What is apologetics?
It is loving God with all of our minds, as well as heart and soul. Important so we are not "blown about by every wind of teaching." (Eph 4:14)
It is Paul in Acts defending the Gospel to Jews with OT prophecy and creating an argument out of the ‘unknown god’ that pagans worshipped.
It is providing evidence for the reliability of scripture through different areas like history, science, and philosophy.
It is also defending against common questions and objections levelled against the faith. 80% of apologetics is just being super well studied in the bible, when sceptics object to bible passages, contradictions, historical errors, we should be learning and anticipating these. If these are real stumbling blocks to someone coming to Christ how lazy for us to say it’s all about faith. The 3 main ones every Christian should know is Why does God allow evil, Why does God seem so hidden? and What about all the other religions?
It is showing that atheism and rejection of Jesus comes with an intellectual price tag.
Why It's Needed
Anti-intellectualism is plaguing many churches, they aren't keeping up with the secular culture. Christians shy away from "knocking down the strongholds of human reasoning" and "destroying false arguments". We are called to "destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God.” 2 Cor 10:4-5
More and more young people are leaving (70%), and their number one reason is intellectual, they just don’t believe it anymore. Their questions aren't being answered. You could hastily assume they just wanted to sin, but their unbelief would have been a lot harder if they were grounded in the good evidence and philosophy of the bible. We need to get involved in the war of ideas and contend for the faith once again. It is only cults that refuse to engage in reasoning because the truth always wins.
Presenting an interesting fact like the apparent design in the universe granted by virtually all scientists in all fields, is much more likely to ignite curiosity in those genuinely open, and hopefully 'put a stone in their shoe'. Sometimes people are looking for reasons to believe (let’s give it to them!) and some are looking for reasons not to (let’s take those away from them!)
The more knowledge we have, the easier it is to segue into a conversation about Jesus. A basic understanding of the moral argument will kick the door wide open and the same principle in the moral argument applies to meaning, hope, value and purpose. These things are not objectively real without God. But we all live like they are real.
How much easier will it be to invite non-believers to a bible study if we included apologetics and a chance for questions and answers? They will be interested in hearing why they should repent not just that they should.
How much easier will it be to start a conversation about Jesus when we’re confident and know what to say? Every Christian should at least know the very basics so when a non-believer asks a genuine but difficult question, the Christian can respond in a way that gives the unbeliever confidence in our worldview. We are commanded to give a defense for the hope that is in us.
Learning logical fallacies and how to argue properly and find truth, is infinitely helpful not only in discussions with unbelievers but also how to develop sound doctrine as well. You can see when you or another person holds a doctrine based on bad reasoning and mishandling scripture.
This approach actually tries to meet the culture where its at. The west is increasingly naturalistic/materialistic/atheistic. Quoting the bible at them doesn’t do what Christians think it does.
Knowledge is power. Knowledge on apologetics is a superpower.
Objections to Apologetics
Of course we cannot PROVE God is real. God did not intend for his existence to be proven because it leaves no free choice to reject him. But he has left us an abundance of evidence, so we have no excuse.
"It's not our job to convince anyone its God's." Maybe. 2 Cor 5:11 “We work hard to persuade others.” It’s still our job to present convincing arguments and reasons and remove excuses to reject God. The Holy Spirit’s job is to move on their hearts and it’s their job to be convinced. We know Christianity is true by the spirit, but we show it with apologetics.
"If there were evidence it wouldn't be called faith!" This is a horrible misunderstanding of the word faith. 'Pistis' in the Greek and it has never meant blind faith. It means trust. You generally don't trust things without evidence. This huge misunderstanding is prevalent among believers as well as unbelievers, if only Christians realized the damage they were causing by propagating it. We are not called to exercise blind acceptance.
