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Writer's pictureGhee Zuzkreist

The Trinity

1. Introduction • You’ll find yourself talking about this with unbelievers who are either genuinely confused or trying to mock. Or Muslims, or Jehovah’s Witnesses. They all have something in common, they don’t think the Bible is inerrant. Which is important because a major way the Trinity is revealed is by being the best/only explanation for a huge array of verses. But if you start off with the belief that the Bible has been corrupted, then you don’t have to let it change your mind you can just cherry pick and form doctrines based on circularity. • The trinity is 1 God and 3 persons in that Godhead, this gets misunderstood as tritheism (3 Gods). It is 3 who’s and 1 what. It is a mystery but it’s not a contradiction. It’s interesting with people who simply refuse this doctrine because it “doesn’t make sense to them”, who said the creator of the universe should be so easily explained and understood by mere humans? • The identity of Jesus and his divinity is of the utmost importance because it is a fact that divides every belief in the world. Christians believe him to be God whereas deceptive cults like Jehovah’s witnesses, Mormons and Muslims, all pervert his identity. C.S Lewis’ trilemma argument is relevant here, Jesus said and did many things that he knew could and should be interpreted as him claiming to be God, which either makes him a liar, a lunatic or actually Lord. • Without Jesus coming and the New Testament, much of the Old Testament is left hanging on question marks. This idea isn’t even explicit, it’s too subtle for each author to just simply catch on and intentionally contribute to the idea. When the bible says God is one, its likely the context will reveal it was in regards to polytheism not his internal nature. Trinity analogy like sun being the star, producing rays, which produce heat. All separate yet all the same thing. 2. Dumb Arguments • “The word trinity isn’t found in the bible.” This is ridiculous seeing as though words summarizing a doctrine are made by us. The word omniscient isn’t found in the bible either do you think God then can’t be omniscient? • “Who was Jesus praying to? Himself?” No, that would be modalism (God switching hats). No one is claiming that the son is the father which is what this objection implies, Mt 3:16 clearly distinguishes between the father and son. • “Why didn’t Jesus say he was God?” He did. Multiple times. In multiple ways. Very explicit in John and Revelation. Every time he did the Jews tried to kill him. Below are many examples.

• “The Trinity is pagan” Usually involves association fallacy-thinking the qualities of something are inherent in something else just because they share irrelevant similarities. They do this by calling the Trinity pagan because in some pagan works, 3 deities are grouped together. Any actual text suggesting anything resembling a Trinity, usually comes AFTER the time of Jesus. Or isn’t any type of resemblance at all. (Leyden papyrus X-250AD) and the Hindu Trimurt is a late concept not showing up until 4th century. It is a doctrine taught throughout scripture so the work is really cut out in saying Christians stole it. There are plenty of pagan myths that group 2 deities together or four. But they only skim through to point out the 3. It is people like JW’s who make this argument, who more closely resemble pagan beliefs. They believe Jesus was created yet they worship him, that makes up countless pagan myths. Created gods that get worshiped. • “Jesus said the father was the only true God” Yes, this is in John 17:3 and then just 2 verses later Jesus says he enjoyed fellowship with the father before the beginning of the world. And then a few more verses later (v11 and 21) Jesus says him and the father are one. • “Jesus said my father is greater than I” That’s right, he doesn’t say “God is greater than I”. He’s talking about the persons in the trinity. There is a trinitarian view called monarchical trinitarianism that accounts for this. 3. The Trilemma Argument • C.S Lewis made the point that Jesus didn’t leave any room to be called just a good moral teacher. He claimed to be God in multiple ways and let people worship him. Unless you are indeed God, that is a horrible thing to do. • Although he could just be deluded and crazy, but there is no indication for that only a mountain of evidence in the other direction. • Or he could be lying, which again is a burden to prove to the one claiming it. People don’t suffer crucifixion for a lie. So he is either a lunatic, liar or actually Lord. 4. Verses that Need a Trinity • The fact that the bible teaches monotheism is uncontroversial and in fact was pretty much unprecedented back in ancient history. So, we know the bible is consistent in its monotheism. Which means these strange counterintuitive verses need explanation. Without the trinity, lots of passages don’t make sense. And these are the ones that cults rush to, to offer their spin. • Prior to second century, Jewish scholars say the trinity doctrine would have fit comfortably into what the Jews believed. But the Talmud and Jewish leaders went completely unitarian to distance themselves from Jesus • Gen 1:26. Very interesting that it refers to God solo right up until it talks about God making man in his image or as the text says “our image.” Now why would this unitarian God suddenly switch to “our” and “us” right at the point of creating humans, a bunch of other things had just been created. • Gen 18 to 19-The Lord capital L appeared to Abraham, yet it is 3 persons.

