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Writer's pictureGhee Zuzkreist

The Red Flags Surrounding Covid-19


  • Most people have spotted something illogical or inconsistent in the way governments are handling Covid, and some people think those are signs of something devious.

  • There are conspiracy theorists who like to feel like they know more than others, but on the other end of the spectrum is people who really don’t want to believe they have mead deceived and lied. There are biases everywhere.

  • Let’s look at as many facts as possible and see what best explains them.

1. The virus was man made

  • It came from a lab; we just can’t say for sure whether it was released intentionally.

  • If it didn’t, it would be an astounding coincidence that a corona virus jumped species in the same place there is a lab that genetically modifies corona viruses.

  • But it’s worth asking why there was a bioweapons lab in such a densely populated place (Wuhan).

  • There are thousands of global scientists and researchers that genetically engineer viruses, bacteria and microorganisms to make them more infective, virulent and dangerous. This is defended as a way of preparing ourselves and learning about viruses, it is called ‘gain of function’ research.

  • A number of well-respected scientific critics of genetic engineering and biological warfare (Francis Boyle) have been sounding the alarm for decades. After 30 years, there have been hundreds of documented leaks, thefts, accidents and deliberate releases (2001 Anthrax). This doesn’t even include UNREPORTED incidents. Absolutely no new effective drugs or research has come out of this ‘gain of function’ research.

  • Corona viruses typically have a narrow host range (livability in few species), such as bats, but using targeted RNA combinations, gene engineers can manipulate viruses to enable them to infect other species (humans).

  • If there is a natural explanation, all the Chinese and U.S governments and associated researchers have to do is provide the evidence. Dr David Romans points out in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences they would need to provide lab samples and scientific data showing the identity of Sars CoV 2 and its most recent ancestors. As well as the place, time and mechanism of transmission of the first human infection.

  • The virus was circulating in Wuhan before any person was infected at a market.

2. There was an attempt to cover this fact up

  • In order to conceal malpractice and negligence, and protect their ability to do dangerous unregulated research, and safeguard profits, Chinese and the U.S governments and big pharma and social media giants and global scientists have been frantically trying to coverup the lab leak.

  • There was systematic destruction of forensic evidence. Tests and samples taken from the Wuhan market.

  • Takeover of Wuhan Institute of Virology by Chinese military.

  • Removal from online public database of 20,000 bat virus genomes collected by the WIV and others.

  • The censoring of Chinese scientists who pointed out Sars CoV 2 was likely a lab release with the potential to set off a dangerous pandemic.

  • A ban on publishing any articles on Sars CoV 2 without the approval of Chinese military.

  • The secret alterations of data sets in published papers without publishing notices of correction.

  • The deletion of 300 corona virus studies from the state run National Natural Science Foundation of China’s database.

  • Emails showing Fauci actively chose to ignore prominent scientists saying a lab leak was possible yet he went on to call it a conspiracy theory anyway.

  • Anthony Fauci lied about the existence of ‘gain of function’ research.

  • This is such a high-ranking crime, if a suspect (Chinese govt) or group of suspects (Chinese, U.S, NGO’s) act like they’re guilty, concealing/destroying evidence, intimidating witnesses, attacking critics, constantly changing their story, then they would be condemned as guilty and punished. All you have to do is look at who benefits at the end of the day.

3. The Virus was anticipated

  • Event 201 was a simulated pandemic of a novel coronavirus 10 weeks before the Covid-19 outbreak (Oct 2019). Cohosted by Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins and the World Economic Forum (WEF). Everything has been playing out like planned (PPE shortages, lockdowns, censorship, removal of civil liberties, riots, economic turmoil, breakdown of social cohesion). Like a dress rehearsal.

  • Science magazine warned in 2004 that the next Sars epidemic would likely come from a research lab.

  • In Jan 2018, the Wuhan Institute of Virology was seen as ‘dangerously mismanaged’ and ‘inadequately staffed’, posing a serious risk of an accidental release of a potential pandemic pathogen.

  • Incidents like this have happened before with bird flus and swine flus.

  • Anthony Fauci “If there’s one message, I want to leave with you today based on my experience, it is that there is no question there will be a challenge to the coming Trump administration in the arena of infectious diseases. But also, there will be a surprise outbreak. The thing we’re extraordinarily confident about, is that we’re going to see this in the next few years.”

  • Even in movies (The Simpsons, Captain America, Netflix’s Pandemic and My Secret Terrarius, The Handmaid’s Tale, The Omicron Variant) and games (Resident Evil, Deus Ex) and books (Dean Koontz’s The Eyes of Darkness) and the 2012 Olympics ceremony.

4. There are way too many conflicts of interest

  • The same global actors that planned for the pandemic (Gates foundation, WHO, Johns Hopkins, WEF) are also the same ones that are leading the way, providing the solutions, and pushing for a ‘Great Reset’.

