will Be Prevalent.” YouTube, The Fuel Project, 18 Apr. 2018, • Fairley, Mark. “The War on Truth.” YouTube, The Fuel Project, 10 July 2017, • Roberts, Andrea L, et al. “Does Maltreatment in Childhood Affect Sexual Orientation in Adulthood?” Archives of Sexual Behavior, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Feb. 2013, • Sex Change Regret | For those who want to return back

  • camilla paglia talks about trans and ancient cultures collapsing.

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