When we outreach, we are ambassadors for Jesus and if we can’t answer people’s questions, then we may make ourselves and Jesus look dumb. Yes, it is foolishness to those who are perishing, but take the bible as a whole! The same person who said that was also the same one we called the greatest evangelist of all time, and the same one who used actual arguments and reason to make his case! We have a responsibility, especially if we are outreaching.
"The Holy Spirit will give you the words." If we assume the HS does everything, why do we have churches full of spirit filled believers but only a handful ever going out on outreach?
"All of that just causes arguments. You just need a testimony because you can't argue a changed life."
The Problem With Personal Testimonies
Personal testimonies may work for some people, but they are not the most effective strategy to share Jesus. Here are the reasons why.
A major clue is in the name. It's a PERSONAL testimony. Whatever happened to you, happened to convince YOU personally. The best-case scenario is you share that with someone who is in a very similar situation to where you once were. Testimonies are a type of evidence. If we agree that everyone needs Jesus, and everyone is different and will require different things to be convinced, why are we using the one size fits all approach of personal testimony?
Severely lacking Biblical support. We should be looking to Acts to see how the Gospel was first spread so successfully. How often is a personal testimony used to persuade an unbeliever? Paul had an awesome testimony but instead used reasoning and debate! Our only book on evangelism-the book of Acts-is FULL of arguing and reasoning. Oh and the one time he did use his testimony, 0 people were saved!
“You can’t deny a changed life”, “no one can argue with your testimony”. This is false. It’s very easy. There's at least 3 ways to argue a testimony. 1. Other religions have similar testimonies. 2. Any apparent supernatural element can be explained away psychologically. And 3. “they needed that” or “that’s good for them”. If a Christian tells an anecdote of hitting rock bottom or breaking chains and addictions, anyone who can't relate to their very specific situation will assume they don’t need Jesus. Or at least not until they hit rock bottom themselves. You’re only confirming people in their objection that faith is for the weak minded or those with issues.
And all of those responses can come from genuine and sincerely open-minded people who otherwise would convert if they were presented with actual evidence. If that is the case than a great opportunity has been missed. If our God is real, shouldn’t we be able to demonstrate he is far more likely an explanation over other religions and atheism? Not everyone rejects because they hate God, some just genuinely don’t think its intellectually tenable. But it is!
What about those who don’t have a big powerful testimony? Then what? I know in a lot of cases Christians embellish their stories. Not from a place of deceit but a desire to see people saved. Of course this will happen when they are told testimonies are our only tool!
This is actually one of the things that really bothers nonchristians. People change their minds through dialogue, the exchange of ideas and opinions. Giving a testimony isn't a dialogue, it's a monologue. Which means you're talking at the person. I would wager that this also contributes to the belief that we shove our beliefs down people's throats.
No one seems to have noticed that a testimony is a Christian saying "I experienced God therefore He is real. But that is the equivalent of an atheist saying "I haven't experienced God therefore He isn't real." There is no difference and this does cause arguments when people try to share their testimony.
Which leads to.....more timid Christians! The Christians who already KNOW their testimony doesn't work, are less likely to try and share it and their faith. If only they knew there was another way.
Here’s what subjective, personal reasoning gets you, it gets people leaving Christianity because of…you guessed it subjective personal reasoning. If the complexity of the universe in almost every scientific discipline convinces you there is a creator, then the hypocrites at church won’t affect your belief. A child getting bone cancer might have you question God’s goodness for a while but even the problem of evil if sound, could get you to an indifferent God, not a nonexistent one.
Many sceptics have a bias or objection blocking them from belief. Like evil in the world, or the existence of a literal fiery Hell, or apparent bible contradictions, or something else that cannot be addressed by someone’s subjective personal experience alone.
Personal experiences create unrealistic expectations. You often hear atheists say they prayed to God to reveal himself and He never did. They use this as a reason to say God mustn’t exist. The only reason they think this is a good reason is because they probably heard a Christian testimony where God did answer.