  • The World Economic Forum is the social and economic branch of the U.N, hosting annual conferences for billionaires in Switzerland and founded by Klaus Schwab, the author of the 2016 book The 4th Industrial Revolution.

  • Schwab released a book called Covid 19: The Great Reset in June of 2020, how did he get that out so quickly? It wasn’t written well before the pandemic, was it?

  • The World Economic Forum is a conglomeration of the world’s largest businesses, all of which have interests in a technocratic agenda. Microsoft, Mastercard (leading the way for global digital ID and banking), Google (No.1 big data collector and leader in artificial intelligence), Rockefeller foundation, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

  • All the globalists have ever been interested in, is centralizing their power. Think about that branched out diagram of all the media outlets or food companies that are all owned by a small few at the top.

  • Bill Gates’ solutions to the world’s problems are consistently focused on building corporate profits through toxic strategies. Chemical agriculture, GMO’s, pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines, surveillance technologies. He doesn’t have any vested interests in clean living and inexpensive holistic health strategies which is why he rarely promotes such things.

  • The WHO’s major funders are China, U.S govt and Bill Gates, along with big pharma and vax makers.

  • Gates donates billions to private companies. A March 2020 article in The Nation by Tim Schwab called “Bill Gates Charity Paradox” details the moral hazards surrounding the Gates foundation’s 50-billion-dollar charitable enterprise. Whose sprawling activities over 2 decades have been subject to remarkably little government oversight or public scrutiny. As noted in the article, Gates discovered an easy way to gain political power, one that allows unelected billionaires to shape public policy, namely-charity.

  • James Love, director of the nonprofit Knowledge Ecology International pointed out to the nation that Gates uses his philanthropy to advance a pro patent agenda on pharmaceutical drugs, even in countries that are really poor. He’s undermining a lot of things that are really necessary to make drugs affordable. “He gives so much money to fight poverty, and yet he’s the biggest obstacle on a lot of reforms.”

  • Gates, a long time defender of the drug industry, was on flights to Epstein Island and he was awkwardly suspicious when asked about it in an interview. From the beginning he came out and said we will never go back to normal until or unless the entire population gets vaccinated and countries implement tracking and tracing technologies and vaccine passports. At the same time, he’s pouring money into digital ID projects and cashless society plans. All of these things will form a digital prison. With complete control over the global population.

  • The Gates foundation became the WEF’s largest sponsor after Trump stopped the U.S’s donations.

  • GAVI, the vaccine alliance, a partnership between gates and big pharma, with a stated aim of solving global health problems through vaccines, is also a top donor to the WHO, and primary initiatives of the WEF.

  • John Hopkins was started by the Rockefeller foundation. Researchers from the Rockefeller foundation and Hopkins were responsible for the cruel and infamous experiments on 600 black share croppers in Alabama, who were injected with syphilis and never given treatment but just placebos. Even as they infected their families. They were also involved in the horrific Guatemala experiments from 1946 and 1948.

  • Other global actors that make up some of the conglomerates are Henry Kissinger, tech giants like Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, the Club of Rome, the Aspin Institute (executives from around the world that have been groomed and mentored about the subtleties of globalization).

  • Conflicts of interest are at all levels. CDC has made itself beholden to big pharma by accepting millions in corporate donations through its government-chartered foundation, the CDC Foundation. Several watchdog groups, filed a petition to urge the CDC to stop making false disclaimers that they are uncompromised.

  • The young leaders’ program is an initiative of the WEF. A 5-year indoctrination into their principles. There is footage of Schwab sitting in front of a statue of Vladimir Lenin on a shelf. One of the most murderous world leaders in history.

  • Super rich company called black rock. It is buying up homes at an alarming rate.

  • Multiple federal and international investigations have documented the financial entanglements with pharma companies that have made these regulators cesspools of corruption.

5. Who benefits the most?

  • The same ones that knew the pandemic was coming, are the same ones who have been telling us what to do, and they also happen to be the same ones that are benefitting the most from the whole situation.

  • There is growing talk of redistribution of resources, but throughout history, while that is under the guise of an idealistic socialism, it usually means redistributing resources upwards not to be seen again. In a 2016 Forbes article, Ida Auken from the leadership strategy team of the WEF, writes “welcome to the year 2030…I don’t own anything…everything you considered a product has now become a service…once in a while I get annoyed about the fact I have no real privacy, nowhere I can go and not be registered, I know that somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded, I just hope that nobody will use it against me. All in all, it is a good life.” If you rent everything, who owns it? Klaus Schwab is already infamous for the line “You will own nothing and be happy.

  • Investigative reporter James Corbet “the great reset is nothing more and nothing less than a great propaganda marketing rollout campaign, for a new brand that the would-be global elite are trying to shove down the public’s throats.” It is centralizing power to get into fewer and fewer hands, making it easier for satan to control the whole world? The antichrist?

