1. Introduction
· Over the years, the media and Hollywood propaganda has been getting louder about veganism and meat consumption. The belief is that meat is not only bad for your health but also the environment (and also immoral).
· These are all false so why promote it? What do they say...follow the money.
2. Better for Environment?
· Meat consumption has been blamed for the Amazon forest fires and deforestation. But even if every single American went vegan tomorrow, it would do very little as China and Hong Kong are the biggest importers. And those fires coincide with the season when farmers begin planting soybean and corn-the 2 main ingredients in every vegan meat substitute! A similar thing occurs in African countries Angola and Congo, lots of fires and not a lot of cattle ranching, just crops that support a plant-based diet.
· As much as 70% of global agricultural land can only be utilized as grazing land for animals.
· And 86% of their feed isn’t edible for humans because they are eating by products that would have otherwise been an environmental burden.
· The U.N released a figure saying livestock is responsible for 18% of greenhouse emissions. This is higher than transport! They got the figure by looking at all the ways livestock might produce gas. They didn’t do that for transportation. Now why would they skew the facts? The EPA says agriculture is only 9%, and more than half of that is plant-based agriculture! Even if we take the still wrong but lower 18%, we would reduce 0.36% of global emissions if the entire U.S went vegan. The environment wouldn’t benefit but fake meat companies sure would!
· But maybe we should get rid of the natural cycle of cows eating grass and pooing. It would be much better to create factories to make fake meat. At least the cow is not adding more carbon into the world, the methane it emits comes from the carbon that came from the grass in the first place. You want to talk about methane? Another huge source is decomposing food in landfills. 1/3 of all food in the world is wasted and 82% does not come from animals.
· 1/3 of the earth’s soil is depleted. What degrades it the quickest? Monocultures (single crops) and chemical fertilizers and pesticides required to grow them. Scientific American “given enough time, most monocultures fail, often spectacularly.” What regenerates the soil? That’s right! Ruminant livestock! Mounting evidence on this from dozens of farmers, ranchers and pastoralists and let’s not forget the atheist’s clergy! Range scientist Richard Teague and soil scientist and microbiologist Dr Elaine Ingham.
· Air quality specialist Dr. Frank Mitloehner says 70% of the world’s freshwater reserves go to irrigating crops and 53% of ground water foes to rice, wheat and cotton. And that without ruminant animals, 2/3 of food producing land would go to waste.
3. Better for You?
· For over 50 years we’ve been told saturated fat is bad. The truth has come out but it must have been a coincidence they used a primary nutrient in animal products to demonize for so long. A lie that has made big pharma billions. Dr George Mann, a researcher involved in a study intended to boost the theory said “dietary fat is not the determinant for either high cholesterol nor coronary heart disease…and the hypothesis is the greatest scam ever perpetrated on the American public.”
· Studies demonizing meat don’t consider the lifestyles and other dietary choices when they compare meat eaters to vegans.
· Organ meats are extremely nutrient dense and nutrients in animal products are more bioavailable than plants.
· Dr Bradley Johnson lead an international team of researchers that concluded the link between red meat and chronic illness is scientifically lacking. There were a series of papers published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
· But maybe the completely man made and unnatural notion of veganism is better…somehow. How arrogant must one be to say they know better than the evolutionary process that got us here? We’ve been eating meat for a long time, if it were bad for us we would have died out or adapted to the point of it becoming good for us.
· You need to eat a LOT of plant-based food to make up what you could get in a palm size piece of meat. The side-by-side comparisons vegans put together never factor in the bioavailability of the nutrients they’re comparing, and the sheer amount of beans (or whatever they’re proposing) that you would need to eat.
4. But It Is Immoral
· A large percentage of vegans/vegetarians are in fact nonreligious. Even, atheists. They often don’t realize this but they have no objective foundation to call anything good or bad, right or wrong. What is their standard? Whatever it is, how is it objective and not arbitrary? They CAN be good and upstanding people, but they cannot objectively KNOW that, they can only pick a set of values that they will get from the culture they are in and then they can treat those values like they are somehow true despite all the other cultures in the world that would completely oppose them.
· Without God we are civilized animals. Funnily enough a large part of our civility comes from Christianity (Tom Holland-The Triumph of Christianity). No other animal cares about its preys survival at the risk of its own.
5. Destruction of Meat Producers
· With respect to Covid, one of the other many benefits to the elite and disastrous consequences for the rest, is the way meat production has been affected. Meat packing plants have had to shut down because of virus outbreaks.