Testimonies have had their chance. The western world at least has heard them all already. Do you know what they haven’t heard? The historical evidence for the resurrection! That’s an easy claim to make because most Christians in Church don’t even know it! Testimonies are a one size fits all approach that does not even fit. If they did, why is the western world running from Church and God at such alarming rates?
Because It’s Biblical
John the Baptist doubted while in prison and Jesus aided by doing miracles and reassuring with evidence, he didn’t say “have faith” or “just pray about it.” Jesus had mercy on doubters and its inaccurate to single out Thomas like he was the only doubter, they all disbelieved at first and Jesus had to provide “many convincing proofs” to all of them.
Jesus never said 'the blind faith shall set you free.' He did however say “If you won’t believe on my words at least believe all these miracles that you’ve seen!"
1 Peter 3:15 “always being prepared to give a defense for the hope that is in you”
2 Cor 5:11 “We work hard to persuade others” Kind of destroying the parroted slogan “we don’t convince anyone we don’t persuade anyone.
2 Cor 10:4-5 “We use God’s mighty weapons to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God.”
Col 4:5-6 “Live wisely among those who are not believers and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.”
Acts 6:9-10-Stephen bested the people trying to debate him.
Acts 18:4-It was Paul’s custom to do what? Go to the synagogue to debate and convince the Jews that the scriptures were referring to Jesus.
Acts 18:24-28-Apollos was a great benefit to those who by God’s grace believed. He refuted Jews with powerful arguments in public debate.
Acts 19:8-For 3 months, Paul argued persuasively about the Kingdom of God.
Acts 24:25-Paul constantly used reason to argue for the faith.
For some reason, Christians don't want to imitate the person they call the great Apostle with the evangelistic method that got Christianity off the ground in the first place.
Jude 1:3 “I must urge you to defend the faith God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people.”
2 Tim 2:23-26-“Be able to teach and be patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth.”
Titus 1:9-“He must be able to show those who oppose wholesome teaching where they are wrong.”
Isai 48:5-God prophesies and predicts things to prove his authority. He boasts about this and we should too. We have permission straight from God to show people his power through fulfilled prophecy.
Arguing isn’t a Sin
"We're called to win souls not arguments." They are not mutually exclusive. The people who say this may be saying more about their own temperament and ability to disagree with people civilly.
Christians usually reject apologetics because they think it will inevitably cause heated arguments and fruitless debates. They might try to use verses like these.
· 2 Tim 2:14: Remind everyone about these things, and command them in God’s presence to stop fighting over words. Such arguments are useless, and they can ruin those who hear them.
· 2 Tim 2:23: Again I say, don’t get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights.
· Titus 3:9: Do not get involved in foolish discussions about spiritual pedigrees or in quarrels and fights about obedience to Jewish laws. These things are useless and a waste of time.
· Mt 7:6: “Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.
· And all the warnings about quarrelling in Proverbs.
You may notice however the context for the first 3 clearly have nothing to do with sharing the Gospel. This isn’t arguing over words and trivial things as Paul warns of, unless you think the person’s salvation is trivial. And you run the risk of throwing pearls before swine no matter how you share the Gospel. The Gospel is offensive and you always run the risk of making someone angry and want to debate. The difference is apologetics prepares you for the debate and there's a pretty simple way to prevent throwing pearls before swine. Ask the person if they would worship God and make Jesus Lord of their life if they knew it was all true. If they proudly declare "I would never worship such a God!" Then pat yourself on the back for saving all that time and effort and don't engage anymore.
Oh and for every verse about quarrelling in Proverbs, there’s a verse describing debate as the witnessing tool in Acts. Don't go and count I'm obviously using hyperbole.
Arguments are like alcohol; they are not inherently bad but are easily abused by humans. Another similarity is that they both are viewed as sin by those who don’t study their bible and/or have weak consciences. Love and debate are not mutually exclusive.