· Build back better comes from the U.N. Shifting the financial system over to a central bank digital currency system. General agreement among experts that most major countries will implement this within the next 2-4 years. They won’t be anything like existing crypto. These will be controlled by the banks still. They will surveil and control your life.

· Many of the terms that get increasingly used, also refer to technocracy under a guise. Sustainable development, agenda 21, the 2030 agenda, green economy. All apart of technocracy and resource-based economics. This is why the bible says it will be the worst it has ever been in history, because we have never had the capacity to get the whole world together under one system.

· Transferring wealth upwards. In the U.S, their quarantine predictably shattered the nations once booming economy. Putting 58 million out of work, 160,000 businesses forced to close their doors with over 100,000 not opening them again. Some of which, took 3 generations to build.

· In Dec 2020, the total wealth of U.S billionaires reached 4 trillion dollars more than 1 trillion of which was gained since March 2020. While 45 million Americans filed for unemployment, 29 new billionaires were created. 5 of the richest men in the U.S, Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Buffet, Larry Ellison, grew their wealth by a total of 101.7 billion. March and June in 2020 alone. This is because their businesses weren’t shut down. That only hurts small, privately owned businesses. The disparity in treatment of big box stores and small retailers has been strikingly illogical. How is it safe to shop with hundreds of people in a Walmart but unsafe in a store that can only hold a fraction of that.

· Pandemic profiteers include online retailers like Amazon, Zoom, Skype, Netflix, Google, Facebook. The pandemic has not been the great equalizer like promised by members of the WEF, rather it has exacerbated the existing inequalities.

· As the WEF states “with some 2.6 billion people in some kind of lockdown, we are conducting arguably the largest psychological experiment ever”

· These policies also put into the motion the inevitable dismantling of the social safety net, dropping an additional 8% of Americans below the poverty line. It transferred 1 trillion dollars of wealth to big technology, big data, big finance, media behemoths, and Silicon Valley giants like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey. The same people profiting are the same ones actively silencing critics of those policies. The very companies that were promising to democratize and connect us are the ones bringing about the end of democracy and igniting division.

6. Positive Cases were artificially inflated in multiple ways

· The official story is that it’s a highly contagious, deadly infection that’s stopped only by social distancing, frequent hand washing, lockdowns, masks, mass testing, contact tracing, vaccines. But in reality, it is a lab manufactured trigger for preexisting conditions of an aging and increasing chronically ill population. The virus itself isn’t the primary cause of most hospitalizations and deaths. The virus exploits other serious diseases. People are dying WITH covid not FROM it.

· According to CDC in Aug 2020, only 6% of the total covid related deaths in U.S had covid as the sole reason for death. The other 94% of death certificates routinely featured a list of comorbidities with an average of 2.6 health conditions that contributed to the death.

· But the CDC has ordered all doctors to say Covid was the primary cause. On their webpage, “when covid-19 is reported as a cause of death, it is counted as a death due to covid-19.

· The majority of ‘positive’ cases were asymptomatic. China stopped testing people unless they were sick.

· The PCR tests cannot distinguish between live reproductive viruses and inactive ones.

· Most labs amplify the RNA from PCR tests too many times, resulting in false positives. Scientist have noted amplification cycles over 35 are scientifically indefensible. Even Fauci concedes that the chances of an accurate reading at 35 or more is miniscule. A 2020 study revealed the accuracy to be 3%. Meaning a false positive rate of 97%. Yet the WHO recommendation is at 45, and the CDC and FDA recommend 40. Why?

· And why did they suddenly lower the cycle threshold an hour after Biden became president? To automatically drop the number of cases. The next day Biden reinstated the U. S’s funding for the WHO that Trump took away. But of course, the media paints the drop in cases to be a result of social distancing, masks and vaccines.

· In Europe, a court in Portugal ruled that the PCR test is not a reliable test for Sars CoV 2, and any enforced quarantine based on the results is unlawful.

· Class action lawsuits against fraudulent testing. International team of class action lawyers leading suit against multiple governments, led by Reiner Fuellmich.

· The leaflets that accompany the test kits, state that they shouldn’t be considered true diagnostic tests for the presence of disease.

· Even the CDC admitted that PCR may not indicate the presence of an infectious virus.

· An open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and media reiterate some of the tests shortcomings

· By using a test that falsely labels healthy people sick, mass testing drives the narrative of a lethal pandemic. If it wasn’t for this flawed test, there would be no pandemic to speak of.

· According to army trained nurse who working during the height of the outbreak in NYC, hospital administrators and doctors made a long list of errors most egregious of which was to place all covid 19 patients including those merely suspected of having it, on mechanical ventilation, rather than less invasive oxygen administration, financial incentives were in play. The hospital received an extra $29,000 for a covid 19 patient receiving ventilation. Over and above other reimbursements.

· In Oct 2020, CDC director Robert Redfield admitted that hospital incentives likely elevated hospitalization rates and death toll statistics around the country.