· Interestingly, the ones that didn’t go down that way all had strange things like explosions or vehicles crashing into them all with a few weeks of each other. This was after Biden warned of food shortages. And luckily no one had to even think about this travesty because the media was so focused on the Johnny Depp trial!
· Data on food manufacturing disruptions isn’t retained so hypothetical increase couldn’t be measured. But Guy from the Coin Bureau studied the poultry industry and found that in 2022, they hit their 3-4 yearly average very early on. In California, arson arrests went from 70 in 2019 to 120 in 2020 coinciding with the doubling of food processing disruptions. Anonymous hacked law enforcement databases showing an uptick of activism arson (Blueleaks) which was also reported by The Guardian.
· ABC News reported on tens of thousands of Kansas cattle dropping dead from heat waves. But the weather in Kansas and Nebraska were well within normal ranges compared to previous years. Many farmers confirmed that the deaths were not normal.
· Just one of Biden’s many humorous gaffs “we talked about how we could increase and disseminate more rapidly food shortages.”
· Throughout history there have been starvation periods inflicted on people by those trying to establish themselves as dictators (Vladimir Lenin, Stalin, Mao).
6. Their Goals
· The UN and WEF have made their intentions clear to phase out meat and have suggested eating insects (See Nicole Kidman eating them). All kinds of ideas have come out from the U.N including “treating carnivores the same way that smokers are treated” (Christiana Figueres-former executive secretary of the U.N Framework convention on climate change) and putting a tax on meat. Researchers interviewed by the Guardian suggest “a mix of education, taxes, subsidies for plant-based foods and changes to school and workplace menus.” A study in the Lancet outlines solutions ranging from sharing information to eliminating consumer choice. In 2016, the WEF predicted we’ll own nothing and be happy, eat much less meat, the U.S won’t be the world’s superpower.
· Why couldn’t they do that? What’s stopping them? Bill Gates and big corporations now control the farmland. Monsanto has sued small farmers for reusing seeds. For years, corporations have been absorbing small businesses. Just 10 companies control over half of the global seed market. This monopoly gives them tremendous power to lobby governments to make laws friendly to them.
· Some countries allude or explicitly mention the citizen’s right to food in their constitutions, but the U.S doesn’t. It’s not considered a right. Which means govt legislation or corporate interests could prevent you from freely growing eating or selling your own food.
7. Occult Origins
· In the 1840’s, over 80 experimental utopian societies were set up in the U.S, even more in Europe. Mostly Marxist/socialist, some weird protestant cults. The main pillars were feminism, expanding this breakdown of hierarchy philosophy to animals as well. Among suffragettes, there was something called the reformed diet, they would meet at vegetarian restaurants. And you may already know about the occult beliefs of the early feminists, even many to this day.
· With the rejection of traditional marriage and motherhood according to Rachel Wilson, the maternal instinct was shifted over to animals.
· And with the demonization of traditional religion, a mother earth centered worship filled the void. Disney movies and cartoons often romanticize and anthropomorphize nature and we have become so disconnected from it, it is much easier to worship it as this mother earth.
· These communes experimented with men doing the childcare and women doing the labor-intensive work. Out of the dozens that Rachel Wilson studied, the longest one was only 7 years. And of course, almost all of them were funded by a wealthy Marxist.
· The Fellowship of the New Life, a socialist vegetarian, feminist group of intellectuals in London 1883. Founded humanist ethics movement, wanted socialist utopia. A bunch of prominent members founded the Fabian Society, Havelock Ellis (long standing affair with Margaret sanger, both dabbled in occult practices and vegetarians), Annie Besant (another prominent member and theosophist), H.G Wells (very influential in sci-fi and politics and vegetarian), George Bernard Shaw, Emeline Pankhurst (Queen of British suffragettes), Bertrand Russell (prominent member, vegetarian, famous atheist, feminist). The Fabian’s coat of arms was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, later got rid of that, their whole idea was slow incrementalism, their plan was to slowly infiltrate the political system, university system, had a mascot that was a tortoise, they founded London school of economics (which has done most of the economic forecasting for the EU). These institutions also have a lot to say about what goes on in the banking world, they’re obviously going to churn out people who go on to work with the banks of the world and inform their policies, they founded the labor party in the UK, in the U.S they infiltrated the democrat party, with some in the republican party too.
8. Sources
· Business Insider “Cows are getting a bad rap and it’s time to set the record straight: Giving up meat won’t save the planet
· Global Food Security volume 14, Sept 2017, Pg 1-8 “Livestock: On our plates or eating at our table? A new analysis of the feed/food debate