Gen 22: This particular angel of the Lord speaks for God as if he is God. "You have not withheld from ME". • Zech 2:4-5 An angel is saying “I will be a protective wall of fire around Jerusalem says the Lord. And I will be the glory inside the city.” Verse 6-God sent himself? • Zech 3:2 -The Lord uses the Lord’s name to rebuke Satan as if it’s another person. • Zech 4:8-9 Again, the Lord sends himself?

Zech 12: God says "they will look on me, they one they have pierced" How do you pierce and look at God without Jesus? "and they will mourn and grieve bitterly for him". Why does it switch to 3rd person like that? Like there's some sort of distinction between him and the one who is pierced. Oh wait, John 1:1 fixes that! • John 13:20 The Father sends Jesus and Jesus sends the Spirit. • Exo 23:20 God sends an angel (messenger) God’s name (essence/nature) is in him. • Prov 30:4-That’s funny, the NT says Jesus came down and went back up, and that Jesus controlled the winds, and controls the sea…More to the point it’s talking about God and then asks what’s his son’s name… • 1 Pet 1:2. Bang, the Trinity. 5. The Bible Says Jesus is God • Isa 9:6 A child is born and he will be called Mighty God?? And Everlasting Father?? • Isaiah 43:10. God alone is God and there is no other savior. (JW’s think Jesus is another god). Tit 3:4 echoes God being the savior but in v6 so is Jesus… • Isaiah 44:6 The God of Heaven’s armies says I am the first and last, there is none other like me…but Jesus calls himself that in Revelation 1. God calls himself Alpha and Omega, then verse 17-18 has Jesus calling himself the first and the last. • John 1:1-5. The word was with God and the word was God-Jesus. The word became flesh and dwelt among us-Jesus. Verse 18-the only God, who is at the father’s side, he has made him known. • John 5:17-18-Jesus called God his father in a personal way unlike what the Jews could, he was obviously claiming equality with God, that’s why the Jews were offended and John commentates this point in v18, and Jesus knew exactly how it sounded when it was coming out of his mouth. And v19, how can he claim to see the father when no one can see God? V23, Jesus says people will honor the Son as they honor the father?! • John 8:23-24. Jesus claims to be from above unlike the rest of the men. And unless they believe that Jesus is “he” they will die in their sins. • John 8:58 Jesus says “I am” in a way that identifies himself as God. Calling himself eternal, and repeating the words that Yahweh used to identify himself. This is why the Jews wanted to stone him, they knew what he meant. Yet ignorant Muslims today will continually say “show me where Jesus claims to be God!” • John 13:19 Jesus says “so will truly believe that I am he.” • Phil 2:5-11. “Jesus was in the form of God but didn’t think of his equality something to cling to but emptied himself being by taking the form of a servant.” • Col 1:15-20. Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God. First born doesn’t always mean first one born. Especially when talking about rank. And it can’t possibly mean Jesus was the first to be created if just after that it says “For by him all things were created”. And that “he is before all things”. Jesus the Son is past eternal, and uncreated, therefore he is God. • Col 2:8-9. “In him the fullness of deity dwells bodily” He’s not half God half man, read this verse until it sinks in. • Titus 2:13. There is no getting around this. We are waiting for the return of Jesus and so “waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ” can only be interpreted one very slam dunky way. That’s before even getting into the Greek rule here that applies, the Grandville sharps rule which means God and Savior both apply to the name Jesus. The rule is true 100% of the time. • 2 Peter 1:1 also features the Grandville Sharps rule. • Jesus claims to be the bridegroom Mt 9:15, Rev 19:7. In the OT God was the husband to Israel. • Jesus claims to be able to forgive sins. But only God can do that because a sin is a transgression against God ultimately and you can’t forgive someone if they didn’t sin against you. Mk 2:5-7 • Rev 17:14. The Lamb is called the King of King and Lord of Lords another title reserved for God alone… • Rev 22:1 and 3. God and the Lamb share the throne room and worship? • Matt 28:17 The disciples worshiped Jesus and he didn’t stop them… • Hebrews 1 HE is far greater than the angels. He radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God. God said let all the angels worship his son. And “to the son he says ‘your throne o God endures forever and ever…therefore o God your God has anointed you…” 6. The Holy Spirit Cannot Be Impersonal • When you look up texts on the Holy Spirit, he guides people, testifies, speaks and glorifies Christ. He can be blasphemed, grieved, sorrowful. • This is targeted at JW’s who think the Holy Spirit is just a force of power like electricity. • Isa 63:10. The Holy Spirit can be grieved. • Eph 4 You can’t bring sorrow to nonpersons. You can make fun of electricity all you want. • Isaiah 48:16 The sovereign Lord and his Spirit have sent a message. • Mt 3:16-17-After his baptism the “Spirit of God’ descended on him like a dove. • Acts 5 They lied to “the Holy Spirit” and then says again “you lied to God” • Acts 13:2 The Holy Spirit said “set apart for which I have called them.” • Acts 10:19 Holy Spirit speaks, “for I have sent them.” • The Holy Spirit can be pleased Rom 8:5. You cannot please electricity. • Rom 8:9-10 This chapter is full of saying the Holy Spirit is in us, but also the Spirit of Christ is in us? Do we have 2 extra spirits or are they the same thing in essence? • Rom 8:11 The Spirit LIVES. It is alive, it is a person. • Rom 8:26-27 The Holy Spirit again, speaks. • 1 Cor 2:10-God’s Spirit searches and shows God’s secrets, v11 we have received God’s spirit. V13 using the spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths. • 2 Cor 13:14 Fellowship of the Holy Spirit? • Heb 9:8 The Holy Spirit reveals things. • 1 Pet 1:11 The Spirit of Christ was in the OT prophets? And the following verse renames this spirit as the Holy Spirit.