· Researchers warned that patients placed on ventilators are at increased risk of death, and leading experts suggested the machines were being overused. And that the patients would likely do better with less invasive treatments. According to one study, more than 50% of mechanically ventilated patients died. The practice remained widespread none the less. There is a risk of lung damage from the high pressure used by the machines. Long term sedation is another risk.

· Ventilators don’t help but only increase deaths

· Claims of kids being increasingly hospitalized with covid despite the fact that they are just getting tested in the hospital when they get there for a different reason.

· Many governors radically increased elderly death with misguided policies. State leaderships decision to place infected patients in nursing homes. Against federal guidelines. According to an analysis by the foundation for research on equal opportunity, an average of 42% of all covid deaths in us occurred in nursing homes. Extraordinary considering this group accounts for just .62% of gen pop. Its logical to assume comingling infected patients with noninfected will inflate the death rates. Several governors did this. On top of them already being highly susceptible to it, Pro Publica published investigation, comparing nursing homes, ones that had comingling policies and ones that didn’t. Diamond hill nursing home that followed Cuomo’s directive had lost 18 residents. Rensselaer Manor, another home in the same county that refused to follow the states guidelines but rather the federal, did not have a single covid 19 death. A similar trend has been observed in other areas.

· More than 15,000 aged care residents died under Cuomo’s New York leadership.

· A perfect storm of errors. Novel viruses always have their biggest impact at the beginning of their existence. Due to the vulnerable being hit first and the medical community mistreating people, the initial spike of fatalities was real, but didn’t have to be as high as it was. If it wasn’t for systematic medical mistreatment, widespread erroneous use of ventilators and incomprehensible decision making by a handful of state governors, the death toll could have been negligible

7. The media is controlled by all the wrong people

· Bill Gates has become extremely insulated from criticism thanks to the fact that he funds journalism and major media corporations.

· On Aug 21 2020, article in Columbia Journalism Review, Tim Schwab highlights connections between the Gates foundation and a number of newsrooms including NPR. They routinely publish news favorable to Gates and the projects he supports.

· Schwab examined the recipients of nearly 20,000 Gates foundation grants, finding more than 250 million has been given to major media companies including BBC, NBC, Aljazeera, National Journal, the Guardian, Financial Times, the Atlantic, and many more. As well as many charities that in turn are affiliated with news outlets.

· Bill Gates is not a doctor, so why is he constantly made an authority by the media? He gave a Ted Talk on reducing the world’s population with vaccines, he’s the biggest profiter from jabs on the planet earth.

· Big pharma’s $9.6 billion annual advertising budget, gives them complete control over our news and television. In 2014, a network president Roger Ales, said he would fire any news show hosts who allowed Joseph Mercola to talk about vaccine safety on air. “Our news division gets up to 70% of ad revenue from pharma in non-election years.”

8. Anything that didn’t conform to the narrative was demonized

· Debate and conversation were shut down because truth cannot stand up to questions

· At the Event 201 pandemic simulation, a lot of time was spent planning how they would counter ‘misinformation’.

· Agencies like the WEF and WHO actually hired high powered public relations firm Hill and Norton Strategies to seek out celebrities and social media influencers to build trust in the government’s response to the pandemic. The U.N enlisted 10,000 digital volunteers to rid the internet of what they consider false information about Covid and disseminate U.N verified ‘science-based’ content.

· Biden’s Christmas message clearly divided society into 2 groups “for the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.” The only people overwhelming the hospitals are those with vaccine side effects!! Biden’s message also highlights the desperate attempt to induce constant fear.

· Videos of politicians and celebrities literally putting their mask on and off depending on their knowledge of a camera being on.

· The media is dire and apocalyptic but perks up and offers hope only in the form of government prescribed solutions like mass vaccination, masks and obedience.

· Facts like the flu being as dangerous as Covid were completely ignored. Or attacked.

· The total mortality for 2020 was normal as compared to all other years. But that factoid is useless to those trying to stoke fear.

· In a lawsuit filed by John Stossel, Facebook admitted their fact checkers were using opinion. Facebook has been terrible for calling everything that doesn’t conform, misinformation.

· In 2015, Dr Satoshi Omura awarded Nobel prize in physiology/medicine for his work that led to the development of ivermectin, a drug that’s helped millions of people. YouTube banned a video of him speaking about its benefits. But you can be sure that if he made any mistake, they would have refuted it and not needed to delete it.

· Never before has the U.S government allowed this kind of blanket censorship of public discourse, it would never be allowed if they did it, but by delegating it to private corporations like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, they can pull it off. It should be completely anathema to censor information in a democratically run nation. There might not be a benefit to misinformation but the risks of censoring are far worse. Private corporations don’t have to be transparent and can shift the goal post.

· Does concern for public health really justify censoring and eliminating financial transaction capabilities of those who raise questions about vaccine safety and mandatory policies? The fact that they’re trying to shut down all conversations using warfare tactics and economic blackmail suggests that it has little to do with keeping people healthy and safe. It’s about controlling the public and ensuring compliance. The question is why?