Heated, out of control arguments can also be compared to physical fights. When you are experienced, trained and know what you are doing, the likelihood of a fight breaking out is much less likely and if it does, it will be handled with skill and grace. The gospel is always going to be divisive; Christians are making very exclusive truth claims, it would go down a lot better if we could justify them rationally.
Apologetics Clearly Works
"No one's ever been argued into the Kingdom" That's funny, the stats seem to show everyone being argued OUT of the kingdom! Also, 'no one'? That is a claim to omniscience, how could someone possibly know that? They don't! Because...
Many Famous and influential Christians were atheists that were argued into the faith. C.S Lewis, Lee Strobel, Josh McDowell, Lord Lyttleton and Gilbert West, Frank Morrison all set out to disprove the bible (like many others who since converted). J Warner Wallace, a highly successful cold case detective that read the gospels and found them to be telling the truth. We love talking about these guys but for some reason we don’t imitate them as they imitate Paul.
“We don’t need another million-dollar apologist, we need a million 1-dollar apologists”-J Warner Wallace.
“We met for lunch at a local restaurant, that’s when my life really changed for the better. We continued meeting and discussing God. I was baffled at how much evidence there really is. No one had ever talked to me about Christian apologetics. It surprised me to hear that there were people out there that are trying to give evidence for God’s existence, and who Jesus was. Apologetics made me take a second look at what religion was, and why Christianity is worth believing!”-Drew Peistrup, Away from Atheism (blog).
“Lee Strobel recently remarked to me that he has lost count of the number of people who have come to Christ through his books. The Case for Christ and The Case For Faith. Nor, if I may speak personally, has it been my experience that apologetics is ineffective in evangelism. We continually are thrilled to see people committing their lives to Christ through apologetically oriented presentations of the gospel.”-William Lane Craig.
Ray comfort, needgod.net, Trinity Radio, InspiringPhilosophy are YouTube channels full of videos where this is put into practice. You won't spend long scrolling through comments of any random video to find all the people saying how it has strengthened their faith or destroyed their skepticism.
And that's not even mentioning the thousands upon thousands of private messages and emails these apologists receive regularly. David Wood used to post daily updates of people apostatizing from Islam because of his work but there became so many that he couldn't.
https://youtu.be/0aS_sHDnWy0 8 mins. Braxton Hunter of Trinity Radio went to Ireland in 2017 doing talks, he was bothered that he’d been there for several days without seeing much response. He was wondering why he even went, asking himself why God brought him there. But before one Q&A night, he prayed in a backroom that there might be someone who has all their questions answered and receive a ‘gift of faith.’ After what he describes as a very lively discussion, he goes and talks to a woman back where he was praying, she sat in the exact spot where he prayed that prayer, and then at one point she said ‘I was sitting there listening and every major question that was keeping me from faith was answered, and there was almost like-I don’t know how you Christians put it but it was almost like a gift of faith or something.” And a year later, when this Braxton was just about to take the stage at an apologetics conference to talk about people coming to faith through evidence, he got an email from the woman who recounted her whole testimony at the perfect time for him to get up on stage and use it.
Unfortunately, apologetics is still a fringe notion in many churches today. But as Susan B Anthony said “cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputation and social standing, never can bring about reform. Those who are really in earnest must be willing to be anything or nothing in the world’s estimation, and publicly and privately, in season and out, avow their sympathy with despised and persecuted ideas and their advocates, and bear the consequences.” \
Apologetics is faithful to scripture, guarding its trustworthiness, sufficiency and authority.
Apologetics strengthens the faith of the Christian.
It helps the church love God with all her mind.
Corrects doctrinal error (false teachings and interpretations).
Produces enthusiasm in bible study
And confidence in evangelism.
Reaches the lost.
Answers the demands of a changing culture.
Why wouldn’t you engage in these discussions? Are you scared that Christianity isn’t true? If you think it is then you should know truth can stand up to hard questions and criticism.