16: 6 Next Paul and Silas traveled through the area of Phrygia and Galatia, because the Holy Spirit had prevented them from preaching the word in the province of Asia at that time. 7 Then coming to the borders of Mysia, they headed north for the province of Bithynia, but again the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them to go there 7. Philosophy • Love is part of God’s nature; how could he love if he was alone? That makes him dependent on something to love. He was never alone; he has always had loving fellowship in the trinity. • This goes for being an everlasting father, if there hasn’t always been a son then he isn’t an eternal father. • Also, the argument of unity and that the bible could teach so consistently such a subtle teaching even though the Jews don’t agree with what they were writing. • For Christians that don’t believe in the trinity, you have to believe in cosmic child abuse, the father forced Jesus to have to do all this, he was born to accomplish it, at least if he had existed prior to this he could have voluntarily chosen to sacrifice himself. • And without God coming down and living the perfect life, what right does a God have to judge us? We should accept discipline and correction from parents because they have learned through experience, they were once where we were. Without Jesus the son, God is morally condemning us for something he has not proved himself capable of. He is by definition a hypocrite-telling others to do something that you will not do yourself. • And without Jesus being God, sin cannot truly be dealt with in a proper just way. Every sin is paid for by Jesus taking it all on to himself. On any other system, sins get ignored and forgotten about. The penalty for sin is death not forgetfulness. How is each sin penalized and accounted for on all the other systems? Most are good works and secret knowledge…I don’t think that takes your guilt away though. • The idea of the trinity is surprising and unlikely invented by humans, this is a monotheistic religion yet has been consistent that this 1 God has 3 persons. This idea isn’t even explicit, it’s too subtle for each author to just simply catch on and intentionally contribute to. This is the progressive revelation. • We pray to the father through Jesus and by the holy spirit within us. 8. Sources • Author James white • • • • • • Acts 4:10-12. Rom 10:9. Calling on the name of Jesus to be saved.

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