· Mass formation psychosis. Lack of social connection. Lack of meaning comes from inability to work. Free flowing anxiety. Free floating aggression and frustration. With these in place, the media can present the thing to be feared, and their proposed solution! And everything that doesn’t fit this agenda is demonized. You may be able to notice otherwise intelligent people, completely unable to rationalize and think clearly because they have been hypnotized. This delusion allows them to feel connected, have meaning and purpose, believe in a solution. Google started censoring the term as soon as Robert Malone mentioned it on Joe Rogan.

· “When I refused to be silent, Dr Fauci ordered that my computers and notebooks be confiscated, and orchestrated the retraction of our Science paper”-Dr Judy Mikovits.

9. Pharmaceutical companies have never been trustworthy. We chose to forget that.

· Americans are the top consumers of pharmaceutical drugs, also the highest paying, and have the worst health outcomes among the top 75 nations.

· Pharmaceuticals are now the 3rd biggest killer after heart attacks and cancer-which also are a result of bad diet advice!

· The FDA asked the court to conceal Pfizer’s safety data for 75 years, this was not granted.

· In a Dec 2019 article in the Lancet, Dr Patricia Garcia, professor of global health, former minister of health points out that corruption is embedded in health systems. Arguing that dishonesty and fraud in the healthcare system as a whole, including its academic and research communities is one of the biggest barriers to implementing universal health coverage. Yet the corruption is rarely if ever discussed. Corruption is an open secret that is systemic and spreading.

· Another instance of scientific malfeasance without which this pandemic could not have been declared in the first place, the WHO’s redefinition of pandemic. Original meaning was a new influenza virus that appears, against which the human population has no immunity resulting in several simultaneous epidemics worldwide. With enormous numbers of death and illness. This was changed in the months leading up to the 2009 swine flu pandemic, removed the severity and high mortality criteria. While Covid is different to the flu in terms of what it does to the body, it is the same in terms of lethality rates.

· Also changed the definition of herd immunity. As reported by the American Institute for Economic Research, “the WHO for reasons unknown has suddenly changed its definition of a core conception of immunology-herd immunity. They completely scrubbed the idea of natural immunity. As noted by the AIER, “this change in WHO ignores and even wipes out hundreds of years of medical advances in virology, immunology and epidemiology. It is thoroughly unscientific, shilling for the vaccine industry in exactly the way conspiracy theorists say the WHO has been doing since the beginning of this pandemic.”

· In her book Death by Modern Medicine, Caroline Dean discusses how in the past 100 years, the treatment of symptoms with drugs has dominated the practice of healthcare. If you treat the symptoms, then you can always keep a customer coming back. If you treat the cause, you lose the customer. The end result is a sickness industry that kills more people each year than most are aware of. It is buried by the media.

· In 2000, Dr Barbara Starfield published a landmark study showing 225,000 Americans die from a physician’s activity. Nothing has changed. A 2016 study published in British Medical Journal showed that medical errors kill about 250,000 Americans each year. Still probably underestimated since it didn’t include at home deaths or in nursing homes.

· The drug companies develop drugs using taxpayer’s money, then sells them back to us at enormously inflated prices.

· The push for mandatory vaccines radically accelerated with the implementation of the national childhood vaccine injury act of 1986. Granting drug makers partial liability protection for harm. A historic acknowledgement by the U.S government that federally licensed, recommended and state mandated child vaccines can cause injury and death. It created a compensation program for parents who didn’t want to go to court. Over 30 years, the law has been amended by congress and federal agencies to make federal compensation almost impossible to obtain.

· Aldous Huxley “Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left.”

· The tobacco industry has influenced doctors with money, and the sugar industry and Coca-Cola, and Monsanto. Why are we still so naïve?

10. Any potential treatment other than vaccine was demonized ferociously

· Infectious diseases have been a threat since before humans existed. Our ancestors relied on healthy immune systems and hygiene practices. And now for some reason we need man-made interventional vaccines. In response, people will always bring up the life expectancies of our ancestors but fail to understand one simple thing, they combined widespread infancy death with someone who lives to 80 and then say the average age was 40!

· London based cardiologist, highly esteemed and award-winning Dr Aseem Malhotra, one of those warning that poor diet increases risk of death from Covid, saying the government and public health England are ignorant and grossly negligent for not telling the public they need to change their diet now.

· Other proponents of hydroxychloroquine-based protocols include America’s frontline doctors, a group of physicians who formed this coalition specifically to counter the false narrative that it is too dangerous. Members of the group were quickly censored by media platforms, at least one lost their job, Zelenko ended up being investigated by a Baltimore federal prosecutor.

· Dr Harvey a Risch, professor of epidemiology at Yale school of public health, in a July 2020, Newsweek op ed, “I have authored over 300 peer reviewed publications and currently hold senior positions on the editorial boards of several leading journals, I am usually accustomed to advocating for positions within the mainstream of medicine, so have been flummoxed to find that, in the midst of a crisis, I am fighting for a treatment that the data fully supports. But which for reasons having nothing to do with the correct understanding of the science has been pushed to the sidelines, as a result tens of thousands of patients with covid are dying unnecessarily. I am of course referring to hydroxychloroquine.

· The efforts to prevent doctors from using this is further evidence that there is ulterior motives. They went out of their way to vilify a decades old drug with an excellent safety profile, this shows we are not dealing with a real medical establishment. The censoring and manipulation of medical information is part and parcel of the social engineering of this system.

· The NIH published research in 2005 showing it is a potent inhibitor of Sars Corona virus and spread. Having both prophylactic and therapeutic benefits. Fauci should have been well aware of these findings, yet has gone on record multiple times stating these drugs don’t work and there’s insufficient evidence and the evidence is only anecdotal.

· But then again, if an inexpensive generic drug can prevent influenza, then what would we need seasonal vaccines for? It poses a significant threat to the drug industry. Fake studies were made up to denigrate the drugs. Intentionally using too high of a dose to make it look dangerous.

11. Transhumanism

· Doctor Yuval Noah Harari transhumanist and advisor to Klaus Schwab director of the WEF “in the past, many tyrants and governments wanted to do it, but nobody understood biology well enough. Nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people. But soon, at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people.” “If indeed, we succeed in hacking and engineering life, this will be the greatest revolution.”

· One resource they apparently intend to harvest is our bodies. Just one example, Microsoft’s international patent wo/2020/060606 (glad they got the 666 in there). Describes a cryptocurrency system using body activity data. If implemented would turn humans into robots.

12. Lockdowns did not work. Cures that are worse than the disease

· Taiwan never implemented a lockdown. They did better than many that did. Ranked one of least severe countries in the world. Of the 24 million, 12 died of covid. By contrast, LA had some of the harshest lockdown restrictions and their population is 10 million. Yet there were 23,762 deaths.

· MIT researchers showed that social distancing was useless. Also showing there was never a need to limit people to indoor gatherings because sufficient ventilation was enough. Forcing people to stay indoors may have prolonged the pandemic.

· Texas was open while LA was closed, same death rates.

· As noted by Matt Ridley in a telegraph op ed, viruses naturally weaken over time as more people are exposed. So implementing lockdowns the virus primarily spreads among the sickest which allows the most lethal strains to dominate.

· Neil Ferguson, a professor of mathematical biology, produced a string of pandemic predictions that have turned out to be spectacularly incorrect. Like his 2005 forecast that 200 million people would die from bird flu (actual figure-282 people worldwide from 2003 to 2009). Yet in 2020, governments worldwide have relied on this man’s predictions to justify their draconian lockdowns in modern history. He said UK would be looking at death toll of 500,000 and the U.S 2.2 million if no action was taken.

· In 2020, led by Gates, silicon valley applauded as powerful medical charlatans applied the most pessimistic projections from discredited modelling and easily manipulated PCR testing, and a menu of new protocols for coroners intended to inflate reporting of covid 19 deaths, fanned panic, and confined the world under house arrest, the suspension of due process, due notice and common rule making meant that the government didn’t have to first calculate whether destroying the global economy, disrupting food and medical supplies, and throwing 1 billion humans into dire poverty and food insecurity would kill more people than it would save. .

· Lockdowns are the cause of covid damage. The narrative is that we had no choice, but nothing could be further from the truth. According to CDC, survivability rate is 99.997% for 0-19 years old. 99.98% for 20-49 years, 99.5% for 50-69, 94.6% for 70+.

· Nursing homes and hospitals have been the main vectors for disease, not most work places and schools, or social gatherings and outdoor events.

· There’s no evidence that lockdowns have saved lives. On the contrary, there is a significant number of excess deaths from drug overdoses, depression and suicide, anxiety, domestic abuse, stats on the health and welfare and education of kids, getting worse, in Japan which didn’t even implement lockdowns, government stats reveal that more people died from suicide in the month of October than have died from covid all year.

· People can’t see their family before they die.

· Establishment health officials, virologists, genetic engineers are funded by the military bio defense/biowarfare programs, big pharma and big govt, they maintain that the virus is so dangerous and that there is no existing drugs or treatment protocols that can help. This is a joke given the fact that we already know the majority of deaths occur in people with comorbidities. You avoid being fat and chronically ill by the choices you make.

· In order to save elderly and immunity compromised people, we are sacrificing people in the prime of their lives.

13. History doesn’t repeat itself but it does rhyme

· The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. It strips us of our rights, drives a society into totalitarianism. At least, when that society doesn’t have God. It trusts in its earthly father the state to protect it. And it will happily accept more power that you choose to give it.

· Anyone who has studied history will recognize the symptoms of collective hysteria. We’ve stopped asking ourselves if the cure is worse than the disease.

· Censoring, propaganda, Isolation, monopolization of perception, degradation techniques (shaming nonconformists), threats, demonstrating omniscience and omnipotence, occasional indulgence (temporarily lifted restrictions), we have to decide if constitutional freedoms are more important than a false sense of security.

· Ben franklin “those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

· The technocrats have no intention of ever letting us go back to normal, that’s why it’s called the “new normal”.

· As David Clunes says in his book ‘The Covid-19 Conundrum’, if the covid-19 hoax doesn’t convince you to divest from the politicians and corporations they serve, including divesting form big businesses’ goods and services, nothing will.” Special interests just beta tested turning entire nations into virtual prisons.

· It should be obvious the pandemic is being prolonged and exaggerated for a reason, not because there’s a concern for life but it’s a ploy to enslave the global population within a digital surveillance system. A system so unnatural and inhumane that no rational population would voluntarily choose it.

· “Government technocrats, billionaire oligarchs, big pharma, big data, big media, the military industrial apparatus love pandemics for the same reasons they love wars and terrorist attacks. These crises create opportunities of convenience to increase power and wealth.”

· In The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Kline chronicles how authoritarian demagogues, large corporations and wealthy plutocrats use mass disruptions to shift wealth upwards, obliterate the middle classes, abolish civil rights, privatize the commons, expand control.

· A consummate insider, former white house chief of staff, Rom Emmanuel, is known for his admonition that vested power structures “never let a serious crisis go to waste.”

· Fear has always been used to steer the population into submission. All you have to do is tell the people they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism. 9/11 was used to justify violative mass surveillance.

· The first casualty must always be freedom of speech. Burn books, persecute artists, ban/cancel people, outlaw gatherings. It is axiomatic that without free speech, democracy withers.

· Dictatorships aim to replace the vital ingredients of self-rule, debate, self-expression, dissent, skepticism with rigid authoritarian orthodoxies. Like instead of citing scientific papers to justify mandates for masks, lockdowns and vaccinations, they command blind obedience by citing undeserved authorities WHO, CDC, U.S FDA, NIH, captive agencies that are groveling sock puppets to the industries they regulate.

· The medical profession has not proven itself as a defender of democratic institutions or civil rights. Virtually every doctor took lead roles in the 3rd Reich’s project to eliminate mental defectives. Gays, disabled and jews. Mass murder and unspeakable experiments. Not a single prominent doctor or association spoke up.

· “Trust the experts” is antidemocratic and anti-science. Experts frequently differ.

· In 1976, novel swine flu infected 230 soldiers in New Jersey, causing 1 death. Fearing a repeat of the Spanish flu, a vaccine was fast tracked and the government propaganda machine cranked into action. Telling everyone to get vaccinated. More than 45 million Americans complied. Over the next few years, nearly 4000 people filed vaccine damages claims. Several hundred cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome. Even healthy 20-year-olds became paraplegic. At least 300 deaths attributed to the vaccine as well. Meanwhile, the death toll from the actual virus never got higher than 1.

· Then in 2005, there was another bird flu scare. Joseph Mercola has a book called The Bird Flu Hoax. Detailing these things. One long lasting effect of all those scare campaigns was that the WHO started to coordinate a fast-tracked procedure for licensing and approval of pandemic vaccines. Swine flu also came up again in 2009. In response what was the suggestion? Shots for all! Even though the severity was moderate, generally requiring neither hospitalization nor medical treatment. Most cases had mild symptoms that cleared up on their own. The fast tracked 2009 swine flu vaccine was found out in 2011 to have a causal link to childhood narcolepsy. Which abruptly skyrocketed in several countries.

· For decades, the threat of conflict and fear of attack have always provided the justification needed for and military occupation, and chipping away of civil liberties. Patriot Act was rammed through in the aftermath of 9/11. A 342-page document that was clearly already written not composed just 2 weeks after the attack, which changed 15 existing laws and allowed the TSA to legally record anyone’s phone calls. All under the guise of protecting freedom. Ominously, 2 congress men who opposed it, had letters with weaponized military grade anthrax mailed to their offices.

14. Societal Collapse

· Force people to wear masks that atomize any sense of community and solidarity, and prevent the subtle eloquent non-verbal cues for which God and evolution equipped us with 42 facial muscles.

· Widespread anxiety and fear

· Extreme political polarization

· Media censorship

· Draconian lockdowns

· Shutdown schools and businesses

· Economic meltdown.

· Digital dictatorship, most advanced in China. One is emerging in the west that competes but also cooperates with the Chinese elite. Led by Bill Gates and Eric Smidt of Google.

· Edward Snowden “as authoritarianism spreads, as emergency laws proliferate, do you truly believe that when the first wave, this second wave, the 16th wave of the virus is a long-forgotten memory, that these capabilities will not be kept?”

· In Dec 2020, the International Monetary Fund presented a plan to tie people’s search history to their credit score. If you think online censorship is bad, consider a world where you cannot do anything because all your money has been frozen because you said the wrong thing.

15. The Red Flags of the Vaccine

· Covid 19 mortality is extremely low outside of nursing homes. We don’t need vaccines. 99.7% of people recover.

· After decades of massively funded research, big pharma has never been able to develop an effective vaccine for coronavirus.

· A genetically engineered vaccine designed to modify perhaps permanently human RNA, has never been allowed on the market.

· A Real-Time News investigation found that in 2021 there was a 5-fold increase in FIFA athletes suddenly collapsing and dying of heart related events. Myocarditis a main one that has already been seen as a clear side effect of the vaccine. This is just a focus on 1 sport!

· As of April 1, 2022, VAERS lists 26,693 deaths from the vaccine and 147,677 hospitalizations. Unlike the actual virus, these deaths and injuries are occurring in all age ranges and health types!

· Investigations have shown only 1-10% of all instances actually get reported to the VAERS.

· Vaccine trials were rigged. They were called efficacious if they reduced symptoms, not that they reduce spread and infection. Preventing infection was not a criterion. In a 2020 Forbes article, William Haseltine explains that 3 of the vaccine protocols do not require that their vaccine prevent serious disease, only that they prevent moderate symptoms which may be as mild as a cough or headache.

· 1 in 40 are injured by vaccines, not 1 in a million.

· The reason vaccine companies got full immunity was because they knew and admitted vaccines are unavoidably unsafe.

· The vaccines receive a lot of positive press. But they are experimental, limited short term safety data because they were fast tracked to market, this is beyond reckless. No long-term safety studies, to observe a laundry list of side effects that commonly show up in other vaccines.

· MRNA has never been licensed for use in humans.

· There’s no data that could indicate long term effects, independent researchers who have analyzed the clinical trial data, point out that the effectiveness has been wildly exaggerated. Pfizer and Moderna boasted 90% and 95% efficacy rate. But how did they define efficacy? What did they leave out? They don’t specify the CT that they base their effectiveness off of, which is crucial to determine the accuracy of the virus, and therefore the vaccine.

· They don’t mention anything about hospitalization and deaths. If the vaccine efficacy rate only prevents moderate to severe symptomatic disease, and not infection and transmission, it would be impossible to achieve herd immunity. And it only would be worth giving to people who would ACTUALLY have a hard time with the disease, which you WON’T if you’re healthy.

· In a letter to the editor published by the British Medical Journal, Dr Allan Cunningham, went on to estimate the number of people needed to vaccinate with Pfizer’s vaccine. To prevent just one covid 19 case, 256 must get vaccinated, the other 255 people derive no benefit. But are subject to adverse vax effects. Whatever they may be and whenever we learn about them.

· In an article published by Mises Institute, Dr Gilbert Berdine, helps explain this statistical manipulation. The efficacy figures are odds ratios. When the risks of an event are small, odds ratios can be misleading about absolute risk. The more meaningful measure of efficacy would be the number needed to vaccinate to prevent one hospitalization or one death. Those are not available.

· The drug companies are experts in confusing physicians and public by conflating absolute and relative risks. They’ve previously done this in spades with statin drugs that made tens or hundreds of billions profits. Nov 2020, British Medical Journal article, Peter Doshi, associate editor of journal, pointed out that while Pfizer claims 95% efficacy, this is the relative risk reduction, not the absolute which is less than 1%.

· In another article, he presented additional concerns, Pfizer didn’t consistently confirm whether test subjects who showed symptoms, were actually PCR positive. A large portion of them were marked ‘suspected covid 19’. The efficacy rate 95% is based on PCR confirmed cases only. Since the data shows there is 20x more suspected cases than confirmed ones, the relative risk reduction may be as low as 19% Doshi said. Which is far below the 50% efficacy required for use authorization by regulators.

· What’s more, if suspected cases occurred in people who had false negatives, then the efficacy would be even lower, they excluded 371 participants from its efficacy analysis due to ‘important protocol deviations on or prior to 7 days after dose 2’. Of those, 311 were from the vaccine group. Why were 5 times as many excluded from the vaccine analysis? What were these protocol deviations? This is called stacking the deck.

· Doshi also points out that current trials aren’t designed to tell us if the vaccines will actually save lives. If they don’t are they really worth the risk, only a few thousand verified healthy volunteers were exposed to the vaccine, the real beta testers are those who were the first lining up to get their shot! What effect will RNA vax have on DNA?

· The risk of antibody dependent immune enhancement (paradoxical immune enhancement) was highlighted in the paper ‘informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of covid 19 vaccine worsening clinical disease’. Published in International Journal of Clinical Practice, Covid vax elicit neutralizing antibodies that may sensitize people to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated, adding that vaccines for Sars, Murs and RSV have never been approved and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern.

16. Sources

· Joseph Mercola’s The Truth About Covid-19

· Robert F Kennedy

· Patrick Wood’s Